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 Asunto: Re: ALICE COOPER: detalles de una "Nightmare"
NotaPublicado: Mar Ago 26, 2014 2:16 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
ALICE COOPER: "Raise The Dead - Live From Wacken" DVD + CD

"Raise The Dead - Live From Wacken" DVD + CD saldrá a la venta el 20 de octubre, 21 en América del Norte.

Con "Raise The Dead - Live From Wacken", la discográfica UDR comienza una nueva serie de lanzamientos de actuaciones en Wacken.

"Raise The Dead" estará disponible como DVD + CD digipack. El DVD contiene 22 canciones del concierto en el Wacken Open Air del 3 de agosto de 2013 y una entrevista. El doble CD contiene el concierto completo.

Alice Cooper - Vocals
Chuck Garric - Bass
Orianthi - Guitar
Ryan Roxie - Guitar
Tommy Henriksen - Guitar
Glen Sobel - Drums ... rom-wacken


 Asunto: Re: ALICE COOPER: detalles de una "Nightmare"
NotaPublicado: Sab Oct 18, 2014 1:52 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ALICE COOPER: video adelanto de "Raise The Dead: Live From Wacken"


Raise The Dead: Live From Wacken tracklist:

  1. Hello Hooray
  2. House Of Fire
  3. No More Mr Nice Guy
  4. Under My Wheels
  5. I'll Bite Your Face Off
  6. Billion Dollar Babies
  7. Caffeine
  8. Department Of Youth
  9. Hey Stoopid
  10. Dirty Diamonds
  11. Welcome To My Nightmare
  12. Go To Hell
  13. He's Back (The Man Behind The Mask)
  14. Feed My Frankenstein
  15. Ballad Of Dwight Fry
  16. Killer
  17. I Love The Dead
  18. Break On Through
  19. My Generation
  20. I'm Eighteen
  21. Poison
  22. Schools Out/Another Brick In The Wall


 Asunto: Re: ALICE COOPER: detalles de una "Nightmare"
NotaPublicado: Jue Oct 23, 2014 4:16 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ALICE COOPER: más adelantos de "Raise The Dead: Live From Wacken"


 Asunto: Re: ALICE COOPER: detalles de una "Nightmare"
NotaPublicado: Vie Feb 19, 2016 2:24 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ALICE COOPER trabaja en dos nuevos discos

Alice Cooper ha declarado a ABC News Radio que está trabajando en un nuevo álbum en solitario y está planeando un nuevo disco de Hollywood Vampires.

"Por lo tanto, estoy trabajando en dos álbumes a la vez en este momento", añadiendo, "y voy a estar en dos giras este verano. Tengo mi propia gira y luego la de Vampieres. Así pues, no tendré descanso ".


Legendary rocker Alice Cooper has told ABC News Radio that he is working on a new solo album and is planning a follow-up to HOLLYWOOD VAMPIRES' self-titled debut record, which came out last fall.

"So, I'm working on two albums at once right now," he explained, adding, "And I'm gonna be on two tours this summer. I got my own tour and then I got the VAMPIRES tour. So, I don't get a rest." ... ew-albums/


 Asunto: Re: ALICE COOPER: detalles de una "Nightmare"
NotaPublicado: Jue Oct 20, 2016 1:56 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ALICE COOPER lanzará un single con miembros de la formación original

Según publica Rolling Stone, Alice Cooper lanzará un single en vinilo con dos canciones que interpreto el año pasado con los miembros sobrevivientes de la banda original. El single será lanzado el 25 de noviembre (Black Friday), llevará por título "Live From the Astroturf" y contendrá los temas "I'm Eighteen" y "Is It My Body".

La actuación tuvo lugar en octubre de 2015 en la tienda de discos de Dallas "Good Records", junto a Alice estaban el bajista Dennis Dunaway, el guitarrista Michael Bruce y el batería Neal Smith (por primera vez desde 2011, cuando se realizaron un par de actuaciones coincidiendo con su inclusión en el "Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame", así como su aparición en el LP "Welcome 2 My Nightmare"). El guitarrista Ryan Roxie, un miembro de la banda actual, sustituyo a Glen Buxton, que falleció en 1997.

