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 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Sab Oct 06, 2018 12:39 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
ACCEPT: video adelanto de "Symphonic Terror - Live at Wacken 2017"

"Balls To The Wall"


 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Sab Oct 20, 2018 2:00 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
ACCEPT: nuevo video adelanto de "Symphonic Terror - Live at Wacken 2017"

"Symphony No. 40"


 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT comienzan a trabajar en el nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie Nov 02, 2018 6:27 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
ACCEPT: nuevo video adelanto de "Symphonic Terror - Live at Wacken 2017"

"Breaker "


 Asunto: Re: ACCEPT Concierto Online
NotaPublicado: Mié Nov 28, 2018 4:53 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
Peter Baltes (bajo) deja ACCEPT

El bajista y fundador de Accept, Peter Baltes, anunció su salida de la banda con el siguiente comunicado:

"A todos los fans de Accept:

Por la presente, anuncio mi salida como bajista de Accept.

He estado con la banda desde el principio. Muchos de vosotros también estuvisteis ahí.

Me gustaría agradeceros a todos los buenos años que compartimos juntos.

Keep it Metal.


Breve comunicado de la banda:

¡Todos tenemos el corazón roto! Peter necesitaba un cambio en su vida y le deseamos todo lo mejor. Siempre formará parte de la Familia Accept, y para honrar su contribución a la historia de la música, todos debemos desearle lo mejor. Gaby, Wolf, Mark, Uwe y Christopher ...Accept Will Keep It Metal

Comunicado de Wolf:

Estuvimos cuatro décadas juntos y pasamos por buenos y malos momentos, recuerdo algunos increíbles en el escenario. Hubo confianza ciega entre nosotros, personal y musicalmente, ¡Eso es muy raro en este negocio!

Mirando hacia atrás, siempre apreciaré los despreocupados primeros años, las innumerables horas que pasamos escribiendo canciones, haciendo tonterías o recorriendo juntos las ciudades de la gira, ¡Simplemente pasándolo bien!

Especialmente en los últimos 10 años, después de que la reactivación de Accept fuera tan divertida y exitosa, pensé que continuaríamos para siempre y navegaríamos hacia la proverbial puesta de sol juntos, tal vez hasta que uno de nosotros cayera muerto en el escenario. Pero supongo que estaba equivocado, no era nuestro destino.

Ver a Peter ahora irse de Accept me entristece enormemente, pero no puedo hacer nada más que desearle lo mejor, esperando que esta sea la decisión correcta para él y que encuentre lo que está buscando...

¡Ciertamente voy a extrañar a mi hermano musical!

Una cosa es cierta, sin embargo:

¡Accept continuará adelante a toda maquina!



El batería Christopher Williams comentó:

"Quiero desearle a Peter nada más que lo mejor para el futuro". Peter simplemente necesitaba un cambio en su vida personal. Ha sido una explosión absoluta compartir el escenario con él durante los últimos cuatro años. Es uno de los bajistas de rock and roll más sólidos con los que he tenido el placer de trabajar, y he trabajado con muchos. Una cosa es cierta: ¡Extrañaré a mi amigo! Gracias Peter por los grandes recuerdos y la gran música. ¡Aclamaciones!

Para los fans: estoy seguro de que este es un momento impactante para muchos de vosotros. Como fan de muchas bandas, entiendo que transiciones como estas nunca son fáciles, especialmente con el legado que alguien como Peter tiene con su banda. De un fan a otro, gracias a todos por vuestro continuo apoyo.

¡Amor y mis mejores deseos para todos! Accept y el "Corazón de Metal" seguirá latiendo ".

To all Accept fans:
I hereby like to announce my departure as Bassplayer from ACCEPT.
I have been with the band from the very beginning. Many of you have been there as well.
I like to thank you all for the great years we shared together.
Keep it Metal.
Peter ... 24?__xts__

We are all heart broken ! Peter needed a change in his life and we wish him all the best. He will always be part of the ACCEPT Family and to honor his tribute to music history, we should all wish him well. Gaby, Wolf,Mark, Uwe & Christopher deed ACCEPT WILL KEEP IT METAL ! ... 24?__xts__

We spent four decades together and went through thick and thin, ups and downs and I remember some incredible moments on stage. There was a blind understanding between us, personally and musically, that is very rare in this business!

Looking back, I will forever cherish the carefree early years, the countless hours we spent writing songs, goofing around or roaming the cities together on tour - just having a good ol’time!

Especially these last 10 years, after the revival of ACCEPT being so much fun and so successful that I thought we would continue forever and sail into the proverbial sunset together - maybe until one of us would drop dead on stage. But I guess I was wrong, it wasn’t meant to be.

To see Peter leave ACCEPT now saddens me immensely but there’s nothing I can do but to wish him well - hoping that this is the right decision for him and that he will find whatever he is looking for ...

I will certainly miss my musical brother!

One thing is certain, however :

ACCEPT will continue full steam ahead !!

