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 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de BRAINSTORM
NotaPublicado: Mar Ene 18, 2022 4:45 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Antonio Ieva (bajo) deja BRAINSTORM

Brainstorm confirmó que su bajista, Antonio Ieva, ha decidido dejar la banda debido a cuestiones relacionadas con su trabajo. Formó parte de la banda durante los últimos 15 años y contribuyó con su participación en varios discos.


Comunicados sobre el asunto:

Las cosas cambian... ¡así que adelante a toda velocidad!

Después de 15 años, 6 álbumes, innumerables shows y giras por todo el mundo, lamentablemente Toni nos informó hace unos días de que tiene que dejar la banda debido a cambios profesionales en su trabajo diario. Desafortunadamente, el marco de tiempo y las próximas tareas de Brainstorm ya no harán posible que Toni sea parte de la banda en el futuro. Con gran pesar entendemos y aceptamos la decisión de Toni, le agradecemos desde el fondo de nuestro corazón una época increíblemente buena, momentos sensacionales y le deseamos todo lo mejor, ¡salud y éxito para el futuro! Lo extrañaremos mucho como persona y como músico.

Por supuesto, Toni también quiere despedirse de ti en este punto:

"Hola gente,
Desde el último concierto del "Liquid Monster Tour" hasta el primer concierto del "Wall Of Skulls Tour" realmente experimenté un gran y memorable momento de locura metalera con el poderoso Brainstorm. En un lapso de 15 años, 6 álbumes, cientos de espectáculos, toneladas de pantalones que se agitan, e innumerables cuerdas de bajo, siempre me he centrado al 100% en la música.. ¡¡Con mi corazón en los fans!! Pero ahora ha llegado el momento de algunos, diferentes y nuevos desafíos en mi vida.

Por mi trabajo en el hospital y por cuestiones organizativas tengo que dejar la banda. Desafortunadamente no hay vuelta atrás.

Quiero agradecer a todos nuestros increíbles fans, a nuestro increíble equipo y por supuesto, a los muchachos de Brainstorm por nuestro increíble viaje. Les deseo a todos lo mejor.
Cualquiera que me conozca un poco puede imaginarse lo que significa la música para mí... así que no te podrás deshacer de mí, Eso es seguro.

Salud, mantente fuerte, mantente saludable, tómate una cerveza y cuídate a ti y a tus seres queridos".

Toni Ieva”
Pero también nos gustaría mirar hacia adelante en este punto y estamos ansiosos por los próximos conciertos de nuestro nuevo álbum 'Wall Of Skulls', que con suerte tendrán lugar este año.
También nos gustaría presentaros un nuevo bajista, ahora estamos buscando y estamos abiertos a todos los posibles candidatos.

Si tienes humor para conciertos, giras y grabaciones de estudio, si te encanta el escenario y por supuesto, nuestra música, contáctanos a través de

¡Hay mucho por venir!

Adiós por ahora

Andy, Todde, Mille, Dieter

Things full speed ahead!
After 15 years, 6 albums, countless worldwide shows and tours, Toni unfortunately informed us a few days ago that he has to leave the band due to professional changes in his day job. Unfortunately, the time frame and the upcoming tasks for BRAINSTORM will no longer make it possible for Toni to be part of the band in the future. With a heavy heart we understand and accept Toni's decision, thank him from the bottom of our hearts for an incredibly great time, sensational moments and wish him all the best, health and success for the future! We will miss him very much as a person and as a fellow musician.
Of course, Toni would also like to say goodbye to you at this point:
“Hello folks,
From the last concert of the "Liquid Monster Tour" to the first concert of the "Wall Of Skulls Tour" I really experienced a great and memorable time of metal madness with the mighty BRAINSTORM. Over a span of 15 years, 6 albums, hundreds of shows, tons of flapping pants and countless bass strings I have always been 100% focused on the music...with my heart for the fans!! But now the time has come for some, different and new challenges in my life.
Because of my work in the hospital and for organizational reasons I have to leave the band. Unfortunately there is no way back.
I want to thank all our amazing fans, our amazing crew and of course the guys from BRAINSTORM for our amazing journey. I wish you all only the best.
But anyone who knows me a little can imagine what music means to me... so you can't get rid of me That's for sure!!
Cheers, stay strong, stay healthy, have a beer and take care of yourself and your loved ones."
Toni Ieva”
But we would also like to look forward at this point and are really looking forward to the upcoming concerts for our newest album 'Wall Of Skulls', which will all hopefully take place this year.
As we would also like to present you a new BRAINSTORM bass player until then, we are now looking for and are open to all possible candidates for the job on the BRAINSTORM bass.
If you're in the mood for shows, tours and studio recordings,.if you love the stage and of course, our music, please contact us through
There's a lot to come!
Bye for now
Andy, Todde, Mille, Dieter ... 1222876716


