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 Asunto: Re: SIXX: A.M. nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 28, 2021 3:16 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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SIXX:A.M. lanzarán un disco de grandes éxitos

SIXX: A.M., el proyecto de Nikki Sixx junto con DJ Ashba y el vocalista James Michael, lanzará el álbum "Hits" el 22 de octubre a través de Better Noise Music. El proyecto es una celebración retrospectiva de los mayores éxitos de la banda y las canciones favoritas de los fans. Y, sobre todo, incluye seis canciones nunca antes escuchadas, lo que marca el primer álbum oficial de la banda con material nuevo desde 2016.


01. Life Is Beautiful (3:35)
02. This Is Gonna Hurt (3:56)
03. Lies Of The Beautiful People (3:58)
04. Pray For Me (4:13)
05. Rise (3:53)
06. Stars (3:50)
07. Maybe It's Time (4:21)
08. Skin (3:25)
09. Belly Of The Beast (3:47)
10. Are You With Me Now (4:02)
11. Girl With Golden Eyes (4:20)
12. Accidents Can Happen (4:07)
13. Gotta Get It Right (3:12)
14. We Will Not Go Quietly (4:20)

New bonus tracks:

15. The First 21 (3:20)
16. Talk To Me - Radio Mix (3:39)
17. Penetrate (4:38)
18. Waiting All My Life (3:17)
19. Skin - Rock Mix (3:50)
20. Life Is Beautiful - Piano Vocal (3:06)


SIXX:A.M., the long-running project featuring MÖTLEY CRÜE bassist Nikki Sixx alongside former GUNS N' ROSES guitarist DJ Ashba and vocalist James Michael — will release the "Hits" album on October 22 via Better Noise Music. The project is a retrospective celebration of the band's biggest hits and fan-favorite songs. And, most notably, it includes six previously unheard songs, marking the band's first official album with new material since 2016.

"Hits" will arrive three days after the highly anticipated release of Sixx's new memoir "The First 21: How I Became Nikki Sixx" (Hachette Books). One of the new songs included on the album is also titled "The First 21", with its lyrics being inspired by the captivating content of the book. ... its-album/


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