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 Asunto: Noticias de AD INFINITUM
NotaPublicado: Sab Feb 01, 2020 4:29 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Disco debut de AD INFINITUM


Ad Infinitum anuncia que su álbum debut, “Capítulo I: Monarchy”, se lanzará el 3 de abril a través de Napalm Records.


01. Infected Monarchy
02. Marching on Versailles
03. Maleficient
04. See You in Hell
05. I Am the Storm
06. Fire and Ice
07. Live Before You Die
08. Revenge
09. Demons
10. Tell Me Why
11. See you in Hell (Acoustic)
12. Tell Me Why (Acoustic)
13. Marching on Versailles (Instrumental)
14. See you in Hell (Instrumental)
15. This Is Halloween


Melissa Bonny - voz
Adrian Theßenvitz - guitarra
Jonas Asplind - bajo
Niklas Müller - batería

Ad Infinitum Lifts The Veil To Reveal “Marching On Versailles”
Spellbinding Debut Full-Length Album, "Chapter I: Monarchy", Out April 3, 2020

Watch “Marching On Versailles” here:
Pre-order "Chapter I: Monarchy" here:
Pre-save the album and singles to your streaming collection here:

AD INFINITUM on “Marching On Versailles”:
“After many months of work in the shadows, it is a pleasure and almost a relief to finally reveal the first single of our debut album “Chapter I: Monarchy“. We hope that this one and the following ones will captivate and seduce you. Doctors strongly advise to play it loud and repeatedly.” ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de AD INFINITUM
NotaPublicado: Vie Mar 27, 2020 5:54 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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AD INFINITUM: nuevo tema "Live Before You Die"


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de AD INFINITUM
NotaPublicado: Vie Oct 30, 2020 4:14 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69289
AD INFINITUM lanzarán una regrabación acústica de su disco debut

Ad Infinitum han regrabado su álbum debut, en una versión acústica titulada “Chapter I Revisited”, que se lanzará digitalmente el 4 de diciembre a través de Napalm Records.

Melissa Bonny comenta sobre la nueva versión del disco:
“Después del lanzamiento de “Chapter I: Monarchy”, recibimos comentarios muy positivos sobre los bonus tracks acústicos. Este verano, cuando nos dimos cuenta de que probablemente no haríamos ninguna gira este año, decidimos crear algo especial para las personas que nos apoyan. Revisamos y regrabamos por completo nuestro “Capítulo I” y le dimos una atmósfera completamente nueva.


01. Infected Monarchy (Acoustic)
02. Marching On Versailles (Acoustic)
03. Maleficent (Acoustic)
04. See You In Hell (Acoustic)
05. I Am The Storm (Acoustic)
06. Fire and Ice (Acoustic)
07. Live Before You Die (Acoustic)
08. Revenge (Acoustic)
09. Demons (Acoustic)
10 Tell Me Why (Acoustic)


Melissa Bonny, vocals
Adrian Theßenvitz, guitars
Jonas Asplind, bass
Niklas Müller, drums

Symphonic metal alliance Ad Infinitum have reimagined their spellbinding debut album, Chapter I: Monarchy, with Chapter I Revisited – a very special acoustic version of their first full-length, to be digitally released December 4 via Napalm Records!

Watch the video below!
Pre-Order "Chapter I: Revisited" here:

AD INFINITUM on "Marching On Versailles (Acoustic)":
“2020 has been, and still is, challenging for everyone. The band had to find other ways than touring to connect with our fans and friends. Therefore, working in secret, we prepared one more surprise for you. An early Christmas present! A complete acoustic album featuring all the songs of Chapter I: Monarchy. Be ready for Chapter I Revisited!”

Melissa Bonny on Chapter I Revisited:
“After the release of Chapter I: Monarchy, we received very positive feedbacks concerning the acoustic bonus tracks. This summer, when we realised that we would probably not tour at all this year, we decided to create something special for the people who support us. We revisited and re-recorded entirely our Chapter I and we gave it a brand new atmosphere. Please welcome Chapter I Revisited!” ... ?__tn__=-R


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de AD INFINITUM
NotaPublicado: Mié Jul 14, 2021 3:31 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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DARK SIDE OF THE MOON es el nuevo proyecto de Melissa Bonny

“La cantante de Ad Infinitum Melissa Bonny, el guitarrista de Feuerschwanz, Hans Platz, su compañera de banda la arpista Jenny Diehl y el batería de Amaranthe Morten Løwe Sørensen forman The Dark Side Of The Moon. Después de escuchar la primera canción, Napalm Records firmó inmediatamente a la banda y está muy orgullosa de acompañar a esta gran banda desde el primer día en su misión de transformar temas musicales en cinematografía, programas de televisión y videojuegos en poderosas pistas de metal moderno.

Como la luna, cada canción tiene un lado inexplorado. Aquí es donde te llevará la banda. ¡Bienvenido a la familia Napalm!

