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 Asunto: Re: Novedades ELUVEITIE
NotaPublicado: Sab Oct 20, 2018 1:55 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
ELUVEITIE trabajando en un nuevo disco

Eluveitie están actualmente trabajando en un nuevo disco en el estudio "Newsound" de Tommy Vetterli en Suiza.

La banda ha lanzado un video anunciándolo:


2018-10-19 - Swiss folk metal stars ELUVEITIE are currently working on the follow up to their highly acclaimed 2017 album, »Evocation II - Pantheon«. The band have already ensconced themselves at Tommy Vetterli's Newsound Studio in Switzerland to kick off the recording.

A year ago, the band released the first single "Rebirth", which gave fans an exclusive taster of what to expect from the forthcoming album. Now the band is back in the studio to record the whole album. ... album.html


 Asunto: Re: Novedades ELUVEITIE
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 18, 2019 3:25 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ELUVEITIE: primeros detalles de su nuevo disco "Ategnatos"

Eluveitie lanzará su nuevo álbum, "Ategnatos" ("renacer", en galo), el 5 de abril a través de Nuclear Blast.

El disco se grabó durante cuatro semanas en el "New Sound Studio" con el ingeniero Tommy Vetterli. La mezcla fue realizada por Jens Bogren en el estudio "Fascination Street" en Örebro, Suecia, donde ya habían mezclado su álbum "Slania" hace más de diez años.

La portada se ira mostrando en los próximos días en el Instagram de la banda.


Jonas Wolf - guitars
Matteo Sisti - whistles, bagpipes, mandola, bodhran
Nicole Ansperger - fiddle
Alain Ackermann - drums
Chrigel Glanzmann - vocals, whistles, mandola, bagpipes
Fabienne Erni - vocals, celtic harp
Kay Brem - bass
Michalina Malisz - hurdy gurdy
Rafael Salzmann - guitars

ELUVEITIE - to release »Ategnatos« on April 5th, 2019!
ELUVEITIE - to release »Ategnatos« on April! - 2019-01-17

2019-01-17 - We all wade through archetypes. We all ARE archetypes. Distant echoes of a life both primeval and noble. To embrace these archetypes, to accept them not only as a part of life but as life itself is what some may call enlightenment, some peace of mind. ELUVEITIE call it »Ategnatos«. And by using their longest gap between two Metal albums to gather momentum, they just forged their strongest album around it.

The new album »Ategnatos« will be released on April 5th 2019 via Nuclear Blast.

On an album both mystical and philosophical, ELUVEITIE propel mythology, pagan belief and spirituality into our modern world. “This one almost became something like a socio-critical uncovering work”, says Chrigel, “some kind of a revelation, a doomsday prophecy. Dark and severe in its atmosphere and charisma, and also occult, arcane and elitist.” The album itself is a manifesto, a fast-paced, highly dramatic and embellished work on which today's society sees itself in the mirror of ancient Celtic mythology and knowledge. “The image, of course, is blood-curling”, Chrigel adds with a bitter grin. “At least to those with eyes to see.” Far more that a pessimistic swan song for our world, however, »Ategnatos« holds the cathartic promise of renewal. “Ategnatos is the Gaulish word for ‘reborn’”, Chrigel explains. “To the sharpened mind, it points out the concealed, long forgotten key to change and renewal.” This, naturally, comes at a price. “There's always suffering before bliss. And always darkness before light.”

A work based on archaic archetypes and the ancient concept of renewal, »Ategnatos« unfolds an elemental force to be reckoned with. “These archetypes are still within us. People didn't change that much during the last 3000 years – and men were always just men.” No wonder the album follows a decidedly darker, monumental tone that suits them very well. Of course, ELUVEITIE have long found their very own trademark sound, a sonic adventure often copied but never overcome. With »Ategnatos«, the dedicated nine-piece not only worked with a real string quartet (a premiere!) and granted Fabienne Erni’s sublime mastery of the harp the room it deserved; they also undertook a holistic upgrade resulting in some of the most catchy, most aggressive or most epic tunes the Swiss Metal nobility has ever offered.

Recordings took place in their beloved New Sound Studio with their engineer of choice Tommy Vetterli. “Yet it was radically different as we only had four weeks to record this time around – as compared to the eight weeks we had for ‘Origins’.” By taking mixing duties to the skilled hand of renowned studio wizard Jens Bogren in his Fascination Street Studios in Örebro, Sweden, ELUVEITIE returned to the very spot where they mixed their now legendary »Slania« album more than ten years ago.

