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 Asunto: Re: RUNNING WILD siguiente abordaje
NotaPublicado: Lun Ago 12, 2013 1:39 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
RUNNING WILD: lista de temas de "Resilient"

"Resilient" saldrá a la venta el 4 de octubre de 2013 en Alemania y el 7 de octubre de 2013 en el resto de Europa. La fecha exacta de lanzamiento en EE.UU. se dará a conocer pronto, aunque también será en el mes de octubre.

Lista de temas:

01. Soldiers Of Fortune
02. Resilient
03. Adventure Highway
04. The Drift
05. Desert Rose
06. Fireheart
07. Run Riot
08. Down To The Wire
09. Crystal Gold
10. Bloody Island
11. Payola & Shenanigans (Limited Edition Bonus Track)
12. Premonition (Limited Edition Bonus Track)


 Asunto: Re: RUNNING WILD siguiente abordaje
NotaPublicado: Vie Ago 23, 2013 11:24 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
RUNNING WILD más detalles de "Resilient"

RUNNING WILD lanzará su nuevo álbum "Resilient" el 4 de octubre en Alemania, el 7 de octubre en el resto de Europa y el 8 en los EE.UU. a través de Steamhammer / SPV.

"Resilient" fue producido por el propio Rock'n'Rolf, apoyado por Niki Nowy durante la mezcla y masterización, así como Katharina Nowy y Peter Jordan, quien contribuyó en una serie de solos de guitarra. Por primera vez, Rolf trabajó con líneas vocales precisas durante las grabaciones de la demo. "Tener letras y melodías vocales precisas durante la demo era nuevo para mí, pero todo salió muy bien y nunca he ido al estudio tan bien preparado como lo hice esta vez. No tuve que probar y probar las cosas, sólo tuve que poner algunos toques finales a mi forma de cantar en el estudio. Una clara ventaja! " :shock: :shock: :shock:

Referente a si RUNNING WILD presentará su nuevo disco en directo Rolf comento: "Hemos tenido un montón de ofertas para festivales en el verano de 2014, que vamos a pensar detenidamente. Se sabrá mas en unos meses, e informaremos a nuestros fans tan pronto como lo tengamos en nuestra mente".


"Resilient" edición digipak:

01. Soldiers Of Fortune
02. Resilient
03. Adventure Highway
04. The Drift
05. Desert Rose
06. Fireheart
07. Run Riot
08. Down To The Wire
09. Crystal Gold
10. Bloody Island
11. Payola & Shenanigans (bonus track)
12. Premonition (bonus track)

"Resilient" edición normal:

01. Soldiers Of Fortune
02. Resilient
03. Adventure Highway
04. The Drift
05. Desert Rose
06. Fireheart
07. Run Riot
08. Down To The Wire
09. Crystal Gold
10. Bloody Island

"Resilient" LP:

LP 1

Side 1

01. Soldiers Of Fortune
02. Resilient
03. Adventure Highway

Side 2

01. The Drift
02. Desert Rose
03. Fireheart

LP 2

Side 3

01. Run Riot
02. Down To The Wire
03. Crystal Gold

Side 4

01. Bloody Island

Adrian, the band’s mascot, in his brave battle against the forces of nature – the cover of the new RUNNING WILD album "Resilient" documents emphatically: this band really is irrepressible. Their current studio production sees the metal galley from Northern Germany sail close to the metal wind again, tougher and more determined than ever. Captain Rock'n'Rolf Kasparek has come up with twelve storm-proof numbers, ten of which are scheduled for release on the regular CD on 7 October 2013 (Germany: 4 October, USA: 8 October), two additional bonus tracks and a poster will be included on the limited version of the album. There can be no doubt: RUNNING WILD will proudly sail the pirate flag in the 38th year of their existence, effortlessly sailing through the straits of the business.

Rock'n'Rolf has been working full throttle on this new album since February 2013. Due to his intense involvement with GIANT X, his band with guitarist Peter Jordan, Rolf had consciously taken a break from RUNNING WILD and has now resumed work with the band with zest and lots of new ideas. "The break was important and extremely refreshing for me", he explains. "I felt that renewed vigour as soon as I started writing the material for "Resilient", tracks such as "Fireheart" and "Soldiers Of Fortune" just came pouring out of me. The dynamic pace of "Soldiers Of Fortune" in particular kicked off a whole avalanche of creativity in me."

Rolf explains that "Resilient" is audibly tougher and more compact than its predecessor "Shadowmaker", clearly enjoying his revived zest: "'Shadowmaker' happened to come about slightly unexpectedly and spontaneously, even for me. The album has brought back the fun I used to have with RUNNING WILD, and my fans will get to feel this fun when 'Resilient' comes out in October!"

The album's opener will be called "Soldiers Of Fortune", and the title track, "The Drift" and "Run Riot" will be three typical RUNNING WILD numbers. The most outstanding song on the album, however, is called "Bloody Island", with almost ten minutes playing time one of the longest tracks in RUNNING WILD's career to date. Rolf: "As a composer, it's of course difficult for me to pigeonhole the new material stylistically, but friends who have heard the demo version of "Bloody Island" claim that it would have fitted in on "Pile Of Skulls".."

