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 Asunto: Re: Lo último de EXODUS
NotaPublicado: Sab Sep 27, 2014 1:55 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
EXODUS - Blood In, Blood Out: PART 3 - Making of Album (OFFICIAL TRAILER)


 Asunto: Re: Lo último de EXODUS
NotaPublicado: Vie Oct 03, 2014 1:45 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204


 Asunto: Re: Lo último de EXODUS
NotaPublicado: Vie Oct 03, 2014 10:56 am 

Registrado: Dom Oct 11, 2009 6:04 pm
Mensajes: 819
Ubicación: El puto infierno
Como suena esto..

No te fíes ni de tu sombra, siempre va pegada a tu culo.

 Asunto: Re: Lo último de EXODUS
NotaPublicado: Sab Oct 04, 2014 12:52 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
EXODUS - Blood In, Blood Out: PART 4 - Making of Album (OFFICIAL TRAILER)


 Asunto: Re: Lo último de EXODUS
NotaPublicado: Sab Oct 04, 2014 12:58 am 

Registrado: Dom Oct 11, 2009 6:04 pm
Mensajes: 819
Ubicación: El puto infierno
Se está creando mucha expectación sobre este disco. Tengo ganas de escucharlo. Suena que atruena.

No te fíes ni de tu sombra, siempre va pegada a tu culo.

 Asunto: Re: Lo último de EXODUS
NotaPublicado: Jue Oct 09, 2014 1:23 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
EXODUS - Blood In, Blood Out: PART 5 - Making of Album (OFFICIAL TRAILER)


 Asunto: Re: Lo último de EXODUS
NotaPublicado: Vie Nov 20, 2020 3:41 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Título del nuevo disco de EXODUS

Exodus han elegido "Persona Non Grata" como el título de su nuevo álbum, que se lanzará en el verano de 2021 a través de Nuclear Blast Records.


The cat is out of the bag:
Repost #garyholt_official
So the title of the new record is out!!The next @exodusbandofficial record is titled “Persona Non Grata” and will be our summer 2021! And I LOVE the studios name here in @decibelmagazine , “The garage next to Tom Hunting’a house”! Haha! Engineered by @stevelagudiproductions , produced by us, being mixed by @andysneap as we speak . Early indications are this monster sounds fucking sick! Doing some spot vocal stuff tomorrow with @zetrodus and then tracking is DONE. Gonna be a long wait until the release of this beast on @nuclearblastrecords ... =3&theater



 Asunto: Re: Lo último de EXODUS
NotaPublicado: Mié Abr 14, 2021 2:06 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
El batería de EXODUS, Tom Hunting, habla de su enfermedad

El batería de Exodus, Tom Hunting, ha revelado que le han diagnosticado carcinoma de células escamosas. Hoy Tom comienza su tratamiento y espera que su historia ayude a crear conciencia.

Tom Hunting: "Hoy comenzaré el tratamiento para un carcinoma de células escamosas. Es un tumor gástrico que me diagnosticaron en la parte superior del estómago en febrero. Lo hago público para crear conciencia y que las personas presten atención a los síntomas de problemas estomacales y esofágicos. Si persisten, por favor ve a que lo revisen. No voy a ser tímido al hablar de ello. Siento que si puedo ayudar a alguien con lo que he aprendido, o si alguien tiene información para compartir conmigo, es una victoria. Cuando puedes nombrar al enemigo, te fortalece, ¡y estás un paso más cerca de matarlo!

Ok, has escuchado las malas noticias. ¡La buena noticia es que me siento muy bien físicamente! ¡Voy a golpear esto como un maldito tambor que me debe dinero! Tengo grandes médicos y un gran sistema de apoyo que es un ejército en sí mismo. ¡Estoy listo para la pelea!

¡Tenemos mucho que celebrar este año con el lanzamiento de lo que será un álbum que definirá nuestra carrera y las siguientes giras! Estoy emocionado de que todos lo escuchen, ¡y aún más emocionado de salir y tocar un poco! ¡Los veré a todos muy pronto! ¡¡¡SALUD!!!"


2021-04-13 - EXODUS' drummer Tom Hunting has revealed that he has been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma. Today Tom begins his treatment and hopes his story helps raise awareness.

Important statement from our man Tom Hunting:
"Today I will be starting treatment for a squamous cell carcinoma. It's a gastric tumor that was diagnosed in my upper stomach in February. I'm making this public to raise awareness for people to pay attention to symptoms of stomach and esophageal issues. If they persist, please go get it checked out. I'm not gonna be sheepish talking about it. I feel that if I can help someone with what I've learned, or someone out there has information to share with me, it's a win-win! When you can name the enemy, it's empowering, and you're 1 step closer to killing it!

Ok, you've heard the bad news. The good news is he feels great physically! I'm gonna beat this like a fucking snare drum that owes me money!!! I've had great doctors and a great support system that is an army in itself. I'm ready for the fight!

We have a lot to celebrate this year with the release of what will be a career-defining album and tours to follow! I'm stoked for everyone to hear it, and even more excited to get out there and play some of it! I will see you all very soon! CHEERS!!!" ... tment.html


 Asunto: Re: Lo último de EXODUS
NotaPublicado: Mar Ago 17, 2021 2:18 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
John Tempesta sustituirá temporalmente a Tom Hunting en la batería de EXODUS

John Tempesta tocará la batería Exodus en dos próximos festivales en los que participará la banda mientras Tom Hunting se recupera de una operación.