The cover artwork will be revealed on the band’s official Instagram in the next upcoming days, starting tomorrow. So make sure to follow the band on Instgram: ... april.html


 Asunto: Re: Novedades ELUVEITIE
NotaPublicado: Mié Ene 23, 2019 2:45 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
ELUVEITIE presenta la portada de su nuevo disco "Ategnatos"

Eluveitie lanzará su nuevo álbum, "Ategnatos", el 5 de abril a través de Nuclear Blast. La portada del disco fue creada por Travis Smith y la podéis ver a continuación.


019-01-22 - We all wade through archetypes. We all ARE archetypes. Distant echoes of a life both primeval and noble. To embrace these archetypes, to accept them not only as a part of life but as life itself is what some may call enlightenment, some peace of mind. ELUVEITIE call it »Ategnatos«. And by using their longest gap between two Metal albums to gather momentum, they just forged their strongest album around it. »Ategnatos« will be released on April 5th 2019 via Nuclear Blast.

Today, the band revealed the stunning new album cover. This impressive artwork was created again by Travis Smith.

The band states:
"'Ategnatos' probably became our most organic album by all accounts. It is the result of a thoroughly intuitive process, where we gave creativity full scope. And during this process quite some back-to-the-roots developments emerged in diverse aspects. Many a riff off 'Ategnatos' reminds on the guitar work on 'Slania'. Following our gut feeling we brought the mixing duties back to Jens Bogren's Fascination Street studios, where our Nuclear Blast debut was produced. And regarding the album artwork it soon became very clear to us, that we'd love to work with the fabulous Travis Smith ( ) again, who already created the front covers of our albums 'Spirit' (14 years ago!) and 'Everything remains as it never was'.
And we're honestly excited with the result! The frontcover shows a spectacular scenery in central Switzerland, a so-called 'vulva cave', as it was sought to mark sacred rites of fertility and celebrations of life in ancient times! The artwork mystically and beautifully expresses the 'Ategnatos'' very core and essence!
Once again it was a pleasure to work with Travis!"

And together with the revealing of the first album details , Swiss folk metal leaders ELUVEITIE also announce their European tour in support of this upcoming masterpiece. ... dates.html


 Asunto: Re: Novedades ELUVEITIE
NotaPublicado: Jue Sep 05, 2019 2:58 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
ELUVEITIE anuncian el lanzamiento de su nuevo disco "Live At Masters Of Rock"

"Live At Masters Of Rock" es el primer disco en directo de Eluveitie con su nueva formación y con temas de su actual trabajo, "Ategnatos", saldrá a la venta el 1 de noviembre de 2019.


01. Ategnatos
02. King
03. The Call Of The Mountains
04. Deathwalker
05. Worship
06. Artio
07. Epona
08. A Rose For Epona
09. Thousandfold
10. Ambiramus
11. Drumsolo
12. Havoc
13. Breathe
14. Helvetios
15. Rebirth
16. Inis Mona


Jonas Wolf - guitars
Matteo Sisti - whistles, bagpipes, mandola, bodhran
Nicole Ansperger - fiddle
Alain Ackermann - drums
Chrigel Glanzmann - vocals, whistles, mandola, bagpipes
Fabienne Erni - vocals, celtic harp
Kay Brem - bass
Michalina Malisz - hurdy gurdy
Rafael Salzmann - guitars

We are proud to announce "Live at Masters Of Rock"!

We'll release a live album from in the thick of our ongoing ATEGNATOS WORLD TOUR! It will contain many songs from our current album and will be out November 1st, 2019!

Masters of Rock has always been one of our favorite open airs to play! The crowd has been incredible and we had one of our most intense shows ever. And that magical night we really wanna share with all of our fans! ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Novedades ELUVEITIE
NotaPublicado: Mié Jul 06, 2022 3:00 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Michalina Malisz (zanfoña) deja ELUVEITIE

Nota de la banda en:

Con gran pesar tenemos que anunciar que nuestra Michalina dejará Eluveitie.

Michalina Malisz comenta:

Queridos amigos, con gran pesar que tengo que anunciar que mi viaje con Eluveitie ha llegado a su fin.

