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 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie Ago 29, 2014 3:27 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Más puestos en las listas de ventas de “Blind Rage”:

Alemania # 1
Finlandia # 1
República Checa # 2
Hungría # 2
Suiza # 9
Suecia # 16
Suecia Rock / metal # 2
Austria # 18
Japón # 22
EE.UU. # 35
EE.UU. Roca # 4
España # 39
Francia # 44
Bélgica # 48
Reino Unido # 85
Reino Unido Rock # 9
Reino Unido Indie # 15
Canada Top 200 # 114
Canadá (Hardcharts) # 21


 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie Ago 29, 2014 6:18 pm 
Heavy Metal Hamster
Heavy Metal Hamster
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Registrado: Lun Sep 08, 2008 8:12 pm
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And baby.... talk dirty to me.

 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 30, 2014 9:31 am 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Xanceda escribió:
Más puestos en las listas de ventas de “Blind Rage”:

España # 39

Mal :(

...Camino por la desierta calle
no hay ni un alma
no estoy seguro de que yo la tenga...

 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Lun Dic 29, 2014 2:01 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
Herman Frank y Stefan Schwarzmann dejan ACCEPT

Comunicado en la web oficial de la banda:


A ACCEPT le gustaría dar las gracias a Herman Frank y Stefan Schwarzmann por estar con nosotros estos últimos 4 años, por estar disponibles cuando se les necesitaba y trabajar duro. Nosotros y los todos los fans sabíamos que tenían sus propias carreras y que con el tiempo se podían dar conflictos de agenda y otros problemas fuera de nuestro control. Herman y Stefan están ahora dispuestos a comerse el mundo con su propia banda "PANZER", su contrato con Nuclear Blast Records y un nuevo álbum.

Nos separamos como amigos y les deseamos muchos éxitos.

Nos estamos preparando para el 2015 - un año duro de giras. Nos gustaría dar las gracias de nuevo a nuestros fans de todo el mundo por su gran apoyo y por el fantástico 2014.

Blind Rage World Tour continuará en 2015, estad atentos para más fechas.


We Are Parting With Herman and Stefan as Friends!
Posted on Sunday, December 28th, 2014 at 12:31 pm.

Posted by ACCEPT


ACCEPT would like to thank Herman Frank & Stefan Schwarzmann for being with us these last 4 + years, for making themselves available whenever needed and for rocking their asses off! We and the fans all knew that they had their own careers and that eventually we would run into scheduling and other conflicts beyond our control. Herman and Stefan are now ready to take on the world, with their own band “PANZER”, a Nuclear Blast Record deal under their belts and a new album!

We are parting as friends and wish them nothing but success!

We ourselves are getting ready for 2015 – another year of heavy touring! We would like to say thanks again to our fans around the world for their huge support and for the fantastic year 2014!

The Blind Rage World Tour continues in 2015 – see below – stay tuned for more dates! ... s-friends/


 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Lun Dic 29, 2014 4:46 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
No me sorprende para nada esta noticia por el evidente segundo plano de Herman Frank en la banda, sus buenos discos en solitario y la creación de Panzer. Si a eso le añadimos una discográfica con una política comercial cada vez más errónea y quemabandas como Nuclear Blast...


 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mar Dic 30, 2014 3:23 am 
Metal Heart
Metal Heart

Registrado: Mar Jun 16, 2009 6:38 pm
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Xanceda escribió:
No me sorprende para nada esta noticia por el evidente segundo plano de Herman Frank en la banda, sus buenos discos en solitario y la creación de Panzer. Si a eso le añadimos una discográfica con una política comercial cada vez más errónea y quemabandas como Nuclear Blast...

Todo eso que has dicho y que además el tener que aguantar al Wolff Hofmann se debe de hacer cada vez más y más insoportable.

 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Dom Abr 12, 2015 11:33 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
ACCEPT anuncian como nuevo guitarrista a Uwe Lulis y en la batería a Christopher Williams

ACCEPT anuncian como nuevo guitarrista a Uwe Lulis (Grave Digger, Rebellion) y como nuevo batería a Christopher Williams. Podéis ver bajo estas lineas el video de presentación y de paso el anuncio de su segunda parte de la gira "Blind Rage World Tour Part 2".


Mark Tornillo - voz.
Wolf Hoffmann - guitarra.
Peter Baltes - bajo.
Stefan Schwarzmann - Christopher Williams.
Uwe Lulis - guitarra.

