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 Asunto: Re: Týr reedita su primer disco, "How far to Asgaard"
NotaPublicado: Lun Jul 22, 2013 6:32 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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"Valkyrja" es el título del nuevo disco de TÝR

Valkyrja, el septimo álbum Tyr se lanzará el 17 de septiembre en Norteamérica y el 13/16 de septiembre en Europa / Reino Unido. Tyr una vez más colaboró ​​con Jacob Hansen en los "Hansen Studios" en Ribe, Dinamarca.


01. Blood of Heroes
02. Mare of My Night
03. Hel Hath No Fury
04. The Lay of Our Love
05. Nation
06. Another Fallen Brother
07. Grindavísan
08. Into the Sky
09. Fánar Burtur Brandaljóð
10. Lady of the Slain
11. Valkyrja
12. Where Eagles Dare (Bonus Track)
13. Cemetery Gates (Bonus Track)

Valkyrja, the 7 full-length album from the Faroe Islands natives TÝR, will be released on September 17th in North America, and September 13th/16th in Europe/UK. TýR once again collaborated with Jacob Hansen at Hansen Studios in Ribe, Denmark. Along with Hansen, the band recruited acclaimed drummer George Kollias to act as studio drummer and Leaves’ Eyes vocalist Liv Kristine joined vocalist/guitarist Heri Joensen for a vocal duet on “The Lay of Our Love.”

The opening track to the album, “Blood of Heroes,” is streaming now at, where Valkyrja is also available for pre-order. Limited edition pre-order bundles are available that include TýR rune pendants, t-shirt, vinyl LP, and the CD.

About Valkyjra:
Valkyrja is a concept album with a story line based loosely around an anonymous Viking age warrior who leaves his woman and goes off to impress the Valkyrie on the battlefield so that she may bring him to Valhalla, or to Fólkvangr, the home of Freyja—the goddess associated with love, sexuality, beauty, fertility, gold, sorcery, war, and death. One can say the album is also indirectly about women and how they affect men and what men will do to impress and obtain women. Front man and founder Heri Joensen goes on to explain; “the woman that the warrior leaves may represent the earthly women. Freyja, The Lady Of The Slain, may represent the perfection of Women, and the Valkyrie is the link between the two, taking men from earthly to godly women.” ... re-orders/

Týr "Valkyrja" will be released on September 17th! Listen to "Blood of Heroes" ... 6174753274


 Asunto: Re: Lo nuevo de TÝR
NotaPublicado: Mar Jul 23, 2013 9:34 pm 
Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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:chupi: :chupi: ohmxu7 :chupi: :chupi:

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 Asunto: Re: Lo nuevo de TÝR
NotaPublicado: Mar Ago 13, 2013 2:00 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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TÝR: nuevo tema "Mare Of My Night"


 Asunto: Re: Lo nuevo de TÝR
NotaPublicado: Mié Ago 21, 2013 1:22 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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TÝR en los Hansen Studios


 Asunto: Re: Lo nuevo de TÝR
NotaPublicado: Mar Ago 27, 2013 12:09 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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TÝR: nuevo tema "Another Fallen Brother"


 Asunto: Re: Lo nuevo de TÝR
NotaPublicado: Mar Oct 13, 2015 2:08 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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TÝR listos para grabar

Týr acaba de recibir el visto bueno de su productor Jacob Hansen para comenzar a grabar su octavo disco. El guitarrista y vocalista Heri Joensen ha compartido la noticia en su página personal de Facebook.


Jacob Hansen has cleared and authorised us to start recording the guitars for the next Týr album!

We have sent him a few test recordings over the last few weeks and he has checked the quality. We have now reached a working method that allows us to record raw guitar signal in high enough quality.

This time we are recording the guitars and basses at home, in our own makeshift studios. Hopefully we will be able to do the same with the vocals, but that remains to be seen.

It takes some practise and some equipment, not all of it very cheap either. Some of the songs are still at the writing stage, and some of the songs are finished.