Cuando Chrigel me invitó a unirme a Eluveitie en el escenario hace 6 años, no tenía la menor idea de lo hermosa, loca e iluminadora que sería esta aventura. Estaré eternamente agradecida por esta oportunidad única entre un millón que me ha dado Eluveitie, primero y para siempre como fan, así como también como música. Por la confianza que depositaron en mí y por todo lo que aprendí a lo largo de nuestro camino, me siento honrada y privilegiada de haber contribuido al fenómeno que constituye Eluveitie.

Aunque mi camino se bifurca en una dirección diferente a la de Eluveitie y tomé la decisión de dejar la banda, una cosa es cierta: seguiré tocando la zanfoña y haciendo música.

¡Puedes esperar noticias mías al respecto muy pronto!

A través de los flujos y reflujos de las giras por todo el mundo y la creación de música juntos, crecí y comencé a comprender cómo me gustaría que se desarrollara mi futuro. Mis prioridades evolucionaron y son diferentes ahora al final de mis 20, de lo que eran al principio, cuando me uní a la aventura sin dudarlo. Ahora quiero trabajar hacia un estilo de vida más predecible con un poco menos de giras intensas y dedicarme a diferentes facetas de mi carrera musical, incluida la enseñanza de la zanfoña y la creación de música original.

Nos separamos de la manera más pacífica: extrañaré mucho a Chrigel, Fabienne, Matteo, Jonas, Rafi, Alain, Kay y Nicole, nuestro equipo y todos los momentos que compartimos.

¡Realmente les deseo todo lo mejor y no puedo esperar a ver lo que les espera!

Y por último, pero definitivamente no menos importante, me gustaría dar las gracias a todos nuestros fans de todo el mundo, por el amor y el apoyo que nos muestran cada día. Venir a lo largo de este viaje con Eluveitie significa el mundo para nosotros.

Donde se cierra un capítulo, se abren muchos nuevos.

Porque todo permanece como nunca fue.

Chrigel Glanzmann realizó la siguiente declaración:

Siempre es difícil compartir mensajes como este. Con lágrimas en los ojos tenemos que decirles que nuestra Michalina dejará Eluveitie.

Ella ha sido parte de nuestra comunidad durante los últimos seis años y es casí imposible para nosotros imaginarnos sin ella... demasiados momentos inolvidables que hemos compartido, demasiadas ciudades que hemos visto, demasiados escenarios que hemos sacudido. ¡Y demasiada música que hicimos juntos!

Tenemos que aceptar su decisión, por supuesto, aunque sea con el corazón apesadumbrado.

La extrañaremos mucho, ¡pero aun así, Michalina siempre seguirá siendo parte de la familia Eluveitie en nuestros corazones!

Y lo único que nos alegra de todo esto: ¡Michalina no dejará de tocar música! En realidad, ya sabemos un poco más que todos ustedes, bastardos afortunados, y todo lo que podemos decirles es que estén atentos para quedar impresionados.

¡Le deseamos a Michalina y a sus seres queridos todo lo mejor de todo corazón, así como muchas experiencias emocionantes en sus futuros caminos musicales! ¡Con mucho amor, Micha!

El último concierto de Michalina con Eluveitie será en el Rock Harz este sábado, así que esperamos veros a muchos de vosotros uniéndoos a la fiesta de despedida. ¡Nos vemos!