On Black Friday, Alice Cooper will release a special seven-inch single containing two songs he sang last year with the surviving members of the original Alice Cooper band. Cooper joined bassist Dennis Dunaway, guitarist Michael Bruce and Neal Smith last year at Dallas music store Good Records where the bassist was promoting his Snakes! Guillotines! Electric Chairs! memoir. They played a short set, and the single – dubbed Live From the Astroturf – will feature their performances of "I'm Eighteen" and "Is It My Body."

ideo of the group's performance of "I'm Eighteen" begins with a brief interview with Dunaway, Bruce and Smith who joke about getting sick of hearing the hit on the radio, their use of props and how the songs and theatricality dovetailed together. When they perform, they do so on a tiny stage, goading on the audience as they dramatically lift their instruments into the air. The clip also shows the line outside waiting to get into the store. Ryan Roxie, who plays in guitar in Cooper's group, fills in for late guitarist Glen Buxton.

The seven-inch, which will be available only in record stores, will come out in a limited edition of 2,500 copies split into white, pink, black and pink and white vinyl. The pink-and-white version, limited to 100 copies, also features autographed prints from Cooper, Smith, Bruce and Dunaway.

All editions also come in a shrink-wrapped gatefold foil board jacket with a sticker, individual number and six five-by-seven double-sided art prints on the inside sleeve. The audio was mixed by Justin Cortelyou and Bob Ezrin, the latter of whom co-produced the Love It to Death LP that serves as home to both songs. The release is dedicated in loving memory to Buxton. ... en-w445503


 Asunto: Re: ALICE COOPER: detalles de una "Nightmare"
NotaPublicado: Mié Dic 07, 2016 8:25 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ALICE COOPER preparando nuevo disco

Alice Cooper ha comenzado a grabar demos para su próximo álbum de estudio, que puede o no contener contribuciones de los miembros supervivientes de la banda original: el bajista Dennis Dunaway, el guitarrista Michael Bruce y el batería Neal Smith.

Durante una entrevista con The Arizona Republic, Cooper reveló que comenzó a trabajar en su nuevo disco el 5 de diciembre, una vez más con el productor Bob Ezrin.

"Ahora estamos grabando demos", dijo. "Estamos escribiendo y grabando demos. Tenemos tres canciones de la banda original y vamos a ver si podemos convertirlas en algo. Lo intentaremos. Pero Neal, Mike, Dennis y yo escribimos canciones juntos. Es lo que siempre hacemos, sabemos que las diez mejores canciones van a hacer el álbum. No importa de donde vengan. Yo siempre voy a escribir la letra. Y siempre voy a arreglarla. Bob Siempre va a producirlo. Si la canción viene de Neal, Mike y Dennis, ¡genial! Me encantaría, tenemos esas canciones ahí, solo tenemos que ver si encajan".


Alice Cooper has begun recording demos for his next studio album, which may or may not feature contributions from the surviving original members of the ALICE COOPER band: bassist Dennis Dunaway, guitarist Michael Bruce and drummer Neal Smith.

During an interview with The Arizona Republic about this year's annual Christmas Pudding event, Cooper revealed that he started tracking demos for his new disc on December 5 with longtime producer Bob Ezrin once again behind the boards.

"We're recording demos right now," he said. "We're writing and recording demos. We have three songs from the original band that we're gonna look at and see if we can turn them into something. If not, we tried. But Neal and Mike and Dennis and I wrote songs together. And what we always do, we know the best ten songs are gonna make the album. It doesn't matter where they came from. I'm gonna always write the lyrics. And I'm gonna always arrange it. And Bob's always gonna produce it. If the song comes from Neal, Mike and Dennis, great! I would love that. We have those songs sitting there. We just have to see if they fit in." ... 53KiEWy.99


 Asunto: Re: ALICE COOPER: detalles de una "Nightmare"
NotaPublicado: Jue May 11, 2017 2:51 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ALICE COOPER habla sobre su nuevo disco "Paranormal"

Alice Cooper lanzará su 27º álbum de estudio, "Paranormal", en julio, con apariciones como invitados de Billy Gibbons de ZZ TOP, tres miembros de la banda original de Alice Cooper y el batería de U2 Larry Mullen Jr.

