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 Asunto: Re: MANOWAR: True Metal News, The power of the oil
NotaPublicado: Mar Ago 18, 2020 12:19 pm 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody

Registrado: Mié Mar 14, 2018 1:55 pm
Mensajes: 2
Si claro bandas nuevas hay mogollón, pero quiero escuchar a mis bandas favoritas de toda la vida con material nuevo, los refritos están muy vistos...Al igual de vendernos la separación en una ultima gira y al año o 2 sacar un álbum nuevo "REENCUENTRO"? Que casualidad, ya huele......

 Asunto: Re: MANOWAR: True Metal News, The power of the oil
NotaPublicado: Mar Ago 18, 2020 3:20 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
Jhon escribió:
Si claro bandas nuevas hay mogollón, pero quiero escuchar a mis bandas favoritas de toda la vida con material nuevo, los refritos están muy vistos...Al igual de vendernos la separación en una ultima gira y al año o 2 sacar un álbum nuevo "REENCUENTRO"? Que casualidad, ya huele......

Yo estoy de acuerdo contigo en que se está abusando en exceso de todos esos temas, pero se hace porque vende.

No hay otra solución que asumir que por los clásicos pasan los años y buscar otras bandas.

Si no tuviese nuevas bandas favoritas llevaría 20 años sin escuchar metal.


 Asunto: Re: MANOWAR: True Metal News, The power of the oil
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 22, 2020 10:10 am 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Mar Abr 21, 2009 7:21 am
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Ubicación: En un lugar de la Marcha
Xanceda escribió:
solo es cuestión de buscar un poco y estar abierto a escuchar nuevas cosas.

Amen !!! 25beber.gif

Los clasicos ya se estan quedando muy clasicos..... algunos casi da pena verles en directo....

.. O le damos un poco de cancha a nuevas bandas... o esto se termina....

...Camino por la desierta calle
no hay ni un alma
no estoy seguro de que yo la tenga...

 Asunto: Re: MANOWAR: True Metal News, The power of the oil
NotaPublicado: Lun Jun 06, 2022 2:41 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
El batería Dave Chedrick actuará en la próxima gira MANOWAR

Parte del comunicado de la banda:

Tras el anuncio del batería Anders Johannson de que no podrá participar en el próximo "Crushing The Enemies Of Metal Anniversary Tour '22/'23" de Manowar por motivos personales, Manowar han anunciado que el batería Dave Chedrick actuará con ellos.

“El apoyo de Manowar, su equipo y los fans ha sido abrumador desde el principio”. dijo Johanson. “Todos los involucrados me han recibido en sus corazones sin dudarlo y he hecho amigos para toda la vida”.

“Anders es una rara combinación de inteligencia, amabilidad, humor y talento. Ha sido un placer trabajar con él.” dijo el líder de la banda Joey DeMaio. “Él es parte de nuestra hermandad, ¡ahora y para siempre! Apoyamos su compromiso con su familia”.

DeMaio dijo: “La percusión de Dave es una combinación de velocidad, potencia y el espíritu del verdadero metal que creemos que nuestros fans disfrutarán”.

"Los Manowarriors son legendarios". dijo Dave Chedrick. "¡Me siento honrado de poder jugar para los mejores fanáticos del mundo!"


Drummer Dave Chedrick Will Perform On Upcoming MANOWAR Tour

Following an announcement by drummer Anders Johannson that he will be unable to participate in MANOWAR’s upcoming “Crushing The Enemies Of Metal Anniversary Tour ’22/‘23″ for personal reasons MANOWAR have announced that drummer Dave Chedrick will perform with them.

“The support from MANOWAR, their crew and fans has been overwhelming from the beginning.” said Johansson. “Everyone involved has welcomed me into their hearts without hesitation, and I have made friends for life.”

“Anders is a rare combination of intelligence, kindness, humor and talent. It has been a pleasure working with him.” said MANOWAR band leader and bassist Joey DeMaio. “He is part of our brotherhood, now and forever! We support his commitment to his family.”

Based in Los Angeles, Dave Chedrick, has been a metal addict his entire life. Early influences include John Bonham, Neil Peart, and most of all, Scott Columbus.

An accomplished studio musician, Dave is praised for his professionalism, easy-going spirit, and willingness to always go the extra mile in the quest for the perfect sound.

DeMaio said: “Dave’s drumming is a combination of speed, power and the spirit of true metal that we believe our fans will enjoy.”

“The Manowarriors are legendary.” said Dave Chedrick. “I am honored that I will be playing for the greatest fans in the world!”