Comunicado de Tom Hunting:

Hola a todos

Hace cinco semanas que me estoy recuperando de la operación. Cada día me siento más fuerte y estoy más que emocionado de volver a ejercitarme en la batería. Desafortunadamente, no estaré listo para los próximos conciertos de las Vegas y Full Terror Assault. Originalmente pensé que si podía caminar, podría tocar. Pero necesito replantear mis expectativas y volverme a poner en forma para estar completamente listo para la acción. No tengo ninguna duda de que me recuperaré. Quiero expresar mi amor eterno y mi gratitud a nuestro hermano Johnny Tempesta por aceptar tocar en mi ausencia. ¡Estoy 100% seguro de que le encantará tocar esta música! Volveré a comunicarme muy pronto. Muchísimas gracias y salud.

Tom Hunting


Due to Tom’s continued recovery from his surgery, we are announcing that for our show in Vegas and Full Terror Assault , we will be joined by @johntempesta on drums!! John was Tom’s ( and our) number one choice to jump behind the kit in his absence, and John will kill it while Tom continues his recovery, which is going very well!! Looking forward to seeing everyone who is coming to Vegas for the show. And looking forward to getting Tom healthy and back behind his kit as soon as possible! But let’s welcome John back for two shows where he started
From Tom..
Hey Y'all
I'm 5 weeks out from the surgery and on the mend. I'm feeling stronger all the time and I'm beyond excited to get back to working out on the drums. Unfortunately I won't be ready for the upcoming Vegas and Full Terror Assault shows. Originally I thought if I could walk, I could play. I need to manage my own expectations, and then work my very core back into shape to be fully ready for action. I have no doubt I'll bounce back and get there. I wanna express my undying love and gratitude to our brother Johnny Tempesta for agreeing to play in my absence. I'm 100% sure he will crush playing this music! I'll check in again very soon. Thanks Soooo Much And CHEERS EVERYONE!!!!
Tom Hunting ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Lo último de EXODUS
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 21, 2021 3:04 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
EXODUS anuncian su nuevo disco "Persona Non Grata"

Exodus, lanzarán su nuevo álbum, "Persona Non Grata", el 19 de noviembre a través de Nuclear Blast Records. El video musical oficial del primer sencillo del disco, "The Beatings Will Continue (Until Morale Improves)", que fue escrito y dirigido por BJ McDonnell y producido por James A Rota, NO se puede ver a continuación. Par Olofsson es el creador de la portada del disco.


01. Persona Non Grata
02. R.E.M.F.
03. Slipping Into Madness
04. Elitist
05. Prescribing Horror
06. The Beatings Will Continue (Until Morale Improves)
07. The Years Of Death And Dying
08. Clickbait
09. Cosa Del Pantano
10. Lunatic-Liar-Lord
11. The Fires Of Division
12. Antiseed


EXODUS - Announce 11th Studio Album "Persona Non Grata", Music Video For The 1st Single "The Beatings Will Continue (Until Morale Improves)" Out Today!
EXODUS - Announce "Persona Non Grata"! - 2021-08-20

2021-08-20 - With a bond forged in youth and decades-old friendship, the undisputed masters of thrash metal return with their eleventh studio album, PERSONA NON GRATA due to be released on November 19th via Nuclear Blast Records. Today, the band releases the music video for the first single entitled, "The Beatings Will Continue (Until Morale Improves)". Watch the video that was written and directed by BJ McDonnell and produced by James A Rota, here:

News from EXODUS
EXODUS - Announce 11th Studio Album "Persona Non Grata", Music Video For The 1st Single "The Beatings Will Continue (Until Morale Improves)" Out Today!
EXODUS - Announce "Persona Non Grata"! - 2021-08-20

2021-08-20 - With a bond forged in youth and decades-old friendship, the undisputed masters of thrash metal return with their eleventh studio album, PERSONA NON GRATA due to be released on November 19th via Nuclear Blast Records. Today, the band releases the music video for the first single entitled, "The Beatings Will Continue (Until Morale Improves)". Watch the video that was written and directed by BJ McDonnell and produced by James A Rota, here:

Gary Holt comments "After what seems like an eon, we now have the debut of our first single, 'The Beatings Will Continue (Until Morale Improves)'. I’m so jacked up for this and the release of Persona Non Grata! Let’s get the bloodletting started!"

PRE-ORDER your copy of PERSONA NON GRATA here:
PRE-SAVE the album here:

PERSONA NON GRATA will be available in the following formats:
CD Jewelcase + Blu-ray Bonus Disc (Jam Camp!)
Double LP - various colors
Mail Order 2LP Boxset – Limited to 2,000 pieces worldwide
CD Jewelcase Long Box + Blu-ray Bonus Disc (Jam Camp!) (Decibel Magazine Exclusive)
Cassette – Tinted Red

Literally translating to an "unwelcome" or "unacceptable" person, PERSONA NON GRATA touches on themes of modern societal disgust and degradation. The band gathered at Tom Hunting's house in the mountains where they produced and recorded Persona Non Grata from three home-built studios. Steve Lagudi was at the helm of engineering while the band enlisted Andy Sneap of Backstage Studios to mix the album. For the third time in the band’s history, they returned to Swedish artist Par Olofsson to create the album artwork.


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