TANKARD trabajando en su nuevo disco "R.I.B. (Rest In Beer)"El nuevo álbum de Tankard se titulará "R.I.B. (Rest In Beer)" y esperan lanzarlo en el verano de 2014 a través de Nuclear Blast.
"Inspirados en el lema "Nunca cambies un equipo ganador", los muchachos entrarán en el estudio en enero de 2014 para comenzar la grabación con el productor Michael Mainx (BÖHSE ONKELZ, DER W, D-A-D, DISBELIEF), quien produjo el último álbum. La banda también ha optado por Patrick Strogulski quien creó la portada de "A Girl Called Cerveza"...

013-10-18 01:00 - Legendary German alcoholic thrash metal act TANKARD is currently working on the follow up to their highly acclaimed 2012
album, 'A Girl Called Cerveza'. The new album will be titled 'R.I.B.' (Rest In Beer) and is set to be released in summer 2014 via Nuclear Blast.
Taking inspiration from the motto “never change a winning team”, the guys will enter the studio in January 2014 to kick off the recording
with producer Michael Mainx (BÖHSE ONKELZ, DER W, D-A-D, DISBELIEF), who produced the last album. The band have also chosen to
use Patrick Strogulski who created the artwork for 'A Girl Called Cerveza' and is also a student of Sebastian Krüger who created
TANKARD's previous album artwork up to the 2012 release.
Mastermind Gerre states:
"After the highest chart position in the band's history with 'A Girl Called Cerveza' we are looking forward to work again with
Michael Mainx - to record the next thrash hammer! Currently we're working hard to finish the last few songs for the album
and I can promise that this time the techno influences are greatly scaled back… joking aside,
if it’s called TANKARD, you will always get TANKARD - otherwise let yourself be surprised!"
Until the release of the new album, Nuclear Blast is offering fans a series of reissues covering the highlights of the
TANKARD discography, including extensive bonus material!
http://www.nuclearblast.de/en/label/mus ... r-i-b.html