We have split the songwriting more even this time. Terji has written six songs, I have written six songs and Gunnar has written two. We expect there to be twelve songs on the standard issue, and fourteen on a special edition. But that will be up to the label, Metal Blade Records.

No lyrics are written as of yet, but we have a general theme, and possibly even a name, for the album. And I have pages upon pages of notes, quotes and anecdotes that I hope to turn into the lyrics for the new Týr album.

Stay tuned for updates! ... 1206669060


 Asunto: Re: Lo nuevo de TÝR
NotaPublicado: Lun Feb 15, 2016 1:53 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Cambio de batería en TÝR

Nota de la banda en su Facebook oficial:

"Nos despedimos de Amon Djurhuus Ellingsgaard y le deseamos la mejor de las suertes, y damos la bienvenida a Waltteri Väyrynen, que va a tocar la batería en nuestros próximos conciertos. Ha tocado ya antes en conciertos con nosotros, con gran éxito.


As we bid farewell to Amon Djurhuus Ellingsgaard and wish him best of luck, we say welcome to Waltteri Väyrynen, who will play the drums at our upcoming shows. He's played shows with us before, with great success. ... 1005243274

Nota de Amon Djurhuus Ellingsgaard:

Lamento anunciar que voy a renunciar como miembro de Tyr. Está claro que es difícil viajar y ensayar al tiempo que se tiene un trabajo a tiempo completo, además de los niños y las cuentas que pagar. No voy a retirarme de la escena del metal en su totalidad, ya que soy todavía miembro de otras dos bandas, The Happening y Heljareyga. Gracias a los chicos de Týr por el tiempo y sus mejores deseos para el futuro, gracias a todos los que vinieron a nuestros conciertos durante mi tiempo como batería y gracias a todas las grandes personas que he conocido de gira. Tengo la esperanza de ver a todos de nuevo en algún momento.

I regret to announce that I will resign as a member of Týr. It has proven difficult to make time for touring and rehearsal with a full time occupation on the side, as well as children and bills to pay. I will not retreat from the metal scene entirely, since I am still member of two other bands, The Happening and Heljareyga. Thanks to the lads of Týr for the time and best wishes for the future, thanks to all who came to our shows during my time as drummer and thanks to all the great people I've met on tour. Hope to see you all again sometime ... 4422477228


 Asunto: Re: Lo nuevo de TÝR
NotaPublicado: Vie Ago 03, 2018 2:24 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Terji Skibenæs (guitarra) deja TÝR

El guitarrista emitió el siguiente comunicado:

"Se acabo. He dejado oficialmente Týr después de 17 años. Después de meses de pensarlo con cuidado, finalmente he llegado a la conclusión de que es hora de que yo lo deje. La razón es muy simple: ya no tengo ningún deseo de tocar en Týr. No hay drama ni nada entre los ellos y yo. Es solo que ya no siento ninguna alegría al tocar música del estilo de Týr. Quiero dar las gracias a Heri Joensen y Gunnar Thomsen por todo el tiempo que hemos pasado y deseo a Týr todo lo mejor en el futuro. Y gracias a todos los fans por el apoyo a lo largo de los años. Mi último concierto con Týr será en en el "Sabaton Open Air" en agosto. Pronto habrá mas noticias sobre mis futuros proyectos.



This is it. I am now officially leaving the band TÝR after 17 years. After months of thinking this through carefully, I’ve finally come to the decision that it’s time for me to quit.
The reason is very simple: I have no desire whatsoever to play in TÝR anymore.
There’s no drama or anything going on between me and the others. It’s just me not having any joy to play the music in the style of TÝR anymore.
I want to thank Heri Joensen and Gunnar Thomsen for the all the time we had and I wish TÝR all the best in the future.
And thanks to all the fans for the support through the years.
My last show with Týr will be at Sabaton open air in August.
More news to follow soon about my future projects.

-Terji. ... 9961497570


 Asunto: Re: Lo nuevo de TÝR
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 04, 2018 2:55 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Attila Vörös nuevo guitarrista de TÝR

Týr han reclutado al exguitarrista de Nevermore y Satyricon, Attila Vörös como el reemplazo de Terji Skibenæs.