Wolf ... 24?__xts__

2018-11-28 - ACCEPT's founding bassist Peter Baltes has announced his exit from the band. He said in a statement: "To all ACCEPT fans: I hereby announce my departure as bass player from ACCEPT. I have been with the band from the very beginning. Many of you were there as well. I‘d like to thank you all for the great years we shared together. Keep it metal.“

ACCEPT's founding guitarist Wolf Hoffmann commented: „We spent four decades together through thick and thin, ups and downs and I remember some incredible moments on stage. There was a blind understanding between us, personally and musically, which is very rare in this business! Looking back, I will forever cherish the carefree early years, the countless hours we spent writing songs, goofing around or roaming cities together on tour - just having a good ol’ time! Especially these last 10 years, after the revival of ACCEPT being so much fun and so successful that I thought we would continue forever and sail into the proverbial sunset together - maybe until one of us would drop dead on stage. But I guess I was wrong, it wasn’t meant to be. To see Peter leave ACCEPT now saddens me immensely but there’s nothing I can do but to wish him well - hoping that this is the right decision for him and that he will find whatever he is looking for… I will certainly miss my musical brother! One thing is certain, however: ACCEPT will continue full steam ahead!”

Drummer Christopher Williams says: „I want to wish Peter nothing but the best in his future endeavors. Peter simply needed a change in his personal life. It has been an absolute blast sharing the stage with him over the last four years. He is one of the most solid rock and roll bass players I've had the pleasure of working with, and I've worked with many. One thing is for certain: I will miss my friend! Thank you Peter for the great memories and the great music. Cheers!

To the fans: I'm sure this is a shocking moment for many of you. As a diehard fan of many bands myself, I understand that transitions like these are never easy, especially with the legacy someone like Peter has with their band. From one fan to another, thank you all for your continued support.
Love and best wishes to all of you! ACCEPT and the Metal Heart will continue beating.”

The group added in a separate statement: "We are all heartbroken! Peter needed a change in his life and we wish him all the best. He will always be part of the ACCEPT family and to honour his tribute to music history, we should all wish him well. Gaby, Wolf, Mark, Uwe & Christopher…indeed ACCEPT WILL KEEP IT METAL!”

Last friday, ACCEPT released their new live masterpiece »Symphonic Terror – Live At Wacken 2017«. „We are so glad we recorded this unique show - this very special concert at Wacken will always stay in our memories“, states ACCEPT guitarist and mastermind Wolf Hoffmann. And because what started as a premiere at Wacken caused a sensation and gained recognition worldwide, the »Symphonic Terror« will hit cities live in april 2019. The band have already revealed the first tour dates for Germany. ... rture.html


 Asunto: Re: Vuelve ACCEPT
NotaPublicado: Mié Nov 28, 2018 5:42 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
Que raro otra banda de Nuclear Blast que se divide y van... ¿Todas la que tienen?

Supongo que muchos buscaran el salseo y las discusiones entre componentes de la banda, yo creo más bien que mucha gente no esta dispuesta a seguir el ritmo de trabajo que marca la factoría alemana.


 Asunto: Re: Vuelve ACCEPT
NotaPublicado: Mié Nov 28, 2018 9:02 pm 
The Sentinel
The Sentinel
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Registrado: Sab Jun 21, 2008 8:21 am
Mensajes: 4907
Eso y unido a la edad de Peter Baltes, son 60 tacos y este hombre no ha parado.


 Asunto: Re: Vuelve ACCEPT
NotaPublicado: Jue Nov 29, 2018 3:00 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
Maldo escribió:
Eso y unido a la edad de Peter Baltes, son 60 tacos y este hombre no ha parado.

Desde que han vuelto en 2010 han lazado 4 discos de estudio y dos en directo, con sus correspondientes giras, claro que no han parado, y tenían planes de grabar otro a principios del año creo :roll:


 Asunto: Re: Vuelve ACCEPT
NotaPublicado: Jue Nov 29, 2018 8:07 pm 
Metal Heart
Metal Heart

Registrado: Mar Jun 16, 2009 6:38 pm
Mensajes: 974
Una Autentica" tragedia griega, impensable para mi ver ACCEPT sin Peter, los sigo desde el mismisimo Restless and Wild, y por supuesto a Peter. lo echaré mucho muchisimo de menos, junto a Wolf eran la esencia misma del Metal.

 Asunto: Re: Vuelve ACCEPT
NotaPublicado: Jue Nov 29, 2018 9:27 pm 
The Sentinel
The Sentinel
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Registrado: Sab Jun 21, 2008 8:21 am
Mensajes: 4907
jodete escribió:
Una Autentica" tragedia griega, impensable para mi ver ACCEPT sin Peter, los sigo desde el mismisimo Restless and Wild, y por supuesto a Peter. lo echaré mucho muchisimo de menos, junto a Wolf eran la esencia misma del Metal.

Es como ver a Judas sin K.K. ni Glenn.
Los que empezamos a tener una edad nos tenemos que ir acostumbrando, esto no podía durar mucho más.


 Asunto: Re: Vuelve ACCEPT
NotaPublicado: Mié Abr 17, 2019 2:49 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
ACCEPT presenta "nuevos componentes" para su gira

Accept ha anunciado la incorporación de Martin Motnik en el bajo y Ava-Rebekah Rahman en el violín, mientras la banda se prepara para el comienzo de la gira "Symphonic Terror" el 20 de abril en Wuppertal, Alemania.



:roll: Princesa Bengali

ACCEPT News: April 16, 2019 Page | 1ACCEPTINTRODUCE NEW BASS PLAYER AND A BENGALI PRINCESS ON VIOLIN FOR THE UPCOMING SYