Eric Rivers (guitarra) deja H.E.A.TEl guitarrista, Eric Rivers ha anunciado que deja la banda. No se dan motivos, pero como siempre es algo muy meditado durante largo tiempo, la separación es amigable y la banda siente mucho la perdida. En el comunicado de su facebook oficial y web, también nos anuncian que buscan nuevo guitarrista y que siguen adelante.
La banda no se resintió del cambio de vocalista, pero esta vez pierden al guitarrista que les quedaba de la formación original, y ya se noto un cambio tras la marcha de Eric Rivers en 2013. Espero que les vaya bien, porque es una de las mejores bandas actuales y sin duda la más fresca de su genero.

We have some sad news to share with our fans today.
Eric Rivers has after long and faithful service decided to leave the band. We are obviously devastated to lose such an awesome guitar player and band member who is not only a founding member but has been a part of creating what H.E.A.T has grown to become over the years. There are no hard feeling between us and we will still be very good friends. We wish Eric Rivers the best of luck to pursue happiness in whatever way he chooses. He will be sorely missed.
The search for a replacement has already begun and we hope to bring you some good news about who will take on the part as guitar player as soon as possible.
// Erik, Jimmy, Jona, Crash
The following is a message from Eric in his own words:
”Its with a heavy heart I have decided to leave H.E.A.T. It's a decision that's been brewing inside me for a long time. Its hard to answer the question why I'm leaving, but I just feel done. It's time for me to get off the ride. And what a ride it has been!
Almost 10 years, five albums, countless tours all over the world... The thing that's been keeping me in it this long is you guys - the fans. Thank you so much for all your love and support through the years. I will look back on this ride with nothing but great, great memories, meeting and playing in front of you crazy fuckers all over the world.
To my four brothers in the band. Fuckin a. You guys are the best. You've been amazing in helping me through this and you will always be a big part of my life! No bad blood what so ever. And if there's something H.E.A.T has a history of, it's coming back stronger and better after something like this. I can't wait to see and hear what you guys come up with!
And the cool part about this is that I can finally go see a H.E.A.T show. See you front row!
Nu ska pappa ta en grögg!
Nothing but love,
Eric Rivers” ... =3&theater