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 Asunto: Symphony X reedita "Paradise Lost" en 5.1
NotaPublicado: Jue Oct 23, 2008 1:12 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Symphony X reedita "Paradise Lost" en 5.1

InsideOut Música anuncia para el 4 de noviembre una edición especial 5.1 del álbum de Symphony X "Paradise Lost". La edición ncluirá un DVD 5.1 mezclado por Jens Bogren y los vídeos en HD de los temas de "Set the World on Fire" y "Serpent's Kiss"




1. Oculus Ex Inferni
2. Set The World On Fire (The Lie Of Lies)
3. Domination
4. The Serpent s Kiss
5. Paradise Lost
6. Eve Of Seduction
7. The Walls Of Babylon
8. Seven
9. The Sacrifice
10. Revelation (Divus Pennae Ex Tragoedia)

1. Oculus Ex Inferni
2. Set The World On Fire (The Lie Of Lies)
3. Domination
4. The Serpent s Kiss
5. Paradise Lost
6. Eve Of Seduction
7. The Walls Of Babylon
8. Seven
9. The Sacrifice
10. Revelation (Divus Pennae Ex Tragoedia)
11. The Serpents Kiss (videoclip)
12. Set The World On Fire (The Lie Of Lies) (videoclip)

Symphony X - Set The World On Fire

Symphony X "Serpent's Kiss"

Product Description
The masters of Symphonic Power Metal Return! Symphony X are recognized by-and-large as one the most important acts in the worldwide Metal scene. After the release of their hugely successful CD, The Odyssey , and after nearly five years, Michael Romeo and his band have Returned with what is already being praised as their best work to date. Paradise Lost has all the trademarks that have come to be associated with Symphony X: Incredibly intricate and powerful, yet-melodic compositions that showcase every member s unrivaled technical skill as instrumentalists. However, once again it must be said that the spotlight is squarely on the ferocious vocal force of singer Russell Allen and the almost inhuman pyrotechnics of guitarist Michael Romeo.

The Special 5.1 Edition of Paradise Lost features a digi pack that was designed by Warren Flanagan, who has done art-direction for major motion picture blockbusters such as I Robot, X-Men and Blade. In addition to this great package, the release also includes a DVD with the videos for Set The World On Fire and Serpent s Kiss . Paradise Lost 5.1 is thee guitar release of the Fall!


 Asunto: Re: Symphony X reedita "Paradise Lost" en 5.1
NotaPublicado: Mié Nov 18, 2009 1:31 pm 
Bardo Bastardo
Bardo Bastardo
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SYMPHONY X trabajando en su nuevo disco

La banda de Power Metal Progresivo norteamericana SYMPHONY X continúa enfrascada en la realización del que será su próximo álbum. Según Michael Romeo, guitarrista de la banda, esperan tenerlo terminado hacia el final de invierno o principios de primavera de 2010. El disco será editado por Nuclear Blast.


 Asunto: Re: Symphony X reedita "Paradise Lost" en 5.1
NotaPublicado: Vie Nov 20, 2009 1:21 am 
Heavy Metal Hamster
Heavy Metal Hamster

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