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 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Sab Jul 22, 2017 2:52 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
ACCEPT: nuevo tema "Koolaid"


 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Sab Jul 22, 2017 12:39 pm 
Heavy Metal Hamster
Heavy Metal Hamster
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Registrado: Mar Abr 17, 2012 7:59 pm
Mensajes: 374
Bueno... el tema tiene tirón pero un tanto convencional. Son Accept y facturan trabajos en su estilo. A la espera de que saquen el disco. La intro de la guitarra me recuerda (horrores) a la intro de XTC del mal logrado Eat The Heat...

Soy de los que estoy a favor de que Accept sigan como están ahora a no hacer nada en absoluto. Son un estandarte del Heavy Metal y si pueden hacerlo, adelante, pero también soy de los que pienso (y lo mismo me quedo solo en esto) que el "rearme" del pepino teutón con Mike T. a las voces, es muy resultón y aunque facturan trabajos de producción de diez, tanto en sonido como grafismo y se les ve en plena forma (lo cual es de agradecer porque algunos parecen cadáveres ambulantes) también es cierto que cuando escucho sus discos (actuales) me saturan un poco. Es todo muy bueno, pero a los temas (la mayoría) de cada disco... como que les falta algo. No se explicarlo. Muy llenos y densos pero con menos sustancia de la que parece. Lo dicho, no se como explicarlo. Habrá que estar al nuevo disco y escucharlo con atención porque, desde luego, se lo merecen. La portada es de las mejores del grupo, por lo menos que yo recuerde...

- ¿Por qué seguimos admirando a ciertas personas a pesar de que hayan demostrado ser mucho peores que otras a las que detestamos?
- Por qué determinados rasgos admirados en la ficción nos resultan repulsivos en la vida real.

 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Sab Jul 22, 2017 4:00 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
El problema es que Nuclear Blast marca estilo a los grupos, es como una factoría, son a las megaproducciones lo que Frontiers a los refritos. Yo no me preocuparía hasta que salga el disco, el que elige los singles en la discográfica es un puto genio hundiendo expectativas.

En el directo que han sacado todos los temas ganaban mucho en frescura, en su momento ya dije que me habían gustado mucho mas que en el disco.


 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Jue Ago 03, 2017 2:16 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Hoy jueves se podrá ver en streaming el concierto de ACCEPT en el Wacken

Accept, presentará hoy jueves 3 de agosto en directo su nuevo disco en un concierto especial en el Wacken Open Air.

El concierto se podrá ver en todo el mundo en directo de 20:00 a 22:00 horas (CEST) (vamos que desde las 8 en la península y Baleares, una hora menos en Canarias) aquí:

El concierto especial en el Wacken Open Air, constará de tres partes:

Parte 1 - Un concierto clásico de la banda, lleno de nuevos y viejos éxitos.
Parte 2 - Wolf Hoffmann tocará canciones de su álbum en solitario "Headbangers Symphony", lanzado en 2016, con la Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional Checa.
Parte 3 - Accept compartirá escenario con la orquesta, apoyados por un complejo espectáculo multimedia.


El concierto será el "Night To Remember" de este año, una tradición del Wacken en el que las bandas hacen una actuación única y especial en el festival.

ACCEPT - worldwide live stream of the big WACKEN show, second track-by-track trailer revealed!
ACCEPT - worldwide live stream of WACKEN! - 2017-08-02

2017-08-02 - Heavy metal pioneers ACCEPT are back in the game with a new studio album! The record entitled »The Rise Of Chaos« (out this Friday on August 4th) will be the band's 4th studio release through Nuclear Blast and continues the tradition of its three predecessors - »Blood Of The Nations«, »Stalingrad«, and »Blind Rage« - with grandeur and precision.

On thursday, ACCEPT will celebrate the album's live premiere exclusively with a special show at Wacken Open Air, Germany. The set will consist of three parts and can be seen worldwide on a live stream from 20.00 - 22.00 CEST here:

Part one will bring fans a classic ACCEPT set, packed with new and old hits. Part two will present another premiere: Wolf Hoffmann will be playing tracks from his solo album »Headbangers Symphony« for the very first time. On this record, Wolf has covered famous opuses by composers such as Beethoven, Vivaldi, and Mozart, in a metal guise. And in Part three, all elements can be seen and heard together: ACCEPT will make the holy Wacken ground shake by sharing the stage with the orchestra, supported by a complex multimedia show.

