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 Asunto: Re: Opera-ciones AVANTASIA
NotaPublicado: Mié Jun 29, 2022 3:20 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Portada y lista de temas del nuevo disco de AVANTASIA

El 21 de octubre, el noveno álbum de estudio de AVANTASIA, "A Paranormal Evening with the Moonflower Society", se lanzará en todo el mundo a través de Nuclear Blast Records.
La portada del álbum ha sido pintada por el ilustrador sueco Alexander Jansson.

Tobias Sammet: “Desde las ideas de las primeras canciones en 2018/2019 hasta la producción, la orquestación, los teclados, los arreglos, los detalles, me he involucrado personalmente tan profundamente en cada pequeño aspecto y detalle de este álbum, que no puedes obtener una álbum más personal o más cercano a mi visión que este. Tuve el tiempo, nada más que hacer en los últimos dos años y medio, era una vida de movimiento lento con música y mi estudio Mysteryhausen sirviendo como un portal a otro mundo, lleno de música y encuentros peculiares con mis musas, que me mantuviero cuerdo y esperanzado. Estoy súper orgulloso del álbum, algunas de mis mejores canciones, algunas de mis interpretaciones vocales más emotivas y extremas, algunas de las interpretaciones invitadas más fuertes de la historia. ¡No podría estar más feliz con el resultado y cuando lo escuches, sabrás por qué!”.

El álbum fue producido por Tobias con el guitarrista de Avantasia Sascha Paeth, quien también es responsable de la mezcla del álbum.


01. Welcome to the Shadows
02. The Wicked Rule the Night
03. Kill the Pain Away
04. The Inmost Light
05. Misplaced among the Angels
06. I Tame the Storm
07. Paper Plane
08. The Moonflower Society
09. Rhyme and Reason
10. Scars
11. Arabesque


(scroll down for German version)
On October 21st AVANTASIA’s ninth studio album »A Paranormal Evening with the Moonflower Society« will be released worldwide via Nuclear Blast Records.
The album's enchanting artwork has been painted by Swedish illustrator luminary Alexander Jansson.

Tobias Sammet: »From the first song ideas back in 2018 / 2019 to the production, orchestration, keyboards, arrangements, details, I have been personally involved so deeply in every little aspect and detail of this album, that you can’t get an album any more personal or closer to my vision than this one. I had the time, nothing else to do in the past two and a half years, it was a slow movement life with music and my Mysteryhausen studio serving as a portal to another world, full of music and quirky encounters with my muses, that kept me sane and hopeful. I am super proud of the album, some of my best songs, some of my most emotional and extreme vocal performances, some of the strongest guest performances ever. I couldn’t be happier with the outcome and when you’ll hear it, you will know why!«
The album was produced by Tobias with Avantasia guitarist Sascha Paeth, who’s also responsible for the powerful and timeless mix of the album.
Pre-Order is going to start soon, limited editions with goodies and autographs will be available at the offical band merchandise store. We’ll keep you posted! ... 1359108861


 Asunto: Re: Opera-ciones AVANTASIA
NotaPublicado: Mié Ago 10, 2022 2:26 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68674
TOBIAS SAMMET'S AVANTASIA: nuevo tema "Misplaced Among The Angels" (con Floor Jansen)


 Asunto: Re: Opera-ciones AVANTASIA
NotaPublicado: Sab Sep 24, 2022 2:51 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68674
TOBIAS SAMMET'S AVANTASIA: nuevo tema, “The Inmost Light”, con Michael Kiske



 Asunto: Re: Opera-ciones AVANTASIA
NotaPublicado: Lun Sep 26, 2022 5:12 pm 
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TOBIAS SAMMET'S AVANTASIA: nuevo tema, “The Inmost Light”, con Michael Kiske


La mejor del disco. trophy.gif

 Asunto: Re: Opera-ciones AVANTASIA
NotaPublicado: Jue Nov 28, 2024 6:02 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68674
Detalles del nuevo disco de AVANTASIA

Avantasia lanzará su décimo álbum de estudio, "Here Be Dragons", el 28 de febrero de 2025 a través de Napalm Records.


01. Creepshow
02. Here Be Dragons
03. The Moorland At Twilight
04. The Witch
05. Phantasmagoria
06. Bring On The Night
07. Unleash The Kraken
08. Avalon
09. Against The Wind
10. Everybody's Here Until The End


Rock and Metal Flagship Avantasia Announces 10th Studio Album, Here Be Dragons, out February 28, 2025 via Napalm Records!
Pre-Order Your Physical Copy now:
Album Arrives Shortly Before the “Here Be Dragons” European Arena Headline Tour in March & April 2025!
Leading rock and metal force AVANTASIA is set to unleash their bombastic 10th studio album and Napalm Records debut, Here Be Dragons, on February 28, 2025! Featuring absolute AVANTASIA essentials such as spellbinding choirs and theatrical symphonic metal elements, multitalented mastermind and frontman Tobias Sammet also surprises fans old and new with plenty of intriguing fresh soundscapes. Here Be Dragons gives the celebrated AVANTASIA sound that has been carefully crafted over a quarter of a century an exciting and powerful spin. The new album is the most consistent and concise piece of art that the band has ever crafted.
Tobias Sammet comments:
“This new album carries the most adventurous and bold spirit my music has had in decades. And it's rather reckless, fearless, powerful, and uplifting and not introverted at all. While my previous albums allowed me to get a lot off my chest, this time I dove headfirst into the creative flood, crafting ten discrete, musical pictures, that miraculously merged into what I believe is the tightest chapter in AVANTASIA’s history. I did everything exactly how I wanted it, approaching the album with unrelenting determination and a carefree attitude, that was reminiscent of my early days way before the Metal Opera thing, when I felt unstoppable and let instinct just write songs. Right now I’m bursting with energy and can’t wait to unleash Here Be Dragons and then kick off the big tour with our new stage. We’ll present the new material alongside our classics and some rarities in the most spectacular stage show AVANTASIA has ever delivered. An early Merry Christmas, everyone!” ... 8523087350


 Asunto: Re: Opera-ciones AVANTASIA
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 17, 2025 8:31 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68674
AVANTASIA publica el nuevo tema "Against The Wind (feat. Kenny Leckremo)"


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