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 Asunto: Re: Novedades en FIREWIND
NotaPublicado: Vie Jun 17, 2016 2:11 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
FIREWIND grabando nuevo disco

Anuncio en el facebook oficial de la banda:

"Durante los últimos meses hemos estado ocupados componiendo nuestro 8º álbum y esta semana finalmente entramos en el estudio para empezar a grabar. Estamos super emocionados, ya que esta es nuestra primera grabación en 4 AÑOS. Además, este será el primer álbum con nuestro nuevo cantante Henning Basse.

Hemos entrado en los estudios "Noise Factory" en Bélgica esta semana con el productor / ingeniero Dennis Ward (Unisonic, Pink Cream 69, Krokus, etc.) para grabar la batería y está sonando enorme..."


Por este motivo la banda ha retrasado las fechas de su gira europea.


Hi everyone!

We feel it's time to give you an update on what's happening in our world. For the past few months we've been busy composing our 8th album and this week we finally entered the studio to start recording! We're super excited about it, as this is our first recording in 4 years, plus this will be our first album with our new singer Henning Basse (who should not be a stranger to our fans by now).
We've entered Noise Factory Studio in Belgium this week with Producer/Engineer Dennis Ward (Unisonic, Pink Cream 69, Krokus, etc.) to track drums and it's sounding huge already!

As the schedule is pretty hectic for the next few months with recordings, finalizing everything, etc. we feel we need time to have a proper setup for the album release and give it the attention it deserves.
Therefore, we have decided to postpone our UK/European club dates to early 2017. All dates are there and we've even added an extra UK show in Southampton and one more in Strasbourg, France! Moreover, we will have Sweden's MANIMAL as special guests, as well as Greece's Scar Of The Sun opening the shows. Tickets already purchased are still valid for the re-scheduled dates. We're sorry for the inconvenience, but we promise it'll be worth the wait!

Our summer festival appearances are still on and we'll be revealing more info on the new album as we go along!

FIREWIND - Europe & UK Tour 2017

15/2/17 Glasgow, UK @ Audio
16/2/17 Manchester, UK @ Academy 3
17/2/17 Sheffield, UK @ Corporation
18/2/17 Wolverhampton, UK @ Slade Rooms
19/2/17 London, UK @ Underworld
21/2/17 Southampton, UK @ Engine Rooms
22/2/17 Paris, FR @ Backstage by the Mills
23/2/17 Strasbourg, FR @ La Laiterie
25/2/17 Vienna, AT @ Szene
26/2/17 Budapest , HU @ A38
27/2/17 Munchen, DE @ Feierwerk
28/2/17 Aschaffenburg, DE @ Colos-Saal
01/3/17 Bochum, DE @ Rockpalast
02/3/17 Vosselaar, BEL @ Biebob ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Novedades en FIREWIND
NotaPublicado: Vie Nov 18, 2016 3:56 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
FIREWIND: nuevo disco "Immortals"

FIREWIND lanzarán su octavo álbum de estudio "Immortals", el 20 de enero de 2017 a través de Century Media Records en Europa y AFM Records en Norte América.

Gus G comenta: "Hoy estamos muy contentos de revelar la portada de nuestro octavo álbum de estudio. Se titula "Immortals" y es el primer álbum conceptual de Firewind. Ya que somos de Grecia, pensamos que sería una idea genial que tratase de la historia griega y su patrimonio. Así pues, en este álbum nos centramos en las batallas legendarias de las Termópilas y de Salamina durante la segunda invasión persa de Grecia en el 480 AC. La portada fue creada nuevamente por nuestro colaborador, Gustavo Sazes y creemos que refleja el ambiente que tratamos de capturar en este álbum - Épico, poderoso, glorioso, eterno..

Con "Immortals" es la primera vez que Firewind utiliza un coproductor externo, y trabajaron con Dennis Ward (Unisonic, Pink Cream 69), quien no solo mezcló y masterizó el álbum, sino que lo coescribió con Gus G.

Además del CD estándar y los formatos de descarga digital, "Immortals" será lanzado como vinilo de 180gr con póster, así como el álbum completo en CD como bonus. Además, también habrá una edición limitada Mediabook con libreto ampliado, un bonus y tres pegatinas.

