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 Asunto: Re: KING DIAMOND da señales de vida
NotaPublicado: Mié Ene 16, 2019 3:02 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
KING DIAMOND: nuevo video adelanto de su nuevo DVD / Blu-ray, "Songs For The Dead Live"

"Black Horsemen (Live at The Fillmore)"


 Asunto: Re: KING DIAMOND da señales de vida
NotaPublicado: Mar Ago 20, 2019 2:18 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
KING DIAMOND: nuevo disco "The Institute" en 2020

"Después de presentar un nuevo espectáculo en directo, así como música, en festivales en toda Europa este verano, King Diamond ahora está listo para revelar oficialmente el título y el tema del primer álbum de estudio en 12 años: "The Institute". Los fans pueden esperar que el single debut llegue este otoño y un álbum en 2020."


King Diamond announces North American tour dates with Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats, Idle Hands; reveals upcoming album details.

After introducing a new live show, as well as music, at festivals across Europe this summer, King Diamond is now ready to officially reveal the title and theme for the first studio album in 12 years: The Institute! Fans can expect the debut single to arrive this fall and an album in 2020.

King Diamond comments about the upcoming album The Institute: "For reasons unknown to you, it is clear that you have no way of making it to 'The Institute' on your own at this point. Therefore, we will bring THE INSTITUTE to you.
You don't want to miss this special opportunity for treatment only we can give you. It could be for your own good, you know..."

In support of The Institute project, King Diamond will embark on a North American tour with Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats and Idle Hands in November/December.

King Diamond comments: "Watch out North America, we are coming for you this Winter. I'm very proud to bring two special and amazing guests to you. Their names are Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats, plus Idle Hands.
Make an appointment now..."

See below for all dates! Meet and Greet packages with King Diamond are available for the first time ever on this tour - please visit to purchase your ticket or VIP upgrade! ... our-dates/


 Asunto: Re: KING DIAMOND da señales de vida
NotaPublicado: Vie Nov 08, 2019 8:14 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
KING DIAMOND: nuevo tema “Masquerade of Madness”

King Diamond ha revelado el título y un tema de su primer álbum de estudio en 12 años, "The Institute".

El nuevo sencillo, "Masquerade of Madness", ha sido mezclado por Andy Larocque y King Diamond en los estudios "Sonic Train".


Kicks off North American tour with Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats, Idle Hands

As previously announced, King Diamond has revealed the title and theme for the first studio album in 12 years: The Institute! For a preview of this upcoming record, the new single, “Masquerade of Madness”, has been launched today. Mixed by Andy Larocque and King Diamond at Sonic Train Studios, “Masquerade of Madness” can be heard at:

King Diamond comments: “‘Masquerade of Madness’ is one of the first King Diamond studio songs in a long time. It will be featured on a future two album horror concept story, of which the first part is titled ‘The Institute‘.
The style is very classic King Diamond with lots of dynamics and limited amounts of compression to achieve very natural sounding vocals and instruments throughout the song. You’ll find some complex orchestrations, including the typical choir works you’re used to hearing from King Diamond, and a special thought process bringing vocals back to the forefront:
‘All vocals are lead vocals.’
Both Andy and I are presently working on several different songs with high potential for the upcoming album; all of which are absolute killers.
We will continue this work when we’re back from our North American tour in December, during which you can hear the live version of ‘Masquerade of Madness’.
For now, we hope you’ll enjoy the brand new studio version of ‘Masquerade of Madness’.”

Catch King Diamond on the road now in North America with Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats and Idle Hands (see below for dates). Limited Meet & Greet packages with King Diamond are available for the first time ever on this tour at: – reserve yours now! ... f-madness/


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