Detalles de "The Book Of Souls" lo nuevo de IRON MAIDEN"The Book Of Souls" lo nuevo de IRON MAIDEN será lanzado mundialmente el 4 de septiembre a través Parlophone Records (Sanctuary Copyrights/BMG en U.S.A.).
Fue grabado en París por Kevin “Caveman” Shirley a finales de 2014, y los toques finales fueron añadidos a principios de este año. Sin embargo, la banda decidió retrasar su lanzamiento para que el vocalista Bruce Dickinson, que recientemente fue dado el alta de un tumor, tuviese tiempo suficientemente para recuperarse y unirse en los preparativos del lanzamiento del álbum.
La portada fue creada por Mark Wilkinson, quien ya ha trabajado con la banda anteriormente. El disco se compone de 11 temas con un total de 92 minutos de duración. Es la primera vez que Iron Maiden lanza un doble disco de estudio. Es también la primera vez desde 1984 Powerslave que un álbum de estudio de Iron Maiden cuenta con dos pistas escritas exclusivamente por Bruce Dickinson, una de las cuales es la canción más larga que ha grabado Maiden, también hay otras dos compuestas por dickinson / smith.
Steve Harris comenta:
“Hemos enfocado este disco de un modo distinto a como hemos grabado anteriormente. Muchas de las canciones fueron escritas mientras estábamos en el estudio y las ensayamos y grabamos directamente mientras estaban frescas, y creo que eso se nota en los temas, tienen un sonido de directo. Estoy muy orgulloso de “The Book Of Souls”, todos lo estamos, y tengo muchas ganas de que los fans lo escuchen, y sobre todo de salir a la carretera con él el año que viene.”
Bruce Dickinson añade:
“Estamos muy entusiasmados con “The Book Of Souls” y hemos pasado buenos momentos grabandolo. Comenzamos a trabajar en el disco a finales del verano de 2014 y lo grabamos en los estudios Guillame Tell de París, donde hicimos “Brave New World” en el 2000, es un estudio que nos trae recuerdos muy especiales. Nos encantó descubrir que esas mágicas vibraciones aun estaban ahí, nos sentimos como en casa enseguida y las ideas empezaron a fluir. Cuando terminamos todos estábamos de acuerdo en que cada canción era una parte integral del cuerpo del trabajo, así que si necesitábamos sacar un disco doble, y así será.”
Debido a la enfermedad de Bruce, la banda tuvo que aplazar los planes de gira, pero han prometido girar de nuevo a principios del próximo año, dando tiempo a que Bruce tenga una completa recuperación física y esté listo para las exigentes actuaciones de Maiden en directo.

Disc 1
1. If Eternity Should Fail (Dickinson) 8:28
2. Speed Of Light (Smith/ Dickinson) 5:01
3. The Great Unknown (Smith/ Harris) 6:37
4. The Red And The Black (Harris) 13:33
5. When The River Runs Deep (Smith/ Harris) 5:52
6. The Book Of Souls (Gers/ Harris) 10:27
Disc 2
7. Death Or Glory (Smith/ Dickinson) 5:13
8. Shadows Of The Valley (Gers/ Harris) 7:32
9. Tears Of A Clown (Smith/ Harris) 4:59
10. The Man Of Sorrows (Murray/ Harris) 6:28
11. Empire Of The Clouds (Dickinson) 18:01
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The Book Of Souls - coming September 4th.
IRON MAIDEN’s eagerly awaited new studio album The Book Of Souls will be released globally on 4th September through Parlophone Records (Sanctuary Copyrights/BMG in the U.S.A.). It was recorded in Paris with their longstanding producer Kevin “Caveman” Shirley in late 2014, with the finishing touches added earlier this year. However, the band decided to delay its release so that vocalist Bruce Dickinson, who was recently given the all-clear from a tumour, would have time to recuperate sufficiently to join in the preparations for the album’s launch.
The stunning cover art was created by Mark Wilkinson who has worked with the band previously, and because this 11 track album has a total running time of 92 minutes, it is IRON MAIDEN’s first ever double studio album. There’s a broader split on the song-writing compared to previous Maiden records, with bassist and founder member Steve Harris contributing to seven of the tracks; 6 of them with Maiden’s guitarists and one sole composition. This is also the first time since 1984’s Powerslave that an IRON MAIDEN studio album also features two tracks written solely by Bruce Dickinson, one of which is the longest song Maiden has ever recorded! And also two Dickinson/Smith collaborations.
Steve comments,
“We approached this album in a different way to how we’ve recorded previously. A lot of the songs were actually written while we were there in the studio and we rehearsed and recorded them straight away while they were still fresh, and I think that immediacy really shows in the songs, they have almost a live feel to them I think. I’m very proud of The Book Of Souls, we all are, and we can’t wait for our fans to hear it, and especially to take it out on the road next year!”
Bruce continues,
“We’re really excited about The Book Of Souls and had a fantastic time creating it. We started working on the album in late summer 2014 and recorded it at Guillame Tell Studios in Paris, where we’d done the Brave New World album back in 2000 so the studio holds special memories for all of us. We were delighted to discover the same magical vibe is still alive and very much kicking there! So we immediately felt at home and the ideas just started flowing. By the time we’d finished we all agreed that each track was such an integral part of the whole body of work that if it needed to be a double album, then double its going to be!”...
The Book Of Souls is the band’s 16th studio album since their eponymous debut in 1980 charted at #4 in the UK, in a career achieving sales of over 90 million albums worldwide. Their previous album, 2010’s The Final Frontier was Maiden’s most successful chart-wise to date, reaching Number One in 28 countries and was their highest chart debut in the U.S reaching #4 in the Billboard 200.
Due to Bruce’s illness the band had to delay touring plans but promise to be out on the road again early next year, giving time for Bruce to make a full physical recovery to be ready for the rigours of Maiden live performances. ... 67897051:0