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 Asunto: Volbeat - Live Rock Am Ring 2016 (Full Show)
NotaPublicado: Jue Jun 30, 2016 2:17 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Volbeat - Live Rock Am Ring 2016 (Full Show)

Veremos lo que dura, el sonido y el video perfectos:

00:29 - The Devil's Bleeding Crown
04:46 - Heaven Nor Hell
09:25 - The Warrior's Call
11:48 - I Only Wanna Be With You
13:25 - Radio Girl
17:58 - Sad Man's Tongue (with Johnny Cash - Ring of Fire intro)
23:34 - Let It Burn
27:29 - Lola Montez
32:35 - Hallelujah Goat
36:25 - The Lonesome Rider
41:10 - For Evigt
46:04 - The Gates of Babylon
50:34 - Dead But Rising
54:22 - 16 Dollars
58:20 - The Hangman's Body Count
01:04:21 - Black Rose
01:08:38 - Fallen
01:14:33 - Doc Holliday
01:22:02 - Still Counting
01:27:51 - Seal The Deal
01:31:56 - Pool of Booze, Booze, Booza
01:37:21 - The Mirror And The Reaper


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