MANOWAR’s “Crushing The Enemies Of Metal Anniversary Tour ‘22/’23” celebrates the band’s over four decades long career with focus on iconic albums such as “Battle Hymns”, “Fighting The World”, “The Triumph Of Steel” and “Warriors Of The World”. ... owar-tour/


 Asunto: Re: MANOWAR: True Metal News, The power of the oil
NotaPublicado: Jue Jun 23, 2022 3:50 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
MANOWAR lanzan el EP, "The Revenge Of Odysseus (Highlights)

Manowar acaba de lanzar un nuevo EP digital, "The Revenge Of Odysseus (Highlights)", a través de Magic Circle Entertainment.


01. Athena's Theme (00:57)
02. Telemachus - Part I (with Konstantinos Kazakos and Sakis Tolis) (Ancient Greek) (02:42)
03. Where Eagles Fly (with Chiara Tricarico) (03:27)
04. Odysseus and Calypso - The Island of Ogygia (with Kostas Kazakos) (Ancient Greek) (00:45 )
05. Immortal ... 784237562/? ... 1630923498



 Asunto: Re: MANOWAR: True Metal News, The power of the oil
NotaPublicado: Sab Jul 16, 2022 2:27 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
Cinco años y medio de prisión para Karl Logan, ex-guitarrista de MANOWAR

Según “The Charlotte Observer”, el ex-guitarrista de Manowar, Karl Logan, fue condenado a cinco años y medio de prisión por posesión de pornografía infantil.

El juez Max Cogburn Jr. dictó la sentencia al músico de 57 años el lunes, dijo el viernes una portavoz de la Oficina del Fiscal Federal a “The Charlotte Observer”.

According to The Charlotte Observer, former MANOWAR guitarist MANOWAR has been to five and a half years in prison for possessing child pornography.

Judge Max Cogburn Jr. handed down the sentenced to the 57-year-old musician on Monday, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office told The Charlotte Observer on Friday.

Logan will remain free until the federal Bureau of Prisons assigns him a lockup, and Cogburn allowed him to self-report to prison, the court spokeswoman said. ... child-porn

Xanceda escribió:
El guitarrista de MANOWAR Karl Logan arrestado por poseer pornografía infantil

Según la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Mecklenburg, el guitarrista de Manowar Karl Logan ha sido acusado de poseer pornografía infantil.

Logan, de 53 años, fue arrestado el 9 de agosto en Charlotte, Carolina del Norte y acusado de seis cargos de explotación en tercer grado de un menor.

Según el Estatuto General de Carolina del Norte §14-190.17A, "una persona comete el delito de explotación sexual en tercer grado de un menor si, conociendo el carácter o contenido del material, posee material que contiene una representación visual de un menor que participa en actividades sexuales."

Un portavoz de la Oficina del Alguacil del Condado de Mecklenburg dijo a The Blast que se emitió una orden en agosto para el arresto del guitarrista y que ingresó en la cárcel local. The Blast, que fue lanzado el año pasado por el ex director de noticias de TMZ, Mike Walters, fue el primero en informar sobre el arresto.

La fianza de Logan se fijó en 35.000$.



 Asunto: Re: MANOWAR: True Metal News, The power of the oil
NotaPublicado: Sab Sep 03, 2022 2:46 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Nuevo guitarrista en la gira 2023 de MANOWAR

Manowar ha reclutado a Michael Angelo Batio para tocar la guitarra durante su gira 2023, "Crushing The Enemies Of Metal". La noticia llega tras el anuncio del guitarrista Evandro "EV" Martel de que se tomará un descanso de las giras por "razones personales".


Message from our brother E.V. Martel

Olá Manowarriors!

For personal reasons I will take a break from touring for a while and will therefore not be able to perform on the upcoming “Crushing The Enemies Of Metal” Tour 2023.

MANOWAR, their crew, along with all the Manowarriors around the world have been really great to me from the first moment I came onboard. I could not be more thankful for the good times we have shared.

With everything that is being prepared for next year’s tour I know you are all going to have an amazing time Crushing The Enemies Of Metal.

Thanks to all of you again.

Hail and Kill!

Evandro “E.V.” Martel ... -v-martel/

Guitarist Michael Angelo Batio Will Perform With MANOWAR On Their Forthcoming “Crushing The Enemies Of Metal” Anniversary Tour 2023

Following guitarist E.V. Martel’s announcement that he will not be available next year, MANOWAR have invited metal shred legend Michael Angelo Batio to perform with them.

Martel announced on social media that he will take a break from touring for personal reasons. He added: “MANOWAR, their crew, along with all the Manowarriors around the world have been really great to me from the moment I came onboard. I could not be more thankful for the good times we have shared.”