In terms of lyrics, there are the familiar fusillades that we've come to expect from RUNNING WILD: "Bloody Island" and the bonus track "Payola & Shenanigans" see Rock'n'Rolf criticise the curse of greed that we've seen specifically in the European banking crisis of recent years. "Crystal Gold" is about the obviously politically motivated privatisation of drinking water, and "Fireheart" and "Run Riot" are warnings to RUNNING WILD's fans to be confident of themselves and vigilant towards authorities. Rolf: "For me, that’s the attitude which stands for that true rock'n'roll feeling."

"Resilient" was produced by Rock'n'Rolf himself, supported by Niki Nowy during the mixing and mastering process, as well as Katharina Nowy and Peter Jordan, who contributed a number of guitar solos. For the first time, Rolf worked with precise vocal lines during the demo recordings. "The targeted use of lyrics and vocal melodies during the demo stage was new for me, but it worked out really well and I've never gone to the studio as well prepared as I did this time around. I didn't have to try and test things but only had to put a few finishing touches to my singing at the studio. A definite advantage!"

Remains the question whether RUNNING WILD will present this brilliant album live on stage. Rolf: "We've had a lot of festival offers for summer 2014 which we will look at carefully. We'll know more in a few months' time and will inform our fans as soon as we've made up our minds." ... 7892896034


 Asunto: Re: RUNNING WILD siguiente abordaje
NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 06, 2013 4:57 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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RUNNING WILD - Bloody Island (Snippet)


 Asunto: Re: RUNNING WILD siguiente abordaje
NotaPublicado: Dom Jun 07, 2015 6:08 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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RUNNING WILD anuncia la formación para su actuación en el WACKEN

Rolf "Rock'n'Rolf" Kasparek líder de RUNNING WILD ha revelado la formación de la banda para la actuación del grupo en el Wacken Open Air de este año en Wacken, Alemania. Se unirán a Kasparek en el concierto Peter Jordan en la guitarra, y las últimas incorporaciones a la banda, Ole Hempelmann en el bajo y Michael Wolpers en la batería.

Dice Rolf: "Esperamos veros el 31 de julio en el Wacken, vamos a tocar exclusivamente para vosotros, un nuevo tema de nuestro próximo álbum de estudio. !Nos vemos a bordo¡"


Rolf "Rock'n'Rolf" Kasparek of German power metallers RUNNING WILD has revealed the band lineup for the group's performance at this year's Wacken Open Air festival in Wacken, Germany. Joining Kasparek at the concert will be Peter Jordan on guitar, and RUNNING WILD's latest additions, Ole Hempelmann on bass and Michael Wolpers on drums.

Says Rolf: "We're looking forward to rock Wacken with you on the 31st of July. Also we will play a brand new song from our forthcoming studio album, exclusively for you! See you on board!"

RUNNING WILD's Wacken performance will take place on July 31 from midnight until 1:30 a.m. on the Black Stage. ... -open-air/


 Asunto: Re: RUNNING WILD siguiente abordaje
NotaPublicado: Sab Jun 11, 2016 1:59 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
RUNNING WILD: nuevo disco "Rapid Foray"

Dice Kasparek que esta vez ha trabajado los temas más que en los dos anteriores discos, a ver si es verdad :roll: es difícil hacerlo peor que en "Resilient".

Runnning Wild ha anunciando que su nuevo disco "Rapid incursión", estará disponible en tiendas físicas y digitales a partir del 26 de agosto. El disco se editará como CD en caja de plástico, digipak, doble vinilo y descarga digital.


01. Black Skies, Red Flag 4:44
02. Warmongers 4:29
03. Stick To Your Guns 5:08
04. Rapid Foray 4:47
05. By The Blood In Your Heart 5:27
06. The Depth Of The Sea – Nautilus (instrumental) 3:53
07. Black Bart 5:06
08. Hellestrified 4:22
09. Blood Moon Rising 4:20
10. Into The West 4:34
11. Last Of The Mohicans 11:11


Good things come to those who wait: three years after the release of "Resilient", RUNNING WILD have announced the title and release date of their latest album: "Rapid Foray" will be available from physical and digital retailers from August 26, 2016 as a boxed set, on Digipak CD, double vinyl LP and for digital download. The band’s mastermind Rolf Kasparek apologises for the long delay: "Due to my broken shoulder, I was totally or at least partly incapacitated for more than twelve months from spring 2014, something that repeatedly delayed work on the new material. After that I had to prepare intensively for our show in Wacken, which was also very time-consuming. Now I’m all the more pleased to be able to present an exceptionally strong new recording to all RUNNING WILD fans." Kasparek promises his fans one of the most diverse albums yet in the career of RUNNING WILD, featuring eleven varied numbers and a great deal of attention to detail. "The new tracks are more complex than those on our previous two releases", Kasparek reveals, "which I noticed in particular when we were recording the guitars. At the same time some of the numbers remind me of RUNNING WILD classics. I feel that we’ve come up with a very interesting and impressive mix." "Rapid Foray" was produced by Rolf Kasparek with Niki Nowy as sound engineer, who also mixed and mastered the material together. The cover artwork is based on a photo by Kasparek which Jens Reinhold (VIRGIN STEELE, FREEDOM CALL, among others) subsequently gave the look of an oil painting. ... 20791034:0


