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 Asunto: Re: Novedades de TYGERS OF PAN TANG
NotaPublicado: Mar Abr 20, 2021 3:14 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
Disco recopilatorio de TYGERS OF PAN TANG

Tygers Of Pan Tang lanzará el 28 de mayo, “Majors And Minors”, una compilación de los mejores temas de sus últimos discos.


01. Only The Brave
02. Destiny
03. She
04. Never Give In
05. Worlds Apart
06. Glad Rags
07. Let It Burn
08. White Lines
09. The Devil You Know
10. Keeping Me Alive
11. Hot Blooded
12. Damn You!
13. Spoils Of War (Orchestral Mix)
14. What You Say
15. Plug Me In


On May 28th 2021 Tygers of Pan Tang will release [worldwide] their album ‘Majors and Minors’ which continues the band’s legacy with a fine selection of songs that were written and recorded over the last eight years. Not just a ‘Best of’ compilation because the band wanted to offer something special to both loyal fans, collectors and those who have missed our latest records. “It’s like your best Tygers tracks, but all in one place!”- Robb Weir.

And once again the stunning artwork will make the products and merchandise associated with the album things of beauty to behold.
The band chose songs on the album which they believed to be classics and to represent the Renaissance of the Tygers boosted by having a Florentine on vocals! Partially written on the road, the tracks not only have killer riffs, balls and power pushing performances to the limit, but express the band’s creativity and musical chemistry for songwriting. Not afraid to even add Spanish Guitars and castanets if a track demands it this band are never boring!

Party songs, heavy songs, Rock anthems, groovy Rock n Rollers, catchy songs cleverly constructed with accessible melodies, the band has packed all of this in to this meaty package. The contribution of Chris Tsangarides able to pull the best out of the band was instrumental. The band feel that this ‘new’ period of the band which has in fact lasted longer than the original line up has produced songs which are indispensable to the history of the band. “It’s been a lot of fun putting this together, so get yourself comfy, press play and let the Tygers do the rockin.” -Robb Weir

The compilation includes ‘Plug Me In’ never released on CD, a new orchestral version of ‘Spoils of War’, ‘What You Say’ never released in an album format before and a live version of ‘Keeping Me Alive’ recorded in 2018.
Known for their incendiary hit version of ‘Love Potion no.9’ from ‘The Cage’ album in 1982 which sold over 200,000 copies and gave the band two top 50 songs in the UK Tygers remain a much loved hard rock band with their NWOBHM legacy and many loyal fans. ... -minors-cd


 Asunto: Re: Novedades de TYGERS OF PAN TANG
NotaPublicado: Mar Jul 20, 2021 3:01 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
Gavin Gray (bajo) deja TYGERS OF PAN TANG

Después de diez increíbles años juntos, Gav ha tomado la decisión de dejar a los Tygers. Gav ha sido una parte integral de la banda en todo momento y su contribución, tanto en vivo como como compositor / arreglista, no puede ser subestimada. Es un anuncio difícil de hacer y será una noticia inquietante para muchos, pero apoyamos plenamente a Gav en sus futuros proyectos musicales.

Es una decisión que ha sido, con mucho, una de las más difíciles que he tenido que tomar, pero durante el año pasado me di cuenta de que es hora de que me retire. No he sido feliz por un tiempo y no quiero detener a los muchachos en la forma en que quieren seguir adelante.

Esta es una razón puramente personal, así que no voy a hablar de diferencias musicales, elecciones de dirección, nuevos comienzos o cualquier otro tema.

Estoy orgulloso de lo que he logrado con la banda, los discos que he hecho, los lugares en los que he tocado, los amigos que he hecho y los recuerdos que se quedarán conmigo para siempre. Ser parte integral del nuevo auge de la popularidad actual de los Tygers fue un placer.

Me gustaría desearles a mis compañeros de banda mucho éxito en el futuro y agradecer a los fans que me han mostrado una gratitud tan increíble en todo momento.

Sigue rockeando y sigue apoyando a tus bandas favoritas…

Amor y paz, Gav


Actualmente la banda anda buscando un nuevo bajista.

After an amazing ten years together, Gav has made the decision to leave the Tygers. Gav has been an integral part of the band throughout and his contribution, both live and as a songwriter/arranger cannot be overestimated. It is a difficult announcement to make and will be upsetting news for many but we are fully supportive of Gav in his future musical endeavours.
After 10 years as the bass player with Tygers Of Pan Tang, I have made the tough decision to leave the band...

It`s a decision that has been by far one of the hardest ones I`ve had to make but over the past year I have realised that it is time for me to step down. I have not been happy for a while now and don`t want to hold the guys back in the way they want to go forward.
This is purely a personal reason so I`m not going to go on about musical differences, direction choices, new beginnings or any other issues.
I`m proud of what I have achieved with the band, the records I`ve made, the places I`ve played, the friends I`ve made and the memories that will stay with me forever. Being an integral part of the new rise of the Tygers current popularity was a pleasure.
I would like to wish my bandmates every success for the future and thank the fans that have shown me such amazing gratitude throughout.
Keep rocking and keep supporting your favourite bands...
Love and Peace, Gav ... 9863929639


 Asunto: Re: Novedades de TYGERS OF PAN TANG
NotaPublicado: Mié Ago 25, 2021 2:23 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
TYGERS OF PAN TANG anuncian que Huw Holding será su nuevo bajista

Huw Holding será el nuevo bajista de Tygers Of Pan Tang. Huw ha tocado con varias bandas, en particular Holosade y Blitzkrieg.

