Nuevo single de WITHIN TEMPTATIONEl 8 de mayo Within Temptation lanzará un nuevo single titulado "Entertain You".

"¡Estamos muy emocionados de anunciar que el 8 de mayo lanzaremos nuestro nuevo tema “Entertain You”!
Teníamos planeado el lanzamiento de este tema durante el “Worlds Collide Tour”, pero ahora que se ha pospuesto, queremos daros algo mientras no comience la gira.
“Entertain You” estará disponible en todas las plataformas de streaming como Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music, Amazon Music y YouTube. "

We're very excited to announce that on May 8 we will release our brand new track 'Entertain You'!
We planned the release of this track during the Worlds Collide Tour, but now that it has been postponed we want to give you something to look forward to until the tour starts.
'Entertain You' will be out on all streaming platforms such as Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music, Amazon Music and YouTube.
Pre-save the song now and we will choose 50 lucky fans that will receive a personal postcard and message from Sharon. Pre-save 'Entertain You' here: care everyone, hang in there and until we meet again. ... =3&theater