DIMMU BORGIR: detalles del doble DVD "Forces Of The Northern Night" Dimmu Borgir lanzará su doble DVD "Forces Of The Northern Night", el
28 de abril a través de Nuclear Blast. El trabajo contendrá dos actuaciones de la banda: su legendario espectáculo en Oslo, presentando su disco "Dimmu Borgir" con la Orquesta de la Radio Noruega y coro, así como su actuación en Wacken Open Air de 2012, con casi un centenar de músicos en el escenario.

Tanto el concierto de Oslo como el del Wacken contienen los siguientes temas:
01. Xibir (orchestra)
02. Born Treacherous
03. Gateways
04. Dimmu Borgir (orchestra)
05. Dimmu Borgir
06. Chess With The Abyss
07. Ritualist
08. A Jewel Traced Through Coal
09. Eradication Instincts Defined (orchestra)
10. Vredesbyrd
11. Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse
12. The Serpentine Offering
13. Fear And Wonder (orchestra)
14. Kings Of The Carnival Creation
15. Puritania
16. Mourning Palace
17. Perfection Or Vanity (orchestra)
- 2BluRay-Digibook (Live in Oslo & documentary + Live at Wacken)
- 2DVD-Digibook (Live in Oslo & documentary + Live at Wacken)
- 2CD-DIGI (Live in Oslo)
- 2BD+2DVD+4CD-Earbook (Live in Oslo BluRay, DVD & audio CDs + Live at Wacken BluRay, DVD & audio CDs)
- 2LP (black) in gatefold (Live in Oslo)
- 2LP (white) in gatefold (Live in Oslo)
- NB Earbook Deluxe (Live in Oslo BluRay, DVD & audio CDs + Live at Wacken BluRay, DVD & audio CDs, incl. A1 poster + silver mirror board artwork)
2017-02-17 - As 2017 marks the year of the great return of Norwegian symphonic black metal giants, DIMMU BORGIR, they will release their highly-anticipated double-DVD »Forces Of The Northern Night« on April 28th. Available in different formats, the release will contain two live rituals: Their legendary concert in Oslo, showing DIMMU BORGIR on stage with the Norwegian Radio Orchestra and a bombastic choir, as well as the entire performance at Wacken Open Air with almost 100 musicians in action.
http://www.nuclearblast.de/en/label/mus ... -live.html