"Después del final de una gira mundial muy exitosa con el último disco de Satyricon, "Deep Calleth Upon Deep", ha llegado el momento de un cambio y buscar nuevas aventuras con mis amigos de TÝR..."

Terji anunció su salida de TÝR a principios de la semana, explicando en una declaración que ya no tenía "ningún deseo de tocar en TÝR.


Faroese folk metallers TÝR have recruited former NEVERMORE and SATYRICON guitarist Attila Vörös as the replacement for the recently departed Terji Skibenæs.

Said Vörös in a statement: "After the end of a very successful world tour off SATYRICON's latest record, 'Deep Calleth Upon Deep', the time has come for me to call it for a change and look for new adventures with my friends at TÝR. We'll be hitting the road together in South America in October 2018."

Terji announced his exit from TÝR earlier in the week, explaining in a statement that he had "no desire whatsoever to play in TÝR anymore.

"There's no drama or anything going on between me and the others," he added. "It's just me not having any joy to play the music in the style of TÝR anymore."


 Asunto: Re: Lo nuevo de TÝR
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 11, 2019 3:49 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68674
TÝR detalles de su nuevo disco "Hel"

El 8 de marzo, la banda de folk metal Týr lanzará su octavo disco titulado "Hel", a través de Metal Blade Records.


01. Gates Of Hel
02. All Heroes Fall
03. Ragnars Kvæði
04. Garmr
05. Sunset Shore
06. Downhill Drunk
07. Empire Of The North
08. Far From The Worries Of The World
09. King Of Time
10. Fire And Flame
11. Against The Gods
12. Songs Of War
13. Alvur Kongur


Launches first single, “Fire and Flame”

On March 8th, the Faroe Islands’ Týr will release their eighth full-length, Hel, via Metal Blade Records. Hel is a collection of ruthlessly melodic and irresistibly compelling progressive folk metal that will immediately resonate with any who have followed the band at any point over the two decades of their storied career. For a preview of the album, the first single, “Fire and Flame”, can be heard at: – where Hel can also be pre-ordered in the following formats:

–box set (digipak CD, drinking horn, leather belt clip, poster, autographed photo card – limited to 1000 copies)
–steel-blue / gray marbled vinyl (US retail exclusive – limited to 500 copies)
–clear mushroom brown marbled vinyl (US webstore exclusive – limited to 200 copies)
–blue / white / black / red splatter vinyl (US webstore exclusive – limited to 100 copies)
–180g black vinyl (EU exclusive)
–turquoise blue marbled vinyl (EU exclusive – limited to 500 copies)
–clear / blue marbled vinyl (EU exclusive – limited to 300 copies)
–bordeaux red /black marbled vinyl (EMP exclusive – limited to 200 copies)
–olive marbled vinyl (Nuclear Blast exclusive – limited to 200 copies)
–white / blue marbled vinyl (Tutl exclusive – limited to 100 copies)

Known for their prolific nature – dropping their first five full-lengths in the space of just seven years – the six-year gap between Valkyrja (2013) and Hel is by far the longest between any two of their records. During that period the band toured hard, taking the album around the world, including a support run with Children Of Bodom in North America and an appearance on the 70,000 Tons Of Metal cruise. However, other factors played into this extended break between releases. “We approached this one differently because I learned that if I continue doing albums in the way we had up to now, I would die from a heart attack before I’m 50!” says guitarist/vocalist Heri Joensen. “That’s one of the reasons we changed our method and took such a long time on this one.” That this tactic – which also includes more songwriting contributions from bassist/vocalist Gunnar Thomsen and guitarist Terji Skibenæs than on previous releases – has been beneficial is borne out in the finished product, which is perhaps more immersive than those that came before. “Musically it leans a bit towards our album, ‘Ragnarok‘ (2005),” states Thomsen. “It’s a bit more epic and also much better worked through than any of our previous albums.” It also marks the recording debut of drummer Tadeusz Rieckmann, who has manned the drum throne for Týr‘s live shows since 2016. ... album-hel/


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