Estos días, los trolls entrarán al estudio a grabar su quinto disco. Según cuenta el teclista Trollhorn, el nuevo álbum será aún más oscuro que el anterior, cualquier cosa menos fiestero, y tendrá percusión tribal y "un ejército de
". Se hallan en una situación un tanto surrealista porque tienen el estudio reservado pero todavía no tienen discográfica, desde que se desentendieron de Spinefarm recientemente.
Planean que salga a la luz en octubre, pero no es seguro, como tampoco es seguro que el DVD que grabaron vaya a salir muy pronto, ya que al parecer lleva mucho retraso y no parece que la empresa encargada se dé mucha prisa por acabarlo.
13 de mayo
7 songs ready.
I could pretty much safely say this sounds like a meaner and more wicked version of Ur Jordens Djup with an occasional hint of the first album. For the dissappoitment for those who were waiting for songs sounding like Trollhammaren or Jaktens Tid I have to say that you propably should pick up the new Korpiklaani instead.

To give you a glimpse what to except, some of the present working titles are "Emperor" (hehe), "Oingoborgir", "Addamsfamily", "Arab" and "Mickeymouse". And there is propably going to be a bit more different (tribal) (!!!) percussions than earlier. Expect nothing, you won´t get disappointed.
15 de mayo
If I can recall correctly, the release should be in late autumn 2009. But I can be wrong, you never know about those pesky record company people.
18 de mayo
Oh, sorry, we haven´t signed with anyone yet. I just forgot it.

We´re still negotiating with a couple of labels, and it will propably take a month to announce the new home. Right now nothing is certain, so I can´t even hint that "there´s a 90% possibility we go somewhere".
Yesterday we had a meeting about the album and the music, and everything looks promising. It seems we are going to have 9 songs on the album, and it will last about 39 minutes. But notice the punctuation on the word "seems". Everything can change, as this is Finntroll we´re talking about.

I personally think this will be our best album ever. Overall I can sense there´s a lot "punk" on it, lots of weirdness, a load of *riffs* instead of chord progressions, quite a bit of folkish parts and a lurking, evil atmosphere. In the terms of "heaviness", it´s propably the heaviest album we´ve done, at least judging from the song material.
29 de mayo
Intro is molding together! This is primitive.... did somebody mention sticks and stones? Man this album is going to be a weird one.