ACCEPT… Wolf Hoffmann… Peter Baltes… Mark Tornillo… Uwe Lulis… Christopher Williams… proudly announce their upcoming BLIND RAGE TOUR 2015 Part II! See you in MEXICO, BRAZIL, GERMANY, GREECE, HUNGARY, POLAND, SLOVAKIA, FINLAND, CZECH REPUBLIC, SLOVENIA, FRANCE, SPAIN, AUSTRIA, DENMARK, SWEDEN, BELGIUM and MORE to come!... ... -williams/


 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie Nov 13, 2015 3:08 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
Nuevo disco de WOLF HOFFMANN

Wolf Hoffmann declaró a "Metal Shock Finland" que ha estado ocupado trabajando en un nuevo álbum en solitario durante el parón de la gira de ACCEPT.

"Cuando nos tomamos un tiempo libre, eso no es del todo cierto, porque yo no me tomo tiempo libre, estuve trabajando en un álbum clásico. En realidad estaba terminando mis grabaciones de guitarra. Wolf continua: "Estoy en los últimos días de la mezcla del álbum, así que espero que a principios del próximo año pueda salir. Estoy muy emocionada por ello, creo que va a ser muy bueno".


The legendary German metaller and ACCEPT‘s guitar player, Wolf Hoffmann has been busy working on a new solo album during ACCEPT‘s touring break. He has recently had a chat with our Alison Booth and updated us: “When we took some time off, that’s not completely true, because I didn’t take the time off, I was working on the classical album. I was actually finishing all my guitar tracks.” Wolf continues “I’m still in the last days of mixing this album and so hopefully early next year it can come out. I’m very excited about it, I think it’s going to be very cool.“ ... ompletion/


 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mié Mar 02, 2016 3:05 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Habrá que esperar a 2017 para un nuevo disco de ACCEPT

Wolf Hoffmann declaró en una entrevista a Metal Rules, que el nuevo disco de Accept será lanzado en 2017, pero no concreta una fecha por si el proceso de composición del mismo se alargase en el tiempo.

Do you have songs written for the new album or are you going into the studio to start writing?

It has always been the same formula for years where Peter and I jam on ideas, add some scratch vocals then combine it with other elements of songs. We let it sit and simmer for a little while come back to it. It’s a piece meal process that takes shape over a course of many weeks. Very seldom do we write a song after just one go at it. It’s always about coming back to it and going over it again and again. Once we have a demo that’s worth listening too and an idea of what the songs is about, we give it to Mark Tornillo to write the lyrics and put his spin on it. It’s meant to be released in 2017. It’s always hard to plan these things, we made a mistake a few years back and committed to a date as the tour was booked and then had to scramble to finish the album. It wasn’t fun and we don’t want to do it again. We just want to work hard until we feel it’s ready. ... sweet-gig/


 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Sab Abr 23, 2016 1:47 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
WOLF HOFFMANN: nuevo disco "Headbangers Symphony"

Wolf Hoffmann, lanzará su segundo álbum en solitario, titulado "Headbangers Symphony", el 1 de julio a través de Nuclear Blast. Al igual que su primer álbum "Classical", es un trabajo instrumental, en el que interpreta temas de compositores clásicos.


01. Scherzo (L. v. Beethoven)
02. Night On Bald Mountain (M. Mussorgsky)
03. Je Crois Entendre Encore (G. Bizet)
04. Double Cello Concerto In G Minor (A. Vivaldi)
05. Adagio (T. Albinoni)
06. Symphony No. 40 (W. A. Mozart )
07. Swan Lake (P. Tchaikovsky)
08. Madame Butterfly (G. Puccini)
09. Pathétique (L. v. Beethoven)
10. Meditation (J. Massenet)
11. Air On The G String (J. S. Bach)


ACCEPT’s Guitar Powerhouse WOLF HOFFMANN, inspiration and role model for generations of new guitar players – his classical handwriting carved a different niche for ACCEPT since the early music labeling of something called HEAVY METAL – is getting ready to release his 2nd solo album entitled »Headbangers Symphony«, completely dedicated to the grand Classic Maestros, on July 1st, 2016 – of course – by Nuclear Blast, the strongest label for SYMPHONIC ROCK MUSIC.

Wolf Hoffmann has a passion. His life-long love and dedication to heavy metal music is documented in dozens of albums spanning four decades with his long time heavy metal band ACCEPT. But beyond heavy metal, Wolf has an incessant craving for the classics, yes, the ones written decades and centuries ago.

Classical music has always been an influence – albeit limited – on ACCEPT‘s Teutonic approach to rock and heavy metal. However, it wasn’t until 1997 during a extended hiatus from ACCEPT, thatWolf Hoffmann finally had the chance to fully explore and fulfill this interest by recording his first astounding solo album »Classical«, a record filled with his rock guitar driven interpretations of some of classical music’s most loved compositions.