“We love and respect E.V. and support his decision.” said Joey DeMaio. “He is a true brother, and we’ll forever share unforgettable memories like playing near the Arctic Circle or in Mexico for the first time!”

Batio, who will play his first shows with MANOWAR starting February 2023 is a veteran both in the studio and on stage.

Voted by Guitar One Magazine the “No. 1 Fastest Guitar Shredder of All Time” Chicago-native Batio is an accomplished musician in many genres, but is best known for his lightning fast metal performances. He is renowned the world over for his technical mastery of the fretboard, extremely fast picking and his invention, the “MAB Over Under” technique. His ability to play a double-necked and quad-necked guitar, using both hands has earned him the respect of fans and fellow musicians alike.

“We’ve known Michael for many years and have always admired his work.” said Joey DeMaio. “His technique is astounding, When we invited him to come and jam with us we played together at the speed of light. Everything fell into place immediately. We’re ready for a killer tour!

“I could not be more excited!” said Michael Angelo Batio. “I love metal more than anything, and it doesn’t get more metal than MANOWAR! I can’t wait to get on stage and play for the MANOWAR fans!”

MANOWAR’s “Crushing The Enemies Of Metal Anniversary Tour 2023” celebrates the band’s over four decades long career and iconic albums such as “Battle Hymns”, “Into Glory Ride, “The Triumph Of Steel” and “Warriors Of The World”.

For tour dates and ticket info go to ... tour-2023/


 Asunto: Re: MANOWAR: True Metal News, The power of the oil
NotaPublicado: Vie Feb 10, 2023 3:57 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
MANOWAR lanza el nuevo tema "Laut Und Hart Stark Und Schnell"

Manowar ha anunciado el lanzamiento de una nueva canción dedicada a sus leales fans alemanes, coincidiendo con el regreso de la banda a Alemania en su "Crushing The Enemies Of Metal Anniversary Tour 2023".

“ “Laut Und Hart Stark Und Schnell” es un himno de medio tiempo en la línea del megaéxito de Manowar, “Warriors Of The World United”, que invita a los fans a cantar y levantar la mano para celebrar su género favorito y es el primer lanzamiento desde que la banda anunció a su nuevo guitarrista, Michael Angelo Batio.”

La versión alemana de la canción, se lanzará digitalmente por primera vez el 10 de febrero de 2023 en todas las principales plataformas y estará disponible durante la gira alemana de Manowar. El lanzamiento comercial está programado para el 24 de febrero de 2023.


A finales de este año se lanzará una edición internacional de la canción, junto con más música nueva que DeMaio prometió en las redes sociales que “triturará, quemará, aplastará y matará como nunca antes”.

"Laut Und Hart Stark Und Schnell" se presentará por primera vez en vivo el 11 de febrero de 2023, en Arena Nürnberger Versicherung, Nürnberg, el primero de siete conciertos en Alemania y será filmada.

Grabadas en Nueva York, en los estudios Asgard de Manowar, las nuevas canciones fueron grabadas por los miembros fundadores, el vocalista Eric Adams y el bajista Joey DeMaio, así como por el guitarrista Michael Angelo Batio y Dave Chedrick en la batería.


Manowar Release New Song “Laut Und Hart Stark Und Schnell” Dedicated To Loyal German Fans

Heavy metal band MANOWAR have announced the release of a new song dedicated to their loyal German fans, coinciding with the band’s return to Germany on their “Crushing The Enemies Of Metal Anniversary Tour 2023”. “Laut Und Hart Stark Und Schnell”, (translating into “Loud And Hard Strong And Fast”) is an anthemic mid-tempo hymn in the vein of MANOWAR’s mega-hit “Warriors Of The World United”, that invites fans to sing along and raise their hands in celebration of their favorite genre and band. It is the first release since the band announced their new guitarist, shred legend Michael Angelo Batio.
Asked about the meaning of the song and title, MANOWAR bassist and songwriter Joey DeMaio explained: “We have the greatest and most passionate fans, all over the world, and we feel deeply honored because of it! This song is a statement to our fans, and to the world, to be proud of the things they care about, regardless what others say.”

The German version of the song, named after its catchy German chorus, will first be released digitally on February 10, 2023, on all major platforms and will be available during MANOWAR’s German tour. The retail release is scheduled for February 24, 2023.

“It is no secret that we have a special relationship with Germany,” said DeMaio. “Maybe because it is the birthplace of Richard Wagner, the father of heavy metal. The German fans took us into their hearts faster and in larger numbers than any other nation. They have stayed loyal to us for more than 40 years now! This release is our thank you! We will perform the song on these German shows, and film it, to share these special moments with the world!”