Durante una aparición el viernes pasado (5 de mayo) en el programa de radio SiriusXM "Trunk Nation", Alice Cooper dijo que el productor Bob Ezrin fue el responsable de involucrar a Mullen Jr. en las sesiones.

"Bob Ezrin y yo nos sentamos allí, y Bob dice: "¿Qué piensas de Larry Mullen en la batería?" Y me dije: "Es una gran idea, que cambiará las cosas".

Alice Cooper también habló sobre el enfoque algo inusual del batería de U2 en la grabación. Alice recordó: "Larry [dijo],"Quiero ver las letras". Yo dije, "¿En serio?" Él dijo: "Sí, toco las letras, no toco el bajo". Y yo dije: "Es genial la idea de que interpretes las letras en la batería". Así que eso hace que el álbum sea otro álbum. "

Gibbons, mientras tanto, toca la guitarra en una canción titulada "I've Fallen In Love And I Can't Get Up". "

Además de actuar en "Paranormal", los miembros de la banda original de ALICE COOPER, Neal Smith (batería), Michael Bruce (guitarra) y Dennis Dunaway (bajo) participaron en la composición del nuevo disco. "Yo escribí tres canciones [con ellos] para el nuevo álbum, Dennis trajo dos canciones, Mike trajo una canción. Hay una canción titulada "I Want A Genuine American Girl"...

Con respecto al título del álbum "Paranormal", Cooper dijo: "Me encanta ese título, "Paranormal" , pero en realidad no es un disco de terror, hay un par de canciones de terror, pero es "paranormal" en el sentido de "Diferente a lo normal"...


Alice Cooper will release his 27th studio album, "Paranormal", in July. The follow-up to 2011's "Welcome 2 My Nightmare" will feature guest appearances by ZZ TOP's Billy Gibbons, three members of the original ALICE COOPER band and U2 drummer Larry Mullen Jr.

During an appearance on last Friday's (May 5) episode of the SiriusXM radio show "Trunk Nation", Cooper said producer Bob Ezrin was responsible for getting Mullen Jr. involved in the sessions.

"Bob Ezrin and I sat there, and Bob says, 'What do you think about Larry Mullen on drums?' And I went, 'That's a great idea. It'll change things up so much on just the basic tracks.'"

Cooper also talked about the U2 drummer's somewhat unusual approach to recording. Alice recalled: "Larry [said], 'I wanna see the lyrics.' I said, 'Really?' He [said], 'Yeah, I play to the lyrics. I don't play to the bass.' And I said, 'That is so cool — just the idea that you're interpreting the lyrics on the drums.' So that totally makes the album another album."

Gibbons, meanwhile, plays guitar on a song called "I've Fallen In Love And I Can't Get Up". "After we cut the record, I went, 'If Billy Gibbons doesn't play on this, we shouldn't put this one out,' 'cause, I mean, it is so much him," Alice said. "And he got the record, and he said, 'I've got the flu, but, man, this song makes me feel better.' He just killed it."

In addition to performing on "Paranormal", original ALICE COOPER bandmembers Neal Smith (drums), Michael Bruce (guitar) and Dennis Dunaway (bass) were involved in the songwriting for the new record. "I wrote three songs [with them] for the new album. Dennis brought in two songs, Mike brought in a song. There's one song called 'I Wanna Be A Genuine American Girl'. It was gonna be 'I Want A Genuine American Girl', and I went, 'No, no, no. I Wanna Be A Genuine American Girl! It's really a tough song, so it's this guy going, 'I've gotta paint my nails, I've gotta do my hair.' [Laughs]"

With reards to the "Paranormal" album title, Cooper said: "I love that title, 'Paranormal', but it's not really a scary record. There's a couple of scary songs on it, but [it is] 'paranormal,' meaning 'other than normal.' This is not a normal Alice record. Bob and I decided, 'No theme this time. We're gonna make a record of things that just get us off, songs that we like. And it might go in a lot of different directions, but these are just songs that get us off."