La banda comenta:
¡Hoy estamos orgullosos de anunciar que estamos comenzando la búsqueda épica de transformar nuestros temas cinematográficos favoritos y los tuyos en poderosos temas de metal! Y para hacerlo, estamos felices de asociarnos con Napalm Records para el lanzamiento de este álbum épico que también contiene algunas canciones de nuestra propia composición. Te llevaremos en una búsqueda musical desde las profundidades de Moria hasta el Trono de Hierro. Y para hacer este viaje aún más mágico, invitamos a algunos de nuestros amigos músicos a unirse a nosotros. Estad atentos y bienvenidos al lado oscuro! ”


Melissa Bonny (Ad Infinitum ) – voz
Hans Platz (Feuerschwanz ) – guitarra
Morten Løwe Sørensen (Amaranthe ) – batería
Jenny Diehl (Feuerschwanz) – arpa


Today we are proud to announce that we are starting the epic quest of transforming our and your favorite cinematic themes into powerful metal tracks! And to do so, we are happy to team up with Napalm Records for the release of this epic album that will also contain some songs of our own composition. We’ll take you on a musical quest from the depth of Moria up to the Iron Throne. And to make this journey even more magical, we invited some of our musician friends to join us. Stay tuned and welcome to the dark side!

Melissa Bonny (Ad Infinitum ) – vocals
Hans Platz (Feuerschwanz ) – guitars

Morten Løwe Sørensen (Amaranthe ) – drums

Jenny Diehl (Feuerschwanz) – harp ... =3&theater


Members of Feuerschwanz, Amaranthe and Ad Infinitum form THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON
Sign worldwide record deal with Napalm Records!

Ad Infinitum singer and multi talent Melissa Bonny, Feuerschwanz guitarist Hans Platz, his bandmate harpist Jenny Diehl and Amaranthe drummer Morten Løwe Sørensen form THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON! After hearing the first song, Napalm Records immediately signed the band and is very proud to accompany this great band from day one on their mission to transform musical themes in cinematography, TV shows and video games into powerful modern metal tracks!

Like the moon, every song has an unexplored side. This is where the band will be taking you. Welcome to the Napalm family!

"Today we are proud to announce that we are starting the epic quest of transforming our and your favorite cinematic themes into powerful metal tracks! And to do so, we are happy to team up with Napalm Records for the release of this epic album that will also contain some songs of our own composition. We’ll take you on a musical quest from the depth of Moria up to the Iron Throne. And to make this journey even more magical, we invited some of our musician friends to join us. Stay tuned and welcome to the dark side!" ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de AD INFINITUM
NotaPublicado: Vie Ago 27, 2021 2:46 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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AD INFINITUM dan a conocer los detalles de su segundo disco "Chapter II - Legacy"

Ad Infinitum regresa con su nuevo disco "Chapter II - Legacy", que estará disponible el 29 de octubre de 2021 a través de Napalm Records! Después de dejar caer su debut en 2020 y con su primer sencillo, "Marching on Versailles".

""Chapter II - Legacy", ocupa un lugar muy especial en nuestro corazón. Representa meses y meses de arduo trabajo de cuatro compañeros de banda, con un resultado que estamos orgullosos de llamar "autoproducido". Para este disco, decidimos trabajar sin la influencia de un productor externo durante el proceso de composición y hacer equipo con Elias Holmlid para las hermosas y épicas orquestaciones y, por supuesto, con Jacob Hansen, quien grabó [voz], mezcló, masterizó y participó en la postproducción. Un sonido más joven y pesado que define a Ad Infinitum como nunca antes".


01. Reinvented
02. Unstoppable
03. Inferno
04. Your Enemy
05. Afterlife (feat. Nils Molin)
06. Breathe
07. Animals
08. Into the Night
09. Son Of Wallachia
10. My Justice, Your Pain
11. Haunted
12. Lullaby


Melissa Bonny - Voz
Adrian Thessenvitz - Guitarra
Korbinian Benedict - Bajo
Niklas Müller – Batería

Symphonic metal outfit AD INFINITUM return with their bewitching second offering, Chapter II - Legacy, out October 29, 2021 via Napalm Records! After dropping their debut back in 2020 and with its very first single, “Marching on Versailles”, riding high at more than 1.8M video views to date, the highly talented unit didn't put the brakes on. Instead, they transformed pandemic fatigue into heavier soundscapes without sacrificing their signature aura.

A first glimpse of what can be expected from the album is delivered by vibrant first single “Unstoppable”, alongside an explosive music video. The song reflects the band’s attitude in the best way and immediately catches the listener with its intriguing chorus.

AD INFINITUM on the new single:
“We are very happy to finally unveil the first track from our upcoming album, Chapter II - Legacy. Saying that we’ve been impatient to share our work on this record is an understatement. We hope you will enjoy - as much as we do - the first taste of an album that represents the evolution and growth of the band very well.”

