Disco cuarenta aniversario de SODOMLos veteranos del thrash metal alemán Sodom lanzarán un álbum del 40 aniversario, "40 Years At War - The Greatest Hell Of Sodom", el 28 de octubre a través de Steamhammer/SPV. El nuevo disco resume la historia de la banda de una manera inusual.
"Nuestro objetivo era volver a grabar una canción de cada uno de nuestros álbumes anteriores", explica el bajista y vocalista de SODOM, Thomas "Angelripper" Such. "No necesariamente los más obvios, queríamos buscar rarezas o pistas que nunca o muy pocas veces hemos tocado en vivo".

01. Sepulchral Voice
02. After The Deluge
03. Electrocution
04. Baptism Of Fire
05. Better Off Dead
06. Body Parts
07. Jabba The Hut
08. Gathering Of Minds
09. That's What An Unknown Killer Diarized
10. Book Burning
11. Genocide
12. City Of God
13. Ashes To Ashes
14. In War And Pieces
15. S.O.D.O.M.
16. Caligula
17. Euthanasia

Sodom '40 Years At War – The Greatest Hell Of Sodom' – Out October 28th, 2022!
It’s an anniversary album that sums up the band’s history in an unusual and highly ambitious way. "Our goal was to re-record one song from each of our previous albums," Tom Angelripper explains. "Not necessarily the most obvious ones, we wanted to go for rarities or tracks we`ve never or very rarely played live."
'40 Years At War – The Greatest Hell Of Sodom' will be released as CD, double vinyl record, digital download, stream and as a lavish, richly stocked and extremely limited box set including a bunch of surprises.
Pre-Order here sodom.lnk.to/40YearsAtWar
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