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 Asunto: Novedades ELUVEITIE
NotaPublicado: Mar Jul 22, 2008 10:17 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Eluveitie nueva formación

En junio Eluveitie anunciaba en su web que tanto Sevan (flauta, gaitas, etc) como Rafi (bajo) habían decidido dejar Eluveitie. Ambos tomaron esta decisión, por motivos personales. Tanto Sevan como Rafi llevaban mucho tiempo en la formación, en el caso de Sevan desde el principio. Esto fue un golpe para la banda, aunque entienden y aceptan su decisión. "No vamos a olvidar los años que hemos pasado juntos y le deseamos a Sevan y Rafi todo lo mejor en su futuro musical, así como en lo personal. Gracias tanto por vuestra dedicación como por el tiempo que pasamos juntos los últimos cuatro años"


Pues ahora nos comunican que ya tienen sustitutos.

Päde Kistler
Toca diversos tipos de gaitas, así como flautas y guitarras acústicas, Päde es un multi-instrumentista y, sobre todo, un experimentado gaitero. Para algunos, (los especialmente interesados en folk) Päde podría no ser desconocido, ya que ha dado prueba de sus habilidades como músico e interprete en la banda folk suiza "Branâ Keternâ", donde tocan también Meri (Violin) y Chrigel (vocalista). Y que además es un muy buen tio.


Kay Brem
Lleva largo tiempo en la escena metálica de Suiza, y es un muy cualificado bajista. Kay anteriormente tocaba en "Cataract and Tribes Of Caïn" actuando en innumerables escenarios de toda Europa. Como a Päde, lo conocen también desde hace bastante tiempo.


We welcome two new combatants to the Eluveitie host!
During the last couple of weeks we received many applications for the two vacant positions in our band. We’d like to use this opportunity to thank all musicians who contacted us for their messages, efforts and interest in our band. We read all applications assiduously and thought a lot about the whole thing.

Now we are very pleased to announce that we have decided for two new band members! And we are as confident to have found two awesome musicians and as we’re proud and happy to introduce them to you:

Päde Kistler
Playing diverse kinds of bagpipes, as well as whistles and acoustic guitars, Päde is a multi-instrumentalist and especially an experienced piper!
To some of you (especially the folk interested guys) Päde might not be unfamiliar: He used to proof his abilities as musician and also as disarming performer in the Swiss folk band Branâ Keternâ, where also Meri and Chrigel used to play!

Kay Brem
Being a long-time rock’n’roll bastard of the Swiss metal scene, Kay makes a very skilled bass player that will for sure kick your asses as hell. Kay formerly played with the Swiss metal machines Cataract and Tribes Of Caïn and honoured or rather ravaged countless stages all over Europe. As Päde, we also got to know and esteem Kay as a great musician and person quite a while ago.

Some pictures you find on our website.

We are really happy,content and proud to have Päde and Kay on board – both of them being great musicians, as well as just fucking cool people that perfectly fit into our band!!

So… we raise our horns and ardently welcome them in the Eluveitie camp!

Your Eluveitie crew


 Asunto: EX-Eluveitie vende Gaita Gallega
NotaPublicado: Mar Jul 29, 2008 1:21 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
EX-Eluveitie vende Gaita Gallega con modificaciones paganas

:shock: Pues eso que ha salido a la venta la gaita del hasta hace poco miembro de la banda Sevan Kirder.


Se trata de una gaita gallega en color negro realizada por David López García y que modifico "decoro" el propio Sevan Kirder (Ex-ELUVEITIE)

La gaita ha sido usada tanto en la grabación de los discos de la banda como en los videoclips y giras. El precio de salida esta en 1500 €.

Auctioned will be the Original ELUVEITIE Bagpipe "Dr. S-Bock".

The Bagpipe was originally manufactured by David López García from
Galicia, Spain. (Gaita Gallega in black)

Paganistic modifications were made by Sevan Kirder (Ex-ELUVEITIE)


The Bagpipe was used among other things for:

Recording - From the Ashes / RED SHAMROCK
Recording - Spirit / ELUVEITIE
Recording - Slania / ELUVEITIE

Videoclip - "Of Fire, Wind and Wisdom"/ ELUVEITIE
Videoclip - "Inis Mona" / ELUVEITIE

Concerts - About 150 Gigs between 2005-2008 / ELUVEITIE & RED SHAMROCK

T-shirt - Image on current ELUVEITIE Shirt (by Maria Picassó)


The first bid is set to 1500€, everything that will be bidded over this amount,
will be donated to a caritative Organisation!


NotaPublicado: Dom Ago 03, 2008 1:30 pm 
Guitar Hero
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A mí Sevan me hacía gracia en los videoclips. NOOOO POR QUÉ SE TIENE QUE IR T.T

Imagen Imagen
eddie for leader

 Asunto: Re: ELUVEITIE nueva formación
NotaPublicado: Jue Ago 25, 2011 3:16 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
ELUVEITIE lanzará nuevo sitio web y "EluTV" en Septiembre.

Parece que se empiezan a mover las cosas en Eluveitie, y ya se sabe que una nueva web casi siempre coincide con nuevo disco, habrá que estar atento a las noticias.