Cooper added that he doesn't have unrealistic expectations for his new album, explaining that he is making records for his longtime fans, full aware that the days of multi-platinum LPs and million-dollar profits are long gone. "Those days are over," he said. "The golden age is over. I have a world of fans out there, all over the world, and it took forty-five years to build that fanbase. So when I make records now, I make 'em for those people. I'm not trying to break a new audience. I am playing an album for an audience that's already there, and I think AEROSMITH is too, and I think anybody that's established is making records for their fanbase." ... mullen-jr/


 Asunto: Re: ALICE COOPER: detalles de una "Nightmare"
NotaPublicado: Vie May 12, 2017 3:37 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Fecha de lanzamiento de "Paranormal" lo nuevo de ALICE COOPER

EarMUSIC ha anunciado fichaje de Alice Cooper. Paranormal, el nuevo álbum de estudio de Alice Cooper, será lanzado el 28 de julio por earMUSIC como 2CD Digipak, 2LP, Limited Box Set y Digital. ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: ALICE COOPER: detalles de una "Nightmare"
NotaPublicado: Sab Jun 03, 2017 3:11 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
ALICE COOPER: portada de su nuevo disco "Paranormal"

"Paranormal", el nuevo álbum de estudio de Alice Cooper, será lanzado el 28 de julio por earMUSIC como 2CD Digipak, 2LP, Limited Box Set y Digital.

Nota en el facebook oficial de Alice Cooper:

¡No puede esperar a que salga el nuevo álbum "PARANORMAL"! Estoy emocionado de presentar la nueva portada del álbum, con fotos de Rob Fenn. ¡El nuevo single "PARANOIC PERSONALITY" sale el 9 de junio y el álbum completo saldrá el 28 de julio! Paranormal será lanzado por earMUSIC como un doble CD Digipak, LP doble, una caja limitada, y en formatos digitales.

Hay 12 canciones que fueron grabadas en Nashville con mi colaborador desde hace años Bob Ezrin y cuenta con un bonus CD muy especial - un mini-álbum compuesto por tres nuevas canciones escritas y grabadas junto con los miembros originales de la banda de Alice Cooper, Dennis Dunaway, Neal Smith, Michael Bruce, junto a grabaciones en vivo cuidadosamente seleccionadas.

Paranormal también cuenta con colaboraciones especiales de Larry Mullen Jr. de U2, Billy Gibbons de ZZ Top y Roger Glover de Deep Purple.


Can't wait for the new album "PARANORMAL" to come out! I'm excited to unveil the new album's cover, featuring photos by Rob Fenn. The new single “PARANOIC PERSONALITY” is out on June 9th, and the full album is out July 28th! Paranormal will be released by earMUSIC as a Double CD Digipak, Double LP, a Limited Box Set, and in digital formats!

Preorder Paranormal here -

There are 12 tracks that were recorded in Nashville with my long-time collaborator Bob Ezrin and features a very special bonus CD — a mini-album consisting of three brand new songs written and recorded together with original Alice Cooper band members Dennis Dunaway, Neal Smith, Michael Bruce, alongside carefully selected live recordings.

Paranormal also features special guest appearances by U2‘s Larry Mullen Jr., ZZ Top‘s Billy Gibbons, and Deep Purple‘s Roger Glover. ... =3&theater ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: ALICE COOPER: detalles de una "Nightmare"
NotaPublicado: Vie Jun 09, 2017 7:38 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
ALICE COOPER: nuevo tema "Paranoiac Personality"

"Paranormal", el nuevo álbum de estudio de Alice Cooper, será lanzado el 28 de julio por earMUSIC como 2CD Digipak, 2LP, Limited Box Set y Digital.


01. Paranormal
02. Dead Flies
03. Fireball
04. Paranoiac Personality
05. Fallen in Love
06. Dynamite Road
07. Private Public Breakdown
08. Holy Water
09. Rats
10. The Sound of A

Bonus CD

Studio recordings with the original Alice Cooper band:

11. Genuine American Girl
12. You and All of Your Friends

Live in Columbus, Ohio, May 6th, 2016 with the current Alice Cooper band:

13. No More Mr. Nice Guy (Live in Columbus)
14. Under My Wheels (Live in Columbus)
15. Billion Dollar Babies (Live in Columbus)
16. Feed My Frankenstein (Live in Columbus)
17. Only Women Bleed (Live in Columbus)
18. School's Out (Live in Columbus)


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