An international edition of the song will be released later this year, along with more new music that DeMaio promised on social media will “shred, burn, crush, and kill like never before.”

“Laut Und Hart Stark Und Schnell“ will first be performed live on February 11, 2023, at Arena Nürnberger Versicherung, Nürnberg, the first of seven mostly sold-out arena shows in Germany, that will also be filmed with a 10+ camera crew.

Recorded in MANOWAR’s recently completed Asgard Studios New York in immersive sound and written and produced by Joey DeMaio, the much anticipated new music features founding members, vocalist Eric Adams and bassist Joey DeMaio as well as guitarist Michael Angelo Batio, and Dave Chedrick on drums.

Follow MANOWAR on, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for constant updates, and subscribe to the official MANOWAR YouTube channel.

Watch the Official Lyric Video Of “Laut Und Hart Stark Und Schnell“ HERE ... rman-fans/


 Asunto: Re: MANOWAR: True Metal News, The power of the oil
NotaPublicado: Lun Oct 16, 2023 2:39 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68805
MANOWAR aununcian nueva regrabación y nueva gira y disco para 2025

Manowar ha anunciado la gira "The Blood Of Our Enemies" por Europa en 2025. La gira será en apoyo de su próximo álbum de estudio, que llegará a principios de 2025. Durante la gira irán alternando la interpretación integra de los discos “Hail To England” y “Sign Of The Hammer”, junto con otros temas clásicos de la banda

Además anuncian la regrabación de “Sign Of The Hammer”:

"Hoy, mientras celebramos el 39º aniversario del lanzamiento al mundo de “Sign Of The Hammer”, estamos emocionados de anunciar que en honor a su 40º aniversario el próximo año, revisaremos sus orígenes y volveremos a grabar el álbum completo. ¡Renacerá como “Sign Of The Hammer 2024”! Lo que recibirás es la brutalidad del primer lanzamiento, combinada con la inspiración que nos ha dado los años y mejorado con la última tecnología. “Sign Of The Hammer 2024” hará estallar el suelo y derretirá vuestras caras más intensamente y con más fuerza que nunca, ¡entregando el máximo metal!"


Manowarriors! Let it be known that we will unleash our brand-new studio album upon the world in early 2025. While we cannot yet reveal the name, we can tell you that this album will crush the enemies of metal into the dust from whence they came and reunite Manowarriors from all over the world under the banner of True Metal – louder, harder, stronger, and faster than ever!

Beware, our onslaught will not stop there!

In response to your calls that we return to the stage for more live action, the album release will coincide with our next crusade, as we launch “The Blood Of Our Enemies” Tour 2025!

During this tour, we will be playing two unique setlists. On alternating nights, we will perform the entire “Hail To England” and “The Sign Of The Hammer” albums, respectively. Each evening will also showcase fan favorites from our entire career!

We are thrilled about performing your favorite songs again and cannot wait to see your fists raised in the air and hear your screams!

First shows have been confirmed for Germany and Luxembourg. More countries will follow!


* = Hail To England + Best Of; ** = Sign Of The Hammer + Best Of

Tickets for these shows will be available starting October 25, 2023, at 10:00 AM CET, exclusively at Eventim Germany, and will go on general sale on October 28, 2023, at 10:00 AM CET.

On other tour related news, we must inform you that unfortunately, due to scheduling conflicts beyond our control, it will be necessary to reschedule the Joey De Maio “Words Of Power” Spoken Word Tour 2023. New dates will be announced in due time. In the meantime, all tickets purchased for the Spoken Word Tour will be fully refunded. Please keep an eye out for an email from your ticketing company, as it will provide details on the refund process. Fans with an Ultimate Fan Experience Upgrade will be contacted by The Kingdom Of Steel for a full refund. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

We also have more news from the studio!

Today, as we celebrate the 39th year since “Sign Of The Hammer” was unleashed upon the world, we are excited to announce that in honor of its 40th anniversary next year, we will revisit its origins and re-record the entire album. It will be reborn as “The Sign Of The Hammer 2024”! What you will receive is the brutality from the first release, blended with the inspiration you’ve provided us over the years and enhanced by the latest technology. “The Sign Of The Hammer 2024” will blast the ground and melt your faces more intensely and louder than ever, delivering maximum metal!

Additionally, we are pleased to announce that in just a few days our new online stores will open under a new domain (, offering you never-before-seen items and special deals. The stores will ship from Germany and from the U.S. respectively. Stay tuned!

Manowarriors, new chapters in our saga are on the horizon, and together with you, our Army of Immortals, we will march towards even grander triumphs!

Hail and Kill! ... o-updates/


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