STEEL PANTHER: las autoridades británicas prohíben la exhibición de la portada de "Balls Out" por ser abiertamente sexualLas autoridades reguladoras de la publicidad en el Reino Unido "Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)", dicen que el cartel que se mostró en público el pasado otoño y que se basaba en la portada del álbum era "inadecuada para su exhibición pública". La ASA dijo que el cartel de la campaña atrajo muchas quejas, entre ellas la de una organización benéfica que representa a mujeres de grupos étnicos que han sido víctimas de abuso y violencia.
Universal Records, el sello Steel Panther, dijo a ASA que los carteles no estaban destinados a ofender y que formaba parte de la "esencia" de la banda. La discográfica también negó que el cartel fuese ofensivo para las mujeres.
Sin embargo, la ASA dictaminó que el cartel era no era apto para ser visto por los menores y que podía ser delictivo y una seria ofensa.

Steel Panther are experiencing something of a Spinal Tap moment: A poster for their 2011 album, Balls Out, has been banned by British advertising authorities because they find it "overtly sexual."
The UK's Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) says the poster, which ran outdoors last fall and was based on the album cover (pictured at left), was "unsuitable for public display." The ASA told Campaign Magazine that the poster drew many complaints, including one from a charity that represents women from ethnic backgrounds who have been victims of abuse and violence.
Universal Records, Steel Panther's label, told ASA that the posters weren't meant to cause offense and were part of the band's "ludicrously over the top" persona. The label also denied that the poster was offensive to women.
But the ASA ruled that the poster was likely "to cause serious and widespread offense" and was unsuitable to seen by kids. ... tly-sexual