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 Asunto: Re: ICED EARTH vuelve a Century Media
NotaPublicado: Jue Sep 26, 2013 1:17 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 66996
ICED EARTH: portada y lista de temas de "Plagues Of Babylon"

ICED EARTH lanzará su nuevo álbum "Plagues Of Babylon" en enero de 2014 a través de Century Media Records. La portada fue creada por Eliran Kantor (TESTAMENT, ATHEIST, SIGH, ANACRUSIS, GWAR).

Comenta el guitarrista Jon Schaffer: "Este es un álbum heavy serio, con una portada de álbum seria y brutal. Estoy seguro de que será recordado como un clásico en el épico catálogo de ICED EARTH".


1. Plagues of Babylon
2. Democide
3. The Culling
4. Among The Living Dead
5. Resistance
6. The End?
7. If I Could See You
8. Cthulhu
9. Peacemaker
10. Parasite
11. Spirit of the Times
12. Highwayman

This is a seriously heavy album with a seriously brutal album cover. I’m sure it will go down as a classic in the epic ICED EARTH catalog. ... 302&type=1


 Asunto: Re: ICED EARTH vuelve a Century Media
NotaPublicado: Sab Oct 12, 2013 1:47 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 66996
ICED EARTH: nuevo tema "Plagues Of Babylon"


 Asunto: Re: ICED EARTH vuelve a Century Media
NotaPublicado: Mié Nov 06, 2013 2:37 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Nuevo cambio en la batería de ICED EARTH

"En lo que queda de la gira europea de ICED EARTH con VOLBEAT, Jon Dette ( SLAYER , TESTAMENT, ÁNTRAX ) se sentará detrás de la batería, tomando el relevo de Rafael Saini, que ocupo ese puesto durante los festivales de verano, la grabación del nuevo disco de ICED EARTH y la parte de la gira de clubs con VOLBEAT.

"Raphael entró y nos ayudó a salir de una situación difícil este verano con un calendario repleto de fiestivales, un nuevo álbum y sin tiempo para la diversión". "Entró y se entregó y estamos muy agradecidos por ello. Le deseamos todo lo mejor para sus proyectos futuros . "

Comenta Raphael: "Cuando tuve la oportunidad de unirme a ICED EARTH en sus festivales de verano y nuevo álbum, no podía decir que no: me hizo mucha ilusión a pesar de que sabía que iba a ser algo temporal."

"Me siento honrado de ser parte de la historia de la banda, de un álbum increíble, y de haber trabajado con músicos muy talentosos. Mi viaje continuará, hay más por venir."

A principios de año Brent Smedley dejo la batería de ICED EARTH por "motivos familiares".


For the remainder of the Volbeat tour, Jon Dette will be behind the drums taking over for Raphael Saini who filled in during the summer festivals, the recording of the new album, and the club leg of the Volbeat tour.

“Raphael came in and helped us out of a tight spot this summer with a full schedule of festivals, a new album to finish, and no room for diversion on the schedule. He came in and delivered and we are very grateful for that. We wish him all the best for his future endeavours.” ICED EARTH

“When I had the chance to join Iced Earth for their summer festivals and the new album, I couldn’t say no: I was really excited even though I knew that it was going to be something temporary. I am honoured to be part of the band’s history, an amazing album, and to have worked with some supremely talented musicians. My journey will continue, there’s more to come.” RAPHAEL SAINI ... 8583927105


 Asunto: Re: ICED EARTH vuelve a Century Media
NotaPublicado: Sab Dic 07, 2013 2:42 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ICED EARTH - Worldwide Plagues Tour / New Album Teaser


 Asunto: Re: ICED EARTH vuelve a Century Media
NotaPublicado: Sab Dic 14, 2013 12:31 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ICED EARTH: nuevo tema "Among The Living Dead"

European Tour w/ Warbringer & Elm Street

19.01.2014 ESP Valencia Rock City
20.01.2014 ESP Barcelona Razzmatazz 2


 Asunto: Re: ICED EARTH vuelve a Century Media
NotaPublicado: Mar Jun 03, 2014 5:07 pm 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ICED EARTH: cancelan sus conciertos de este verano

Iced Earth tendrá que cancelar sus actuaciones de este verano ya que su lider Jon Schaffer se someterá de nuevo a una operación en el cuello, por un antiguo problema. La banda ha colgado la siguiente nota:

"Como una sincera disculpa, escribo para informar de que ICED EARTH se ve obligado a cancelar los festivales y conciertos de este verano.

Como muchos de ustedes saben, me sometí a una cirugía en el cuello en el año 2000, debido a una lesión que se produjo en el escenario en 1996. Desde entonces, he luchado con este problema, que ​​ha comenzado a agravarse en los últimos meses, causando problemas adicionales que ya no se pueden ignorar.

En febrero, durante una gira por Europa, me sometí a un tratamiento altamente especializado en Alemania con un médico que ha ayudado entre muchos otros, a Tony Iommi y Eddie Van Halen. Este tratamiento ayudó a que pudiésemos completar nuestra gira mundial "Plagas Tour".

Sin embargo, ahora estoy obligado a tomar medidas adicionales, y la acción más invasiva antes de lo que yo quería, para mantener mi salud.

La operación se planeo inicialmente para septiembre, durante las vacaciones, pero ahora se me informó, de que cuanto antes mejor.

Por mucho que a mi y a los demás de la banda nos duela tener que cancelar estas fechas, es algo que no puedo dejar de lado por mas tiempo.

Una vez que la cirugía y la recuperación se haya completado, volveremos al trabajo - sano, fuerte y listo para llevar el metal, a nuestros fans.

Mis mejores deseos para todos,

Jon Schaffer."