This unique concert experience will take place on this year's »Night To Remember« which makes it even more special. The »Night To Remember« is a celebrated, long-lasting Wacken tradition; for one night of the festival a selection of established bands will do something unique and special with their performance.

Wolf Hoffmann stated: "It's always impressive to see how bands take this evening seriously and how much love the artists and the organising team put into their work to get a varied result. It's a great tradition which underlines and documents the top-notch level of the international rock community like nothing else. We also want to present something that ACCEPT has never done before, we hope we can give something really special to the fans."

"ACCEPT have been and are still a very important part of Germany's heavy metal scene. We're really looking forward to having them with us once more. With this epic concept, the Thursday evening will be one to remember for sure," stated Thomas Jensen, organiser of Wacken Open Air. ... acken.html


 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Jue Ago 17, 2017 2:34 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Puestos en las listas de ventas de "The Rise Of Chaos" el nuevo disco de ACCEPT


Puestos en las listas de ventas:

Alemania: # 3
Suiza: # 4
Finlandia: # 5
República Checa: # 5
Suecia: # 10 (Hard Rock # 1, Vinilo # 1, Fisico: # 2)
Austria: # 13
Polonia: # 26
Bélgica: # 31 (Valonia # 25, Flandes # 36)
Francia: # 40
Japón # 54 (Internacional # 7)
Canadá: # 103 (# 2 Hard Music, # 24 Current Albums, # 27 Top Albums)
Reino Unido: # 105 (# 4 Rock, # 5 Indie)
USA: # 140 (# 3 Hard Music, # 11 Rock, # 27 Top Currents)
Países Bajos: # 177 ... worldwide/


 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mié Ago 23, 2017 8:08 am 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Mar Abr 21, 2009 7:21 am
Mensajes: 4248
Ubicación: En un lugar de la Marcha
Y en España ?????

...Camino por la desierta calle
no hay ni un alma
no estoy seguro de que yo la tenga...

 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Jue Ago 24, 2017 2:46 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
MAZA escribió:
Y en España ?????

Vamos a mirarlo... en España entro en el puesto 31, en la segunda semana está en el 59.


 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie Jun 22, 2018 2:47 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
ACCEPT: nuevo trabajo en directo "Symphonic Terror - Live at Wacken 2017"

Accept lanzarán un nuevo trabajo en directo titulado "Symphonic Terror - Live at Wacken 2017" el 23 de noviembre a través de Nuclear Blast.

Se trata de un concierto de 2 horas, filmado el 3 de agosto de 2017 en el legendario W: O: A. El concierto se dividió en tres partes: en la primera parte se interpretaron nuevas canciones como "Die By The Sword" y "Koolaid", así como las conocidas "Restless And Wild" y "‘Pandemic"... En la parte central el guitarrista Wolf Hoffmanna, acompañado por una orquesta sinfónica, presentó lo mejor de su reciente álbum en solitario "Headbangers Symphony". En la última parte, se tocaron acompañados por una orquesta, clásicos de la banda como "Princess Of The Dawn", "Breaker", "Fast As A Shark" y "Metal Heart", así como las nuevas "Stalingrado", "Shadow Soldiers" o "Teutonic Terror", cerrando el concierto con "Balls To The Wall".

Lo que comenzó como un estreno mundial en el Wacken, continuará por Europa, en una gira con orquesta en la primavera de 2019.


ACCEPT Announce New Upcoming Live Release “Symphonic Terror – Live at Wacken 2017”

The German heavy metal legends ACCEPT are experiencing more success than ever, and have hit their stride creatively! In the 10th year since the band’s reunion, the quintet can look back on four top 10 albums in Germany, including an unbelievable #1 with »Blind Rage« (2014) and a brilliant #3 with their latest album »The Rise Of Chaos« (2017).

Six months after the success that was »The Rise Of Chaos« world tour,ACCEPT will start their festival season on the 22th of June at Rockfels Open Air, and will play headline shows at legendary Bang Your Head!!! in Balingen as well as at Rock am Stück festival and at Rock am Härtsfeldsee. They will finish the tour leg on July 28th as special guests to the legendary JUDAS PRIEST in Vienna.