 Asunto: Re: RUNNING WILD siguiente abordaje
NotaPublicado: Sab Jun 11, 2016 12:39 pm 
Heavy Metal Hamster
Heavy Metal Hamster
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Registrado: Mar Abr 17, 2012 7:59 pm
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A ver si es verdad.
Echo de menos las (típicas) intros en los discos de Running Wild. De esta nueva entrega, por lo menos, mete un tema instrumental (a ver como suena) y el, también típico, tema conceptual -The Last Of The Mohicans-.
Sigue, por lo menos en la portada, con la temática bucanera, que a mí me molaba, pero considero que ha bajado bastante.
Veremos. :roll:

- ¿Por qué seguimos admirando a ciertas personas a pesar de que hayan demostrado ser mucho peores que otras a las que detestamos?
- Por qué determinados rasgos admirados en la ficción nos resultan repulsivos en la vida real.

 Asunto: Re: RUNNING WILD siguiente abordaje
NotaPublicado: Jue Jul 07, 2016 1:24 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204


 Asunto: Re: RUNNING WILD siguiente abordaje
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 20, 2016 2:14 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
RUNNING WILD: nuevo tema "Black Bart"


 Asunto: Re: RUNNING WILD siguiente abordaje
NotaPublicado: Mié Oct 16, 2019 2:19 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Nuevo EP de RUNNING WILD en diciembre

Running Wild lanzará el 6 de diciembre un nuevo EP titulado, “Crossing The Blades”, con cuatro nuevos temas y una versión del clásico de Kiss, "Strutter".

El tema "Crossing The Blades" es un adelanto del nuevo disco que se lanzará en verano. Kasparek comenta: “Esta versión solo estará disponible en el EP “Crossing The Blades”. El álbum tendrá una versión diferente, completamente regrabada y con una serie de pequeños cambios”. La segunda canción del EP que se titula "Stargazed" fue presentada por la banda en el Wacken de 2018.

"Crossing The Blades" se lanzará a través de SPV / Steamhammer el 6 de diciembre de 2019 como CD-EP, vinilo de 12", pack con camiseta (tienda de Steamhammer), descarga y streaming.


1. Crossing The Blades 5:25
2. Stargazed 3:40
3. Strutter 3:05
4. Ride On The Wild Side 4:05


Rock N’ Rolf– guitarra, voz
Peter Jordan– guitarra
Ole Hempelmann - bajo
Michael Wolpers– batería


It’s been three years since Running Wild wowed their fans with their (still) current album Rapid Foray. Three years in which a lot of water has passed under the metal galleys of time and the fans’ requests for new songs have become more and more vociferous. To ease the wait so that his supporters won’t have to hold out until early summer 2020, Running Wild captain Rock´n`Rolf has come up with a real masterstroke: on 6 December 2019 – Saint Nicholas Day! – the band have a special little gift for their fans and will release the EP Crossing The Blades, featuring four brand-new tracks, including an exciting cover of the Kiss classic, ‘Strutter.’

First of all, the focus is on the EP’s opener, ‘Crossing The Blades’. What’s so special about this song is the fact that it’s a harbinger of the next regular album, scheduled for release in summer, but will remain unique in its present incarnation. Because, explains Kasparek: “This version will only be available on the Crossing The Blades EP. The album will feature a different version, completely re-recorded and with a number of little changes.” The EP’s second track is called ‘Stargazed’ and should be familiar to a lot of Wacken attendees, after all Running Wild had presented the song exclusively at the 2018 W:O.A, to an enthusiastic response. Number three is the Kiss cover ‘Strutter’, it is a homage to Rolf's first idols, of course in typical Running Wild style and with a little more steam than the original. Last but not least: The new EP closes with ‘Ride On The Wild Side’, which – thanks to its powerful pace and high compositional quality – would almost have made the shortlist for the upcoming album.

Thanks to its first-rate production and a number of exclusive features, these four songs are more than likely to make up the long wait until summer 2020 and the arrival of the next full album. At the same time, they will heighten the anticipation of Running Wild’s new material and their upcoming festival appearances. For Rock´n`Rolf and his band a challenge that they will happily rise to!

"Crossing The Blades" will be released through SPV/Steamhammer on December 06th, 2019 as CD-EP, 12" vinyl version, shirt bundle (Steamhammer Shop), download and stream: ... ?__tn__=-R


 Asunto: Re: RUNNING WILD siguiente abordaje
NotaPublicado: Vie Oct 25, 2019 11:36 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
RUNNING WILD: nuevo tema "Crossing The Blades"


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