It is with sincere apologies that I write to inform you all that ICED EARTH is forced to cancel this summer’s festivals and headline shows.

As many of you know, I underwent surgery on my neck in the year 2000, due to an onstage injury that occurred in 1996. Since that time, I have battled with this problem, and it has begun to accelerate in the past several months, causing additional issues that can no longer be ignored.

In February, while on tour in Europe, I underwent highly specialized treatment in Germany from a doctor who has helped, among many others, Tony Iommi and Eddie Van Halen. This treatment helped sustain my ability to perform so that we could complete our Worldwide Plagues Tour.

However, I am now forced to take further, more invasive action sooner than I intended in order to maintain my overall health.

Surgery was originally planned to take place in September during our break, but I have now been advised to have the procedure completed sooner rather than later.

As much as it pains me and everyone else in our camp to have to cancel these dates, this is something that cannot be put aside any longer.

Once the surgery and recovery are completed, we will be back to work – healthy, strong, and ready to bring the metal to you, our fans.

Best wishes to you all,

Jon Schaffer ... 6903676272


 Asunto: Re: ICED EARTH vuelve a Century Media
NotaPublicado: Mar Ago 23, 2016 2:55 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Troy Seele (guitarra) deja ICED EARTH

La salida de Troy Seele, que lleva diez años con la banda, se produce por problemas familiares. Según se comenta en la nota oficial de la banda, debe de centrarse en los cuidados de un hijo autista.


Press Release
August 14th, 2016

Iced Earth guitarist Troy Seele announces departure from the band due to family responsibilities.

“After close to ten years as a guitarist in Iced Earth, the time has come for me to step away. Some of you know, but many do not, that I have a child with Autism. In the past I had a great support system that has allowed me to pursue a career in music. That is no longer the case and it has forced me to make a difficult decision. I’ve always believed that family comes first, and now it is time for me to focus on that. The demanding life style of being in a professional heavy metal band is no longer an option for me. Knowing the band is focused on a new album and touring cycle, and given my circumstances, this is the best time for me to step down.
Playing in Iced Earth has been a great experience. It’s taken me around the world many times and given me the chance to meet many of my heroes, as well as play in front of crowds larger than I ever dreamed of.
I personally want to thank Jon and the guys for the music and the amazing times through the years. Thank you to the fans for understanding and for your support.”

Troy Seele

Iced Earth singer Stu Block remarks on Seele’s departure, “It’s very sad that Troy is leaving. He will be missed and will always be considered family to us. I wish him the best of luck in everything he does.”

Jon Schaffer, Iced Earth founder, states, “Troy was a good friend before he became a part of the team, and always will be. I understand and respect his decision. We shared some of the most amazing times of our lives together. We laughed hard, and we laughed often. Be well brother. We all wish you the very best.”

Troy Seele’s last gig with the band will be Knotfest in Mexico City, October 16th, 2016.

For those guitarists who think they’ve got what it takes to be in the studio and on stage with Iced Earth, send your audition video and contact info to the following link. ... 3739477584


 Asunto: Re: ICED EARTH vuelve a Century Media
NotaPublicado: Mar Sep 27, 2016 2:35 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ICED EARTH presentan a su nuevo guitarrista Jake Dreyer

Iced Earth ha anunciado la incorporación del guitarrista Jake Dreyer (Witherfall, White Wizzard, Kobra And The Lotus) al grupo. Se une a la banda como el sustituto de Troy Seele, que anunció su salida de Iced Earth en agosto debido a responsabilidades familiares.


Brothers and Sisters,

Please join us in welcoming Jake Dreyer, our new lead guitar player, to the Iced Earth family. We’re excited for Jake to be a part of the team as he has the talent, drive, and the personality we were looking for. Jake joined Stu and I last week to do some tracking at Independence Hall and he hammered out some ripping guitar solos on several songs from the new album. Jake will play on the upcoming Iced Earth studio album and will perform his first live show with us in November at Hammerfest in Germany.

I want to personally thank all of the guitarists who auditioned for the position, it was an overwhelming response, and there are many very talented guys out there. So again, thank you for your passion and interest.

We are progressing at an excellent rate on the new record and I can say with all sincerity that this will be one of the most significant albums in the Iced Earth catalog. We are pumped. It’s the next level.

Stay tuned, and best to you all,

Jon Schaffer ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: ICED EARTH vuelve a Century Media
NotaPublicado: Mar Mar 14, 2017 5:00 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Primeros detalles de "Incorruptible" lo nuevo de ICED EARTH

Iced Earth han completado el trabajo en su nuevo álbum, "Incorruptible" que esperan lanzar a mediados de junio.

01. Great Heathen Army
02. Black Flag
03. Raven Wing
04. The Veil
05. Seven Headed Whore
06. The Relic (Part 1)
07. Ghost Dance (Awaken The Ancestors)
08. Brothers
09. Defiance
10. Clear The Way (December 13th, 1862)

Imagen ... 5137543442


 Asunto: Re: ICED EARTH vuelve a Century Media
NotaPublicado: Vie Abr 07, 2017 4:06 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 66996
Portada de "Incorruptible" lo nuevo de ICED EARTH

"Incorruptible" será lanzado el 16 de junio. La portada es obra de David Newman-Stump y Roy Young


01. Great Heathen Army
02. Black Flag
03. Raven Wing
04. The Veil
05. Seven Headed Whore
06. The Relic (Part 1)
07. Ghost Dance (Awaken The Ancestors)
08. Brothers
09. Defiance
10. Clear The Way (December 13th, 1862)

Surprise everyone!! Iced Earth doesn’t follow the rules, they told us tomorrow, we said let's give it to the fans now!!
Here is the new cover art for “Incorruptible” - OUT JUNE 16th WORLDWIDE !! ... =3&theater


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