Over the past few months, the German band has been anything but passive, instead they‘ve been finalising their latest project, their upcoming live release»Symphonic Terror – Live at Wacken 2017«, which will be released on November 23rd via Nuclear Blast!

Fans can expect a unique, 2 hour ACCEPT show, shot on August 3rd, 2017 at the legendary W:O:A, where the band played the biggest and most extraordinary show of their career in front of 80.000 live fans at the festival, on top of thousands more fans watching via the live stream! The show was divided into three parts, showing the full creative power of ACCEPT: The first part hosted the premiere of new tracks ‘Die By The Sword’ and ‘Koolaid’, as well as some of their most popular songs, such as ‘Restless And Wild’and ‘Pandemic’. The middle part hosted guitarist Wolf Hoffmannaccompanied by a symphony orchestra, presenting the best-of from his recent solo album »Headbangers Symphony«, which includes metal versions of some of the world‘s biggest classical compositions (e.g. from Beethoven,Mozart, Vivaldi,…). And in the last but not least part, fans were able to bang their heads to ACCEPT anthems (also accompanied by the orchestra), such as ‘Princess Of The Dawn’, ‘Breaker’, ‘Fast As A Shark’ and ‘Metal Heart’, as well as to new songs like ‘Stalingrad’, ‘Shadow Soldiers’ or‘Teutonic Terror’. The finale could be nothing less than an 8 minute version of their eminent hit ‘Balls To The Wall’!

“This was a mash-up of intensity and precision,” Wolf Hoffmann says about the fusion of Heavy Metal and classical music. “The fans are extremely open-minded,” continues Wolf happy, “but I was nervous ’till the last minute before the show anyway. After all it’s still a metal festival! But I think that, after many years of ACCEPT combining both worlds, fans have started to really accept this concept.”

By the way: What started as a world premiere in Wacken and caused quite a stir worldwide (thanks to the live streams) will be continued in early 2019. This means: ACCEPT are planning to tour across Europe with an orchestra in spring 2019! “I really hope we will be able to fulfill our dream – we are working hard on it!” tells Wolf Hoffmann with eager anticipation. “What I can already say now is that there will be lots of optical and musical surprises, that fans of ACCEPT have never experienced before. We want to multiply what we have achieved in Wacken and are happy about every bit of support we get. One thing is for sure: 2019 will be exciting!” ... cken-2017/


 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 25, 2018 2:28 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Single en vinilo de ACCEPT

Accept lanzará un single en vinilo edición limita de 10 pulgadas, "Balls To The Wall / Symphony No.40 in G Minor", el 5 de octubre a través de Nuclear Blast.

Ambas canciones pertenecen a su próximo álbum en directo "Symphonic Terror - Live at Wacken 2017", que saldrá a la venta el 23 de noviembre.


Side A – Balls To The Wall
Live At Wacken Open Air 2017, With Cnso Symphony Orchestra

Side B – Symphony No.40 In G Minor
Live At Wacken Open Air 2017, With Cnso Symphony Orchestr

2018-08-24 – The German heavy metal legends ACCEPT are releasing a very special, limited 10 inch vinyl single “Balls To The Wall / Symphony No.40 in G Minor”, which will be released on October 5th via Nuclear Blast .

Both songs are from their upcoming live album »Symphonic Terror – Live at Wacken 2017« , which will be out on November 23rd.

SIDE A – Balls To The Wall
LIVE AT WACKEN OPEN AIR 2017, with CNSO Symphony Orchestra

SIDE B – Symphony No.40 in G Minor
LIVE AT WACKEN OPEN AIR 2017, with CNSO Symphony Orchestra ... cken-2017/


 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 21, 2018 5:35 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
ACCEPT: portada y lista de temas de "Symphonic Terror - Live at Wacken 2017"

Accept lanzarán "Symphonic Terror - Live at Wacken 2017" el 23 de noviembre a través de Nuclear Blast.