“I have always incorporated classical music in my songwriting with ACCEPT, especially with »Metal Heart«, but I constantly felt there was so much more that I could do and I did not want to overload ACCEPT or force it in any way. I always knew I could make a whole record of it and that’s how the first record »Classical« was born. Even today, fans tell me that they are still listening to it, that’s why it is so fantastic now to do another one.”

»Headbangers Symphony« is truly a bold statement by a genuine musician who simply refused to rest on his laurels and continues to push and challenge himself.

“I am just so excited about »Headbangers Symphony«. It has taken a long, long time but here we are, it’s done, finally!” Wolf is just bursting with vigor as he talks about his latest labor of love. But why now? “It’s truly coincidental, after we completed the last ACCEPT tour, I finally had the time to finish it. I started this a few years ago. The early recordings have been sitting in my archives in my home studio for years, almost completed. The reality was that with the continued success of ACCEPT, I was only able to work on it when ACCEPT was not recording or touring.”

The prevalent early challenge was to pick the most suitable compositions. This was an exploratory process that only increased Wolf‘s adoration for the classics. “I always listen to classical music, it’s always playing throughout my house. I have a huge collection of classics and as I listen – often at random, I take notes if something truly strikes me. When I notice that this or that could work in a translation to rock or heavy metal, I remember it and I pursue it! This has been going on for a long time!”

There are several reasons for the necessary experimentations that faced Wolf. Most classical compositions were written to be performed by a full orchestra. The fluid timing, those multiple, complex layers and sections that stretched out for lengthy periods, classical music was simply never designed to be played to the rigid beat so prevalent in rock ‘n’ roll.

»Headbangers Symphony« showcases an overabundance of highly skilled improvisations. Wolf took the main pieces, and then wrote riffs that fit them. Lastly, in the grand hard rock tradition, he layered a guitar solo over it. He shaped the sound into a quite adventurous elegance, but the key themes of the originals remained.

The first volume had a focus on the better known pieces; the second – »Headbangers Symphony« – takes a similar approach. “In general, it does follow the same path,” admits Wolf, “but this time I did try to add a couple lesser known compositions. Mostly though, listeners will say, hey, I know that melody… so it’s pretty much the same path as the »Classical« record. It was my desire to record melodies I like and melodies people recognise.”

Now that the album is done, Wolf is proud looking back and is pleased with this true labour of love; something he has wanted to do since the first record »Classical« came out almost 20 years ago. While ACCEPT‘s Peter Baltes added several impressive bass lines, and other notable guest musicians made an appearance as well, the bulk of the work was completed by himself and Italian musician and arranger Melo Mafali.

“There are two major categories,” Wolf elaborates. “First the heavier stuff like Beethoven, the bombastic, full force epics on which you can simply shred along. Of course then there are the ballads, slower compositions that bring out the deeper feelings in each listener.”

The highlights on »Headbangers Symphony« are plentiful and easy to pin point. The album kicks off with ‘Scherzo’ from the well-known ‘9th Symphony’ by Ludwig v. Beethoven. Many listeners might recognise the opening riff from the ACCEPT song ‘Teutonic Terror’. “Back in 2009,” Wolf explains, “when we started working on the songs for the »Blood Of The Nations« album, I played the classical demos to our producer Andy Sneap. He liked that riff a lot and insisted on using it for the album. So we wrote ‘Teutonic Terror’ using this “borrowed” riff.”

Other highlights follow in rapid succession: ‘Night On Bald Mountain’ by Russian composerModest Petrovich Mussorgsky is a very dramatic dark song on the theme of a witches’ Sabbath, a perfect fit for Wolf‘s “metal treatment”. ‘Symphony No. 40’ by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart will be immediately recognisable. “It’s a little more up-tempo, pretty happy, typical for Mozart. Not mean and heavy as most of the other stuff,” Wolf points out. Additional highpoints include Wolf‘s interpretations of such masterworks as Tchaikovsky’s ‘Swan Lake’, ‘Pathétique’also from Ludwig v. Beethoven, ‘Méditation’ from the opera »Thais« by French composerJules Massenet, and of course the aforementioned ‘Madame Butterfly’.

All in all, the eleven compositions on »Headbangers Symphony« paint the perfect portrait ofWolf‘s life-long passion for the classics and his adoration for heavy metal. “I worked so much and so long on this until I felt it was ready. Now it is and I am thrilled and proud. This is my baby, my labor of love, ready for me to set it free.” ... -july-1st/


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