Los autores del mejor disco del año pasado (porque lo digo yo y basta) entraron de nuevo al estudio para grabar la continuación de su debut
As the path unfolds. Aún no hay fecha de edición ni nada que se le parezca, pero bueno, el caso es que la maquinaria ya empezó a moverse, de hecho la percusión ya está grabada. Dicen que la producción va a ser mucho más grande, habrá más instrumentos y más invitados.
Crimfall has started to record the second album
Wednesday, 17 February 2010 19:32 Jakke
It has been about one year since "As The Path Unfolds..." was released. So it was about the time to start doing the second one. All the material is more or less composed and one thing is for sure... this one will be much bigger production. More instruments, more guest appearances, more of everything. Updates about the progress will be written every now and then.
Drums are done!
Tuesday, 23 February 2010 13:23 Jakke
All the drums are now hammered for the second album. We managed get an excellent sound out of Janne's kit. That's an great start for the whole project since we are aiming much more natural sound compared to "As The Path Unfolds...". And what comes to actual playing... oh man... it was wild, fast and furious!!!! Some photos will be added as soon as we get the picture section running again.

O es que crees que eres el único que va to ciclau ahiiii pinchando aguja por todo baraca? eh?