Part 1: Accept
01. Die By The Sword
02. Restless And Wild
03. Koolaid
04. Pandemic
05. Final Journey
Part 2: Headbanger’s Symphony
06. Night On Bald Mountain
07. Scherzo
08. Romeo And Juliet
09. Pathétique
10. Double Cello Concerto in G Minor
11. Symphony No. 40 in G Minor
Part 3: Accept with Orchestra
12. Princess Of The Dawn
13. Stalingrad
14. Dark Side Of My Heart
15. Breaker
16. Shadow Soldiers
17. Dying Breed
18. Fast As A Shark
19. Metal Heart
20. Teutonic Terror
21. Balls To The Wall
22. Making Of: Wacken
23. Making Of: Headbanger’s Symphony

01. Die By The Sword
02. Restless And Wild
03. Koolaid
04. Pandemic
05. Final Journey
06. Night On Bald Mountain
07. Scherzo
08. Romeo And Juliet
09. Pathétique
10. Double Cello Concerto in G Minor
11. Symphony No. 40 in G Minor

01. Princess Of The Dawn
02. Stalingrad
03. Dark Side Of My Heart
04. Breaker
05. Shadow Soldiers
06. Dying Breed
07. Fast As A Shark
08. Metal Heart
09. Teutonic Terror
10. Balls To The Wall


3LP Box (black) incl. booklet, poster
3LP Box (gold) incl. booklet, poster // NB Mailorder exclusive
BluRay+DVD+2CD-Earbook + photo card (signed) // NB Mailorder exclusive

ACCEPT - reveal cover, tracklist and formats of »Symphonic Terror – Live at Wacken 2017«, pre-order started!
ACCEPT - album details & pre-order! - 2018-09-21

2018-09-21 - The German heavy metal legends ACCEPT are experiencing more success than ever, and have hit their stride creatively! In the 10th year since the band's reunion, the quintet can look back on four top 10 albums in Germany, including an unbelievable #1 with »Blind Rage« (2014) and a brilliant #3 with their latest album »The Rise Of Chaos« (2017).

Over the past few months, ACCEPT has been anything but passive, instead they‘ve been finalising their latest project, their upcoming live release »Symphonic Terror – Live at Wacken 2017«, which will come out on November 23rd via Nuclear Blast!

Fans can expect a unique, 2 hour ACCEPT show, shot on August 3rd, 2017 at the legendary W:O:A, where the band played the biggest and most extraordinary show of their career in front of 80.000 live fans at the festival, on top of thousands more fans watching via the live stream! The show was divided into three parts, showing the full creative power of ACCEPT: The first part hosted the premiere of new tracks 'Die By The Sword' and 'Koolaid', as well as some of their most popular songs, such as 'Restless And Wild' and 'Pandemic'. The middle part hosted guitarist Wolf Hoffmann accompanied by a symphony orchestra, presenting the best-of from his recent solo album »Headbangers Symphony«, which includes metal versions of some of the world’s biggest classical compositions (e.g. from Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi,...). And in the last but not least part, fans were able to bang their heads to ACCEPT anthems (also accompanied by the orchestra), such as 'Princess Of The Dawn', 'Breaker', 'Fast As A Shark' and 'Metal Heart', as well as to new songs like 'Stalingrad', 'Shadow Soldiers' or 'Teutonic Terror'. The finale could be nothing less than an 8 minute version of their eminent hit 'Balls To The Walls'!

"This was a mash-up of intensity and precision," Wolf Hoffmann says about the fusion of Heavy Metal and classical music. "The fans are extremely open-minded," continues Wolf happy, "but I was nervous 'till the last minute before the show anyway. After all it's still a metal festival! But I think that, after many years of ACCEPT combining both worlds, fans have started to really accept this concept."

By the way: What started as a world premiere in Wacken and caused quite a stir worldwide (thanks to the live streams) will be continued in early 2019. This means: ACCEPT are planning to tour across Europe with an orchestra in spring 2019! "I really hope we will be able to fulfill our dream - we are working hard on it!" tells Wolf Hoffmann with eager anticipation. "What I can already say now is that there will be lots of optical and musical surprises, that fans of ACCEPT have never experienced before. We want to multiply what we have achieved in Wacken and are happy about every bit of support we get. One thing is for sure: 2019 will be exciting!"

In advance, ACCEPT are releasing a very special, limited 10 inch vinyl single „Balls To The Wall / Symphony No.40 in G Minor“, which will be released on October 5th. ... order.html


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