“Chapter II - Legacy holds a very special place in our heart. It represents months and months of hard work of four bandmates, for a result that we are proud to call “self-produced”. For this record, we decided to work without the influence of an external producer during the songwriting process and to team up with Elias Holmlid for the beautiful and epic orchestrations and of course with Jacob Hansen who recorded [vocals], mixed, mastered and participated to the post production. A younger and heavier sound that defines AD INFINITUM like never before.” ... 6842586052


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de AD INFINITUM
NotaPublicado: Vie Oct 07, 2022 3:48 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69289
AD INFINITUM anuncia su nuevo álbum "Chapter III - Downfall"

"Chapter III - Downfall", estará disponible el 31 de marzo de 2023 a través de Napalm Records.


01 Eternal Rains
02 Upside Down
03 Seth
04 From The Ashes
05 Somewhere Better
06 The Underworld
07 Ravenous
08 Under The Burning Skies
09 Architect Of Paradise
10 The Serpent's Downfall
11 New Dawn
12 Legends (Featuring Chrigel Glanzmann)


Melissa Bonny - Voz
Adrian Thessenvitz - Guitarra
Korbinian Benedict - Bajo
Niklas Müller - Batería

Ad Infinitum Announces Game-Changing New Album, Chapter III – Downfall,
out March 31, 2023 via Napalm Records!
Watch the Official Video for "Upside Down" here:
Pre-Order here:
In 2023, rising modern symphonic metal outfit AD INFINITUM re-enter the scene with their electrifying third studio album, Chapter III – Downfall, out March 31 via Napalm Records. The unit's signature sound - consisting of heavy, modern riffs paired with haunting vocal melodies of incredibly talented Melissa Bonny - has positioned them for unstoppable ascension in the metal world. Following the massive stir caused by songs like “Marching on Versailles” and “Unstoppable” - which have each garnered over 2.7 million and 2.3 million video views, respectively, to date - this next offering provides another wave of proof of the breakout success they have earned since the release of their debut album in 2020.
AD INFINITUM on “Upside Down“:
“As we hit the road for our European tour with Amaranthe, Beyond The Black and Butcher Babies, we are proud and excited to present “Upside Down”, the first single of our upcoming album Chapter III – Downfall. We are looking forward to seeing many of you all over Europe and playing this new song on stage!“
“The word is out, Chapter III - Downfall is on its way! For this album, we explored stories and legends of Ancient Egypt with, as star character and main inspiration, Cleopatra. We added some extra dimension and sounds to our signature AD INFINITUM sound to create an extra dimension, transporting the listener to mystical landscapes of another era. We are beyond excited to start to unveil this new record!“ ... FRE2AHRELl


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de AD INFINITUM
NotaPublicado: Vie Jul 26, 2024 4:14 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69289
Nuevo disco de AD INFINITUM

Ad Infinitum lanzará su nuevo disco “Abyss”, el 11 de octubre de 2024 a través de Napalm Records!

Comenta la banda:

“Nuestro nuevo sencillo, “My Halo”, ya está disponible, y con él, el anuncio no sólo de nuestro próximo álbum, “Abyss”, sino también de nuestra próxima trilogía de álbumes. Este es nuestro trabajo más elaborado, íntimo y sin complejos hasta el momento, con el sonido característico de Ad Infinitum, jugando con nuevos sonidos y nadando en aguas más oscuras”.


01. My Halo
02. Follow me Down
03. Outer Space
04. Aftermath
05. Euphoria
06. Surrender
07. Anthem for the Broken
08. The one you'll hold on to
09. Parasite
10. Dead End
11. My Halo (Orchestral Version)


Melissa Bonny - Voz
Adrian Thessenvitz - Guitarras
Benedicto Korbiniano - bajo
Niklas Müller - batería

Ad Infinitum to Release Game-Changing Modern Metal Masterpiece, Abyss, on October 11, 2024 via Napalm Records!
Watch the video here:
Pre-Order "Abyss" here:
Swiss/German modern metal frontrunners AD INFINITUM redefine their sound as they look to the future with their upcoming album, Abyss, out October 11, 2024 via Napalm Records! Since breaking out into the scene in 2020, AD INFINITUM has experienced a remarkable rise, evolving their musical style with each release. While their earlier offerings showcased a symphonic metal approach, Abyss reveals a whole new side of AD INFINITUM, marking their most dynamic, modern and progressive record to date.
Today, the band offers a first taste of what’s to come by unleashing the mesmerizing and catchy opening track, “My Halo”, featuring powerful breakdowns and setting the tone for the album. This first single arrives with a captivating official music video. Check it out below, and pre-order your copy of Abyss now!
AD INFINITUM on “My Halo”:
“Our brand-new single, 'My Halo’, is out, and with it, the announcement of not only our upcoming album, Abyss, but also our next album trilogy. This is our most elaborate, intimate and unapologetic work yet with the AD INFINITUM signature sound, playing with new sounds and swimming in darker waters.” ... S1wdTdQ3xl


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