New website & EluTV in September!

After a few weeks of silence (you'll soon learn what we were busy with) we are glad to announce the first of some big news coming up in the near future. In early September, we'll be launching "EluTV" (alongside a brand new website): Pretty much a full documentary on our touring and recording activities, providing exclusive backstage footage over dozens of episodes. Available of course for free! Watch a trailer here:


 Asunto: Re: ELUVEITIE nueva formación
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 27, 2011 12:08 pm 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Sab Nov 08, 2008 1:28 pm
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Ubicación: Valhalla
Jooooooder, se me va el Sevan? Pues vaya, me da igual que el Päte ese sea un experimentado gaiteiro, sus flautas no van a sonar como las de Sevan :(

Born to bear and bring to all the details of our ending, to write it down for all the world to see...

 Asunto: Re: ELUVEITIE nueva formación
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 27, 2011 12:09 pm 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Sab Nov 08, 2008 1:28 pm
Mensajes: 3445
Ubicación: Valhalla
Ah, ¿y no hay nuevo bajista?

Born to bear and bring to all the details of our ending, to write it down for all the world to see...

 Asunto: Re: ELUVEITIE nueva formación
NotaPublicado: Jue Sep 01, 2011 11:18 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
"Helvetios" nuevo disco de ELUVEITIE para 2012

Como ya adelantábamos el estreno de una nueva web y de EluTV presagiaban nuevo disco, y aquí esta el anuncio de "Helvetios".

... Merlin ha iniciado la grabación de la batería para el nuevo álbum, que como ya dijimos llevará el título de "Helvetios" en los estudios Newsound en in Pfäffikon, Suiza. Trabajaran de nuevo con Tommy Vetterli (Coroner, Ex-Kreator) que grabara las voces, guitarra y bateria además de mezclar el nuevo disco. Los intrumentos folk y otras voces serán grabadas por Anna Murphy y Marco Jencarelli en los Soundfarm estudios de Lucerne.

" Es todo lo que podemos decir por ahora, estamos muy entusiasmados con el nuevo material, y no podemos esperar al lanzamiento a principios de 2012."


banana_piano.gif 2alegria.gif 2alegria.gif 2alegria.gif 2alegria.gif 2alegria.gif Platano_diablo.gif oooh.gif

New Album announced, HELVETIOS is coming in 2012!

Never resting, we have made good use of the time between the shows of our Everything Remains World Tour, and are therefore able to announce that as of today, September 1st, Merlin has begun drum tracking for our new Album titled HELVETIOS at the Newsound studios in Pfäffikon, Switzerland. We are again working with Tommy Vetterli (Coroner, Ex-Kreator) who will record drums, guitars and vocals and will also be producing and mixing the record. Most folk instruments and also vocals will be recorded by Anna Murphy & Marco Jencarelli at the Soundfarm studios in Lucerne.

All that’s left to say for now is that we are extremely excited about the new material, and we cannot wait for the release in early 2012. Further updates will appear regularly on this site, both in news as well as in a studio blog in which the bandmembers themselves will keep you up to date.

Last but not least, we are only hours away of posting the first episode of EluTV, so that should keep you entertained in the meantime!


 Asunto: Re: ELUVEITIE nueva formación
NotaPublicado: Jue Sep 01, 2011 11:23 pm 
Centinela de Asgard
Centinela de Asgard
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Registrado: Dom Jun 22, 2008 11:15 pm
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Ubicación: Beneath the metal sky
la violinista sale en el nuevo de Arkona (por lo visto Masha hizo muchos amiguitos en el Paganfest)

O es que crees que eres el único que va to ciclau ahiiii pinchando aguja por todo baraca? eh?

 Asunto: Re: Novedades ELUVEITIE
NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 02, 2011 1:55 am 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Sab Nov 08, 2008 1:28 pm
Mensajes: 3445
Ubicación: Valhalla

Born to bear and bring to all the details of our ending, to write it down for all the world to see...

 Asunto: Re: Novedades ELUVEITIE
NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 02, 2011 2:58 pm 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Sab Ago 30, 2008 1:50 pm
Mensajes: 1860
StudioBlog: Batería, Parte 1


So I suppose it’s time to check in here and do the honors of writing the first post! We’re about to start day 2, and so far the sessions going very well. Even though it did take about 3 hours to get the bassdrum sound just right for Tommy. However, as of now the drums sound incredible, and we are done with the first three tracks. There’s Red Bull and Coffee for breakfast, and once Tommy’s properly awake we should be ready to kick some more ass today.
For those interested: This time I’m recording on a Bubinga drumkit Tama has generously provided, with a very basic setup including 22″x20″ Kickdrum, 10″x08″ & 12″x09″ Toms, a 16″x16″ Floortom and a 13″x6.0″ Snaredrum. Cymbals are of course Zildjians (Mainly A Custom, but also my Favourite 21″ K Custom Crashride and 13″ K Custom secondary hats), and I’m beating the s**t out of everything with the best drumsticks in the world made by Vic Firth, breaking Drumheads made by Evans (G2 Clear on toms, Emad2 Clear on kickdrum, and Power Center on snare).

Enough talking for now though, after all we’re here to record an album!

- Merlin


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