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de BRAINSTORM
NotaPublicado: Vie Nov 15, 2024 5:12 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
BRAINSTORM anuncian nuevo disco

Brainstorm lanzará su nuevo álbum, "Plague Of Rats", el 28 de febrero de 2025 a través de Reigning Phoenix Music (RPM).


01. Beyond Enemy Lines
02. Garuda (Eater Of Snakes)
03. Fale Memories
04. The Shepherd Girl (Gitavoginda)
05. Your Soul That Lingers In Me [feat. Elina Siirala]
06. Masquerade Conspiracy
07. From Hell [feat. Alex Krull]
08. The Dark Of Night
09. Crawling
10. Celebrate Youth [RICK SPRINGFIELD Cover; excl. digipak/earbook bonus track]
11. Curtains Fall


Power metal fans, get ready! Southern Germany's powerhouse, BRAINSTORM, are gearing up to unleash their new album "Plague Of Rats," and it's set to blow your minds and rock your ears! Created alongside their trusted team -- Sebastian "Seeb" Levermann for mixing and mastering at Greenman Studios, Gyula Havancsák on artwork, and Alex Kühr on photography -- this album delivers ten epic new tracks that will transport fans to the captivating world of India and beyond.

Singer Andy B. Franck explains: "The history of India dates back to 5,000 years and the Indus civilization is one of the oldest in the entire world. With 'Maharaja Palace' ('Ambiguity') but especially our breakthrough with the album "Soul Temptation," it was important to me to bring my penchant for this history and culture into our music. I think it just fits well with the sound of BRAINSTORM. I love the sound and harmonies in the Indian music and I think it was about time to delve into history again and to bring this very special shine into our music."

He adds: ""Plague Of Rats" is more 'in your face' and very direct. I think it fits perfectly into our times and reflects the mood of the band: it's very aggressive and energetic - attack!"

Though BRAINSTORM have a long history, much like the ancient Indus civilization, they're still in tune with the times. Their latest opus combines signature elements with a fresh, modern edge that's clearly left its mark on the album. Plus, the band's 'attack mode' approach shines through with a line-up of powerful tracks - no slow songs, no ballads, just pure, high-energy metal.

"Of course, we have developed over the years. But I think we have something that many bands have lost in these days: independence. You can f***ing recognize a BRAINSTORM song after just a few seconds. That's perfect and somehow makes us special," the frontman comments.

Alongside collaborating with familiar partners, BRAINSTORM have ventured into new territory: their booking is now managed by Decibel-Touring, and they've recently signed a record deal with Reigning Phoenix Music (RPM). This exciting partnership will bring their new album, "Plague Of Rats," to fans on February 28, 2025.

BRAINSTORM state: "It's more than just a band for us: the personal connections and chemistry between us make this group something special that you rarely find these days. Putting our music in the hands of a new label is one of the most important and trusting decisions of all. From the first meeting and conversation, we had a sensational, confident foundation with RPM that left no doubt about who we wanted to work with in the future. Landing on a Southern German label as a Southern German band is the best thing that could have happened to us in our career. We're really looking forward to many successful years! We're incredibly proud to now belong to the RPM family, and thank them for their trust. "Plague Of Rats" is the perfect beginning of this special connection. We speak one language and the same dialect. In this sense: 'Wir freiat ons saumäußig uff a goila Zeit! Kracha lassa!' We couldn't be any prouder."

RPM managing director Jochen Richert grins: "If Porsche would have decided to collaborate with Daimler instead of Volkswagen, they could have caused an enormous load of Swabian power which could only be compared to the energy of this new union of BRAINSTORM and us. Their new album unleashes so much horse power and catapults the quintet straight into the Formula One of metal. During the accompanying release tour, BRAINSTORM will be spraying even more fuel and lift the roofs of each and every venue."

"Plague Of Rats" can now be pre-ordered in your preferred physical format [earbook, digipak-cd, coloured vinyl, ticket bundle]: ... e-launched


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de BRAINSTORM
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 17, 2025 4:10 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
BRAINSTORM publican el tema "Beyond Enemy Lines"


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