Él comentó: "Es un gran honor tocar para una banda a la que escuche y adoré cuando era niño, todos esos años atrás ..."

El debut de Huw con la banda será en octubre.


The Tygers are delighted to tell you that Huw Holding will be their new bass player. Huw has played with a number of bands, notably Holosade and Blitzkrieg. He commented "It is such a great honour to play for a band that I stood and worshipped as a kid, all those years back…' Huw's debut with the band will be in October. More details of that next week. The band are exceptionally grateful to all of those who put the time in to send an audition tape. The standard proved to be very high.
Photo courtesy of
Puede ser una imagen de una o varias personas, personas tocando instrumentos musicales, personas de pie y guitarra ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Novedades de TYGERS OF PAN TANG
NotaPublicado: Sab Ene 08, 2022 4:41 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805

Tygers Of Pan Tang lanzarán un nuevo EP, “A New Heartbeat”, el 25 de febrero a través de Mighty Music. Cuenta con dos pistas regrabadas de su primer álbum “Wild Cat”, "Fireclown" y "Killers", además de dos temas nuevos. “A New Heartbeat” fue mezclado por Marco Angioni en Angioni Studios y, como todos los lanzamientos recientes de la banda fue masterizado por Harry Hess.


01. A New Heartbeat
02. Red Mist
03. Fireclown
04. Killers


Francesco and Jack are beyond excited to tell you that the new 4 track CD featuring two new songs and two re-recordings of Wild Cat tracks is available now in the Tygers webstore. So get on over there and bag yourself a copy.
Our first review is er … 10/10!
“A New Heartbeat” is up to be a new favorite for the band’s fans, because it’s filled with excellent hooking melodies, an easy to memorize chorus, and tons of a massive Old School weight (the guitar riffs and solos are great, weaving excellent melodic themes)”
Marco Garcia Metalmindreflections blog ... 6818059639


 Asunto: Re: Novedades de TYGERS OF PAN TANG
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 20, 2023 7:18 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
TYGERS OF PAN TANG lanzan su nuevo single "Edge Of The World"

Tygers Of Pan Tang lanzan hoy un sencillo digital, "Edge Of The World", que pertenece al nuevo disco de la banda y que esperan lanzar en primavera.



 Asunto: Re: Novedades de TYGERS OF PAN TANG
NotaPublicado: Sab Feb 11, 2023 4:15 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
TYGERS OF PAN TANG anuncian nuevo disco

El nuevo disco de Tygers Of Pan Tang titulado "Bloodlines", se lanzará el 5 de mayo y será precediendo por dos sencillos digitales más en marzo y abril.

La portada es obra de Andy Pilkington, responsable del video 'Edge of the World'. El álbum fue mezclado por Tue Madsen, y estará disponible en CD, vinilo negro y vinilo rojo de edición limitada.


01. Edge of the World
02. In My Blood
03. Fire On the Horizon
04. Light of Hope
05. Back For Good
06. Taste of Love
07. Kiss the Sky
08. Believe
09. A New Heartbeat
10. Making All the Rules


At last, we can reveal the cover for the new Tygers album ‘Bloodlines’! Let us know what you think.
The album will be released on May 5th and preceding it will be two further digital singles in March and April. The image was produced by Andy Pilkington who was responsible for the ‘Edge of the World’ video. The album was mixed by our new collaborator, Tue Madsen, and will be available on CD, black vinyl and limited edition red vinyl. You will soon be able pre-order from our website. More information information to come. ... 4DNuouzVil


 Asunto: Re: Novedades de TYGERS OF PAN TANG
NotaPublicado: Vie Mar 10, 2023 7:37 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
TYGERS OF PAN TANG publican su nuevo tema "Fire On The Horizon"


 Asunto: Re: Novedades de TYGERS OF PAN TANG
NotaPublicado: Sab Feb 24, 2024 5:55 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
Disco en directo de TYGERS OF PAN TANG

Tygers Of Pan Tang lanzarán su nuevo disco en directo, “Live Blood”, el 26 de abril.


01. Intro
02. Euthanasia
03. Love Don’t Stay
04. Gangland
05. Edge Of The World
06. Destiny
07. Back For Good
08. Only The Brave
09. Paris By Air
10. Do It Good
11. Fire On The Horizon
12. A New Heartbeat
13. Suzie Smiled
14. Hellbound
15. Love Potion No.9


Robb Weir - guitarra
Francesco Marras - guitarra
Jack Meille - voz
Huw Holding - bajo
Craig Ellis - batería


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