Dear metalheads,
The W:O:A X-Mas Package was sold out in a record time of only 5 hours…!!
Herewith we want to thank you metal heads for your fantastic support and loyality during the past decades. The 21st Wacken Open Air was a giant success and again the most peaceful party of the year. Also in 2011 we will not disappoint you and present a brilliant festival with many highlights and surprises.
The plannings are running on high speed and a few highlights have just been announced (Blind Guardian, Avantasia, Apocalyptica, Suicidal Tendencies) and soon we will let the next ones out of the “Full Metal Bag”!!
The standard W:O:A hard ticket (no computer ticket) is only available at and costs 120 EUR plus 10 EUR pre-sale fee (please do not pay more at authorized box offices) + postage.
22. Wacken Open Air 2011
Amongst others the ticket includes:
> free parking (for any verhicle equaly if car, bus, motorbike, or camper)
> free camping - directly at your vehicle for the W:O:A Feeling (as far as the weather allows it).
> Like in the past years there is no limitation for drinks or any food on the parking- and camping area
> only greenfields and direct ways to the fesivalarea (as far as the weather allows it).
> Shuttle to the Wacken swimming-bath.
> many suprises = Full Metal Bag
> and many more......
Pre-sale begins on Monday: 9th 0f august 2010. 01.00pm
Each purchaser can order only 10 Tickets!
Shipping will start in the end of august.
Tickets: (0)4627-18 38 38
Generally we remain true to our principles – If it´s SOLD OUT then it is really SOLD OUT. That´s why no day tickets are planned for 2011. Please make sure to get your tickets in time.
We want to ask you not to support the ticket trade at online platforms like ebay, seatwave, Viagogo or other hustlers. Besides that you´ll have the possibility to use our free ticket exchange and our ticket insurance!
See you in Wacken – rain or Shine!
In Metal we trust
W:O:A team