El nuevo disco de JUDAS PRIEST probablemente se lanzará en 2017 Richie Faulkner fue entrevistado por Mitch Gallagher durante una master class denominada "Making Hard Rock Easy" en Fort Wayne, Indiana, EE.UU. entre los días 20-22 de octubre.
El guitarrista comentó que la banda, ya habría grabado algunas demos de temas en los que llevaban trabajando un par de meses. También adelanto que la grabación del disco comenzaría en enero de 2017, y que piensan lanzarlo ese mismo año, aunque no estarían de nuevo de gira hasta 2018.

JUDAS PRIEST guitarist Richie Faulkner was interviewed by Sweetwater editorial director Mitch Gallagher during "Making Hard Rock Look Easy", a three-day recording master class which was held October 20-22 at Sweetwater's campus in Fort Wayne, Indiana. You can now watch the chat below.
Speaking about the progress of the songwriting and recording sessions for JUDAS PRIEST's follow-up to 2014's "Redeemer Of Souls" album, Richie said: "I just flew straight back out of the U.K., straight to Sweetwater. We've just been in the studio for a couple of months putting songs together. We haven't started the recording process yet, but we're recording demos; we're recording songs that work without the production to save them, if you know what I mean. But the core value… We're putting down some grassroots ideas and fleshing them out for the next PRIEST record. So we're gonna go into the studio to start recording in January. So it should be out sometime next year. But we're not touring next year. So we're gonna be touring, hopefully, in 2018."
http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/judas- ... t-in-2018/