Michalina Malisz to part ways with Eluveitie
It's with heavy hearts that we have to tell you today that our Michalina will leave Eluveitie. Please find detailed statements from Michalina and Chrigel below.
Michalina Malisz comments:
Dear friends,
It is with a heavy heart that I have to announce that my journey with Eluveitie has come to an end.
When I was invited by Chrigel to join Eluveitie on stage 6 years ago, I did not have the slightest idea what a beautiful, crazy and illuminating adventure it would be. I will be eternally grateful for this one-in-a-million chance I have been given by Eluveitie, first and forever as a fan, as well as a musician. For the trust, they put in me and for everything I learned along our journey. I am honored and privileged to have contributed to the phenomenon that Eluveitie constitutes.
Although my path branches off in a different direction than Eluveitie’s and I made the decision to leave the band, one thing is certain: I will continue playing the hurdy-gurdy and making music. You can expect news from me in this regard very soon!
Through the ebbs and flows of touring worldwide and creating music together, I grew and began to understand how I would wish for my future to unfold. My priorities evolved and are different now at the end of my 20s, than they were at the beginning, when I joined the adventure without hesitation. Now I want to work towards a more predictable lifestyle with a little bit less of heavy touring, and pursue different facets of my musical career, including teaching the hurdy-gurdy and creation of original music.
We’re parting ways in the most peaceful manner - I will dearly miss Chrigel, Fabienne, Matteo, Jonas, Rafi, Alain, Kay and Nicole, our crew, and all the moments we shared. I genuinely wish them all the best and can not wait to see what’s to come for them!
And last but definitely not least - I would like to thank all our fans around the globe. For the love and support, you are showing us every day. For coming along this journey with Eluveitie. It means the world to us.
Where one chapter closes, an abundance of new ones opens.
For everything remains as it never was.
Chrigel Glanzmann checks in with the following statement:
It's always hard to share messages like this. It's with tears in our eyes that we have to tell you that our Michalina will leave Eluveitie.
She's been part of our fellowship for the last six years and it's kind of impossible to us to imagine us without her... too many unforgettable moment's we've shared, too many cities we've seen, too many stages we've rocked and too much music we made together!
We do have to accept her desicion, of course, even though it's with a heavy heart.
We will miss her a lot, but still Michalina will always stay a part of the Eluveitie family in our hearts!
And the one thing we're happy about in all of this: Michalina will not stop playing music! Actually we already know a little something more than all you lucky bastards out there and all we can tell you is to stay tuned to be blown away!
We wish Michalina and her dear ones all the very best from all our hearts as well as a lot exciting experiences on her further musical paths! Lots of love, Micha!
Michalina's last concert with Eluveitie will be Rock Harz this Saturday, so we hope to see a lot of you joining the farewell party. See you!


 Asunto: Re: Novedades ELUVEITIE
NotaPublicado: Vie Jul 08, 2022 6:21 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ELUVEITIE: nuevo tema "Aidus"


 Asunto: Re: Novedades ELUVEITIE
NotaPublicado: Mié Nov 02, 2022 3:06 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Annie Riediger se une a ELUVEITIE

Eluveitie ha dado a conocer que Annie Riediger será la sustituta de Michalina Malisz con la zamfoña.


"Y por eso estamos felices, orgullosos y agradecidos de presentarles nada menos que: Annie Riediger, ¡probablemente más conocida como Annie Hurdy Gurdy!

¡Dadle la bienvenida a la familia Eluveitie!

¡Annie ya tocará en la próxima gira con Amorphis, Dark Tranquility y Nailed to Obscurity!"

Many of you have asked about and maybe even more have wondered about it: Who will take care of the hurdy gurdy in Eluveitie?
Well, the time has now come to lift the curtain!
When our Michalina Malisz decided to step back from the Elu camp earlier this year to focus on her amazing project LYRRE and heading towards a more predictable lifestyle with a little less heavy touring, she not only left us missing her, but also she left big shoes to fill.
And so the quest began. Not only playing skills and availability requirements were criterias on the search for Michalina's successor, no, it was also important to us to find somebody Michalina feels comfortable with following her footsteps.
Luckily the quest didn't even take that long. For some of us (including Michalina herself) already knew a certain someone, of whom they were convinced, would be a very good match.
Well, we got in touch and as if it was providence, it seemed to be the right time for her.
Then we met and the magic happened.
We feel really privileged to have met a wonderful person we already call friend meanwhile, that happens to be a crazy talented hurdy gurdy (and whatelse) player as well.
And so we are happy, proud and thankful to introduce you to none less than: Annie Riediger - probably better known as Annie Hurdy Gurdy!
Please welcome her to the Eluveitie family!
Annie will already play the upcoming tour with Amorph ... Jl?__cft__


 Asunto: Re: Novedades ELUVEITIE
NotaPublicado: Vie May 31, 2024 3:49 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ELUVEITIE presenta a su nueva violinista

Comunicado de la banda:

Hola a todos: ¡estamos emocionados de finalmente levantar el telón!

Hace más de un año de que Nicole Ansperger decidió dar un paso adelante y dejar Eluveitie por motivos personales y cambiar su enfoque, obviamente no fue una tarea fácil encontrar a alguien que llenara ese vacío.

¡Y por eso estamos muy felices y agradecidos de anunciar finalmente a Lea-Sophie Fischer como la nueva violinista de Eluveitie! ¡Dadle la bienvenida a la familia Elu!

