TÝR comenzarán a grabar un nuevo disco en MayoTyr después de su participación en el Paganfest 2013 comenzará a grabar su séptimo LP. El título y la portada aun no se conocen, pero el vocalista / guitarrista Heri Joensen ha comentado que el álbum "Trata de mujeres. Mujeres terrenales, valquirias y diosas. Toca temas de la mitología nórdica, como la búsqueda de la fama, la muerte en la batalla y el valhalla ".
Algunos de los títulos de las canciones hasta el momento son: “Mare Of My Night” y “Come My Valkyrie”. Tyr también ha confirmado que colaborarán con el productor Jacob Hansen (Volbeat, Aborted, Mercenary). Hansen ha producido, mezclado y ha sido el ingeniero de sonido de los últimos cuatro álbumes: The Lay of Thrym, By the Light of the Northern Star, Land y Ragnarock.

New album: recording begins in May
TÝR, hailing all the way from the Faroe Islands, will once again return to North America. This time, they will be performing as part of Paganfest 2013 with Ensiferum, Heidevolk, Trollfest, and Helsott. The tour will begin on Saturday, March 30th in Denver, CO, and wraps up on April 21st in New York, NY at the Gramercy Theater. Tickets are on sale now, and the list of dates can be found below, as well as at facebook.com/tyrband. For a preview of what TÝR’s dynamic live is like, check out their video for “Flames of the Free” on their official youtube channel HERE.
Following Paganfest, TÝR will begin recording their seventh full-length album. The title and art are yet to be announced and are to be considered works in progress, but vocalist/guitarist Heri Joensen has divulged that the album “is about women. Earthly women, valkyries and goddesses. It touches on subjects from nordic mythology such as the quest for fame, death in battle and valhalla.”
Some of the song titles thus far include: “Mare Of My Night” and “Come My Valkyrie”. TÝR has also confirmed that they will collaborate with producer Jacob Hansen (Volbeat, Aborted, Mercenary) for the fifth consecutive album. Hansen has produced, engineered, mixed, and mastered the band’s previous four albums: The Lay of Thrym, By the Light of the Northern Star, Land, and Ragnarock.
The unique approach of TÝR’s music, melting traditional Nordic songs and dances with Celtic influences, doom, heavy, and progressive metal has found fans around the globe. “Hail to The Hammer” has become the hymn to the new generation of folk, pagan, and Viking metal fans.
http://www.metalblade.com/us/news/tyr-t ... -usa-tour/