JUDAS PRIEST: Rob Halford responde a K.K. Downing
Continuamos con el salseo:Rob Halford ha respondido a K.K. rebatiendo la insinuación del ex guitarrista de que el productor Andy Sneap cubriese las partes de Glenn Tipton en el nuevo álbum de la banda, insistiendo en que "todo lo que escuchas de Glenn en "Firepower" es el increíble Glenn Tipton".
Durante una aparición el martes 27 de febrero en el programa "The Freaks with Kenny & Crash" en la estación de radio Fox Sports 910 de Phoenix, Halford respondió directamente a los comentarios de Downing:
"Entonces, con respecto a todo lo que se dice en la declaración [de K.K.] de hoy, mucho de eso, para mí, es completamente superfluo", continuó. "Pero el único punto que me gustaría aclarar y responder es a la insinuación de que Andy Sneap estaba cubriendo las partes de guitarra de Glenn en "Firepower", puedo afirmar categóricamente que eso es falso al mil por cien. Porque estuve con Glenn durante todo su trabajo de guitarra, y trabajó muy muy duro. Imaginároslo un su décimo año de Parkinson. Nunca he visto a nadie tan valiente frente al hecho, de que fuese un desafió para él que funcionase cada canción, pero lo hizo - sitematicamente, día tras día. Fue algo muy fuerte experimentarlo de primera mano. Y esto solo muestra las increíbles historias que rodean a las personas que en todo el mundo están lidiando con el Parkinson en sus vidas.
...y más sala:K.K. Downing dice que nunca quiso insinuar que el productor Andy Sneap tocase partes de la guitarra de Glenn Tipton durante la realización del nuevo álbum de la banda, "Firepower".
El miercoles, Downing publicó una nueva declaración en la que dijo que quería "aclarar" sus comentarios, ya que sentía que "parte" de ellos fueron "lamentablemente malinterpretados".
Downing dijo: "Solo aclarar que felicitar a Andy Sneap como lo hice, no fue más de lo que hubiera dicho sobre cualquier otro productor-guitarrista que también haya contribuido mucho más de lo esperado a nuestros álbumes anteriores. Un gran talento como Chris Tsangarides (RIP) y Roy Z no solo produjeron, sino que también contribuyeron con ideas en canciones, riffs y licks, ideas para las letras, etc. Por lo tanto, álbumes como "Painkiller" y "Angel Of Retribution" no habrían sido lo mismo sin ellos. Incluso George Martin, creo que proporcionó mucho más para The Beatles que solo el papel de un productor normal. Un músico adicional en el estudio, como los talentosos productores antes mencionados, realmente aportan un gran beneficio".

Rob Halford has fired back at K.K. Downing over the former JUDAS PRIEST guitarist's insinuation that producer Andy Sneap was covering Glenn Tipton's parts on the band's new album, insisting that "everything that you hear from Glenn on 'Firepower' is the amazing Glenn Tipton."
Two weeks after Tipton announced that he was retiring from the road due to his battle with Parkinson's disease, Downing released a statement in which he said that he was "shocked and stunned" that he wasn't approached to rejoin the band and suggested that Sneap's "contribution to the new JUDAS PRIEST album was much more than just as a producer."
During an appearance Tuesday (February 27) on "The Freaks with Kenny & Crash" show on Phoenix's Fox Sports 910 radio station, Halford responded directly to Downing's comments, calling "a lot" of K.K.'s statement "completely superfluous" and dismissing as "a thousand percent false" the idea that Tipton didn't personally lay down all of his guitar work on "Firepower".
Halford said (see video below): "Let me just say that the great joy of JUDAS PRIEST is that we've never gone into this kind of arena of a public dispute. And it's so easy to fall into that trap in social media today. How many people have you seen in sports, for example, that have made a rash comment on Twitter, just on the heat of the moment, emotionally. You know, we're all human, we've all got feelings, and we have a tendency to blurt out the first thing that is on our minds, and rightly or wrongly, things can kind of come back and chase you afterwards in a negative way.
"So, with regards to everything that was made in [K.K.'s] statement today, a lot of it, to me, is completely superfluous," he continued. "But the one point that I would like to clarify and have on record is this insinuation that Andy Sneap was covering Glenn's guitar parts on 'Firepower', and I can categorically state that that is a thousand percent false. Because I was with Glenn for all of his guitar work, and he worked really, really hard. Imagine this guy in the tenth year of Parkinson's. I've never seen anybody so brave in the fact that every song was a challenge for him to make it work, but he did — consistently, day after day. It was just a very powerful thing to experience firsthand. And this just goes to show you about the amazing stories that surround invididuals around the world that are dealing with Parkinson's in their life.
http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/halfor ... -producer/Citar:
Former JUDAS PRIEST guitarist K.K. Downing says that he never meant to insinuate that producer Andy Sneap played Glenn Tipton's guitar parts during the making of the band's new album, "Firepower".
Two weeks after Tipton announced that he was retiring from the road due to his battle with Parkinson's disease, Downing released a statement in which he said that he was "shocked and stunned" that he wasn't approached to rejoin the band and suggested that Sneap's "contribution to the new JUDAS PRIEST album was much more than just as a producer." His comments appeared to get a rise out of JUDAS PRIEST singer Rob Halford, who fired back that "a lot" of K.K.'s statement was "completely superfluous" and dismissed as "a thousand percent false" the idea that Tipton didn't personally lay down all of his guitar work on "Firepower".
Earlier today, Downing released a follow-up statement in which he said he wanted to "clarify" his original comments as he felt that "parts" of them were "regretfully misinterpreted."
Downing said: "Just to clarify that my complimenting Andy Sneap as I did was no more than I would have said about any other guitar-playing producers that have also contributed much more than expected to our past albums. Great talent such as Chris Tsangarides (R.I.P) and Roy Z both not only produced, but also contributed song ideas, riffs and licks, lyric ideas etc. Consequently, albums like 'Painkiller' and 'Angel Of Retribution' would not have been the same without them. Even George Martin, I believe, provided much more for THE BEATLES than just the role of a normal producer. An extra musician in the studio, like the aforementioned talented producers, really does bring a great benefit."
http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/k-k-do ... in-studio/