Algunos de nosotros somos amigos de Sophie desde hace muchos años y con el tiempo nuestros caminos musicales se cruzaron varias veces.

Después de la partida de Nicole, Sophie nos ayudó en los escenarios de los festivales. Y por supuesto, estábamos tan contentos como orgullosos de contar con el apoyo de un músico tan increíble. Mientras crecíamos juntos como grupo, las cosas se volvieron muy claras y ¡es el momento adecuado de unir fuerzas para siempre!

Sophie comenta: "Es un honor continuar el legado de los violinistas de Eluveitie y lo daré todo. Nos hemos encontrado, tanto a nivel personal como musical, por lo que unirme a la banda es como volver a casa. No puedo esperar a conocernos". ¡A todos! Con cariño, Sofía".

Y quién sabe… ¿tal vez la próxima aventura esté a la vuelta de la esquina? ¡Manténganse al tanto!


Hey everybody - we’re excited to finally lift the curtain!
Ever since Nicole Ansperger decided to step short and leave Eluveitie for personal reasons and to shift her focus, more than a year ago, it obviously wasn't an easy task to find somebody to fill that gap.
And so we are really happy and thankful to finally announce Lea-Sophie Fischer as Eluveitie's new violinist! Please welcome her to the Elu family!
Some of us have been friends with Sophie for many years already and over time our musical paths crossed quite a few times.
After Nicole's departure Sophie helped us out on the stages of the festivals and open airs. And of course we were as glad as we were proud to get support from such an incredible musician. While we grew together as a group, things became very clear and the time's just the right one to join forces for good!
Sophie comments: "It's an honor to continue the legacy of Eluveitie's violinists and I will give it my everything. We have found each other, both on a personal and musical level, so joining the band feels like coming home. Can't wait meeting you all! Love, Sophie"
And who knows... maybe the next adventure is just around the corner? Stay tuned! ... 3RHL1x3Asl


 Asunto: Re: Novedades ELUVEITIE
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 17, 2024 3:30 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Annie Riediger (zamfoña) deja ELUVEITIE

Bueno, pues tampoco es que durara mucho.


Nota de la banda:

"Como quizás ya hayas escuchado, desafortunadamente Annie y Eluveitie ya se han separando nuevamente. Lo que comenzó muy emocionante se desarrolló en diferentes direcciones hasta un punto en el que las prioridades de la banda ya no eran compatibles con las de Annie.

Dicho esto, nos separamos amistosamente y recordamos este breve tiempo que pasamos juntos con mucho agradecimiento.

¡Le deseamos a Annie y su familia la mejor de las suertes y también lo mejor para sus viajes musicales!

¡Por supuesto esto no significa que Eluveitie continúe sin zanfona! En el futuro, las tareas de zanfona las compartirán Matteo y Sophie."

Hey everybody
As you've maybe already heard - Annie and Eluveitie are already parting ways again unfortunately. What began very exciting developed in different directions up to a point where the band’s priorities were not anymore compatible with Annie‘s.
That being said we part ways amicably and look back on this short time we spent together with a lot of thankfulness.
We wish Annie and her family the best of luck and the very best also for her musical journeys!
Of course this does not mean that Eluveitie will continue without hurdy gurdy! In the future hurdy duties will be shared by our own Matteo and Sophie additionally. ... 9PZhDJufVl


 Asunto: Re: Novedades ELUVEITIE
NotaPublicado: Mié Ene 22, 2025 3:45 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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ELUVEITIE anuncian nuevo disco

Eluveitie anuncia su nuevo álbum “Ànv”, que será lanzado el 25 de abril de 2025 a través de Nuclear Blast Records.


01. Emerge
02. Taranoías
03. The Prodigal Ones
04. Ànv
05. Premonition
06. Awen
07. Anamcara
08. The Harvest
09. Memories Of Innocence
10. All Is One
11. Aeon Of The Crescent Moon
12. The Prophecy


Chrigel Glanzmann - voz, flautas, mandola, gaita, bodhran
Fabienne Erni - voz, arpa celta, mandola
Alain Ackermann - batería
Rafael Salzmann - guitarras
Jonas Wolf - guitarras
Kay Brem - bajo
Matteo Sisti - flautas, gaitas, mandola
Lea-Sophie Fischer - violín ... -album-anv


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