El primer single del álbum se estrenará el 25 de noviembre.


1. Hands Of Time
2. We Defy
3. Ode To Leonidas
4. Back On The Throne
5. Live And Die By The Sword
6. Wars Of Ages
7. Lady Of 1000 Sorrows
8. Immortals
9. Warriors And Saints
10. Rise From The Ashes

Henning Basse - Vocals
Gus G. - Guitar
Petros Christo - Bass
Bob Katsionis - Keyboards
Jo Nunez - Drums


New FIREWIND Studio Album "IMMORTALS" set for January 2017 release!

Greek melodic Power metal masters FIREWIND, are proud to announce the release of their upcoming 8th studio album, ”Immortals”, which will be released on January 20th, 2017 via the band’s longtime label partner Century Media Records in Europe & AFM Records in North America.

Gus G checks in to comment about “Immortals” and its artwork: “Today we're very happy to reveal the cover artwork for our 8th studio album. It's titled "Immortals" and it's the first concept album FIREWIND has ever made. Since we're from Greece, we thought it would be a cool idea to make a concept of Greek history and heritage. So, on this album we focused on the legendary battles of Thermopylae and Salamis during the 2nd Persian invasion of Greece in 480 BC. The artwork was once again created by our longtime collaborator, Gustavo Sazes and we feel it reflects the vibe we tried to capture on this album - Epic, Powerful, Glorious, Everlasting.”

“Immortals” marks the first time FIREWIND used an outside co-producer, working with Dennis Ward (Unisonic, Pink Cream 69), who not only engineered, mixed and mastered the album, but also co-wrote it together with Gus G. The album’s tracklisting reads as follows:

Next to the standard jewel case CD and Digital Download formats, “Immortals” will also be released as LP on 180gr vinyl with a poster as well as the entire album on CD as bonus. Additionally, there will also be a limited edition Mediabook CD with expanded booklet, a bonus track and 3 stickers. Look out for more details and pre-order details soon…

A first album’s online single is set to debut on November 25th, but in the meantime you can already check out a few sample riffs in a play-through clip that Gus G. recorded in co-operation with Toontrack’s EZmix 2 and the Metal Guitar Gods 4 EZmix Pack expansion here:

In support of the new album, FIREWIND are set to hit the road across Europe and the UK. Those dates as well as some first festival dates confirmed for 2017, can be seen here: ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Novedades en FIREWIND
NotaPublicado: Sab Nov 26, 2016 3:30 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
FIREWIND: nuevo tema "Hands Of Time"


 Asunto: Re: Novedades en FIREWIND
NotaPublicado: Mié Dic 07, 2016 3:39 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
FIREWIND - Immortals (EPK)


 Asunto: Re: Novedades en FIREWIND
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 13, 2017 5:47 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
FIREWIND: nuevo tema "Back On The Throne"


 Asunto: Re: Novedades en FIREWIND
NotaPublicado: Sab Mar 31, 2018 3:09 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
GUS G.: nuevo disco "Fearless"

Gus G. lanzará su nuevo disco en solitario titulado "Fearless", el 20 de abril a través de AFM Records.


01. Letting Go
02. Mr. Manson
03. Don't Tread On Me
04. Fearless
05. Nothing To Say
06. Money For Nothing
07. Chances
08. Thrill Of The Chase
09. Big City
10. Last Of My Kind

Bonus tracks digipak/vinilo:

11. Little Ain't Enough
12. Aftermath


Gus G. (Guitarra)
Dennis Ward (Voz/Bajo)
Will Hunt (Batería) ... mr-manson/


 Asunto: Re: Novedades en FIREWIND
NotaPublicado: Mié Ene 29, 2020 4:34 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
FIREWIND grabando nuevo disco

Entrada de la banda en Facebook:

"Actualmente estamos dando los últimos toques al álbum número 9, aquí teneis un video con algunos momentos de las grabaciones de los últimos meses entre nuestras giras. Y también podéis escuchar algunos fragmentos de música nuevos."


We’re currently putting the finishing touches on album number 9, but here’s a video with some of the recording process the past months & in between our tours. And you get to hear some new music snippets too ... ?__tn__=-R


 Asunto: Re: Novedades en FIREWIND
NotaPublicado: Mar Mar 10, 2020 4:52 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Cambios de formación en FIREWIND

El guitarrista - teclista Bob Katsionis y el cantante Henning Basse han dejado Firewind (buen rollo, temas personales y enfocar sus carreras en otras cosas). El nuevo vocalista del grupo es Herbie Langhans (Avantasia y Sinbreed).

Recordamos que la banda se encuentra grabando es estos momentos. La nota nos adelanta que ya se han grabado las voces con el nuevo vocalista, y que pronto habrá mas noticias.



Dear friends & supporters,

We’ve been pretty quiet about the new album but we’ll cut right to the chase.

After many years, Bob Katsionis is stepping down from the ongoing touring lifestyle and focus on his work as a producer / studio engineer as well as his own projects.
We’ve also parted ways with Henning Basse due to personal reasons that will prevent him from completing the upcoming album touring cycle and continuing with the band overall.

We thank them both for their time and contributions to Firewind. There’s absolutely no bad blood here, the guys are part of our legacy and we wish them best of luck for the future.

While this was a big challenge for us, it is a change that needed to happen in order for the band to continue. This is a rebirth of Firewind and a new chapter in our musical history.

At the same time we’d like to welcome new singer Herbie Langhans (Avantasia, x- Sinbreed).
Herbie is a hell of a singer and his powerful style breathes new life on our new material but also on our back catalogue.

He recently completed the vocals for our 9th studio album which is due later this year.

We’re very excited to finally reveal the upcoming album and share the new sounds with you! Stay tuned as more announcements coming real soon! ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Novedades en FIREWIND
NotaPublicado: Sab Mar 21, 2020 4:39 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
FIREWIND: detalles de su nuevo disco "Firewind"

El nuevo álbum homónimo de Firewind se lanzará el 15 de mayo.


01. Welcome To The Empire
02. Devour
03. Rising Fire
04. Break away
05. Orbitual Sunrise
06. Longing To Know You
07. Perfect Stranger
08. Overdrive
09. All My Life
10. Space Cowboy
11. Kill The Pain


We're excited to announce that our brand new self-titled 9th studio album will be released on May 15th! With the lead single & video "Rising Fire" released earlier today (, we're kicking off the album pre-orders: ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Novedades en FIREWIND
NotaPublicado: Jue Ago 19, 2021 2:25 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Nuevo disco en solitario de GUS G.

Gus G. ha revelado la portada y la lista de temas de su nuevo álbum en solitario, “Quantum Leap”, que se lanzará el 8 de octubre de 2021 a través de AFM Records.

El nuevo álbum que es instrumental fue producido, mezclado y masterizado por Dennis Ward.


Digipak 2-CD

01 Into The Unknown
02 Exosphere
03 Quantum Leap
04 Chronesthesia
05 Enigma Of Life
06 Judgement Day
07 Fierce
08 Demon Stomp
09 Night Driver
10 Not Forgotten
11 Force Majeure (feat. Vinnie Moore)

01 Fearless
02 Mr. Manson
03 Letting Go
04 Cold Sweat
05 Force Majeure
06 Money For Nothing
07 Thrill Of The Chase


One of the best guitarists does the honors and leads the listener into a virtuoso world of guitar sounds. The quantum leap of his musical development and career will be released on October 08, 2021.
It is no longer a secret that Gus G. plays in the top league in the world of guitar virtuosos. Not only that he played the world's biggest stages in his time with Ozzy Osbourne, but also that he was able to gain a firm place and a loyal fan base in recent years with his own band Firewind and his solo project Gus G. ennoble the guitar artist. In his new album "Quantum Leap", Gus G. continues his straight and inspirational path, this time focusing only on his excellent craft. For this reason, the new album is an instrumental album, but so complete in itself that it can make many a person green with envy. Gus G. has again relied on his longtime colleague Dennis Ward for production, but has done the mixing and mastering entirely on his own terms. Hard metal tracks line up with melodic riffs and make this album seem like a complete work. "Quantum Leap" is a tribute to himself, to a great guitarist and instrumental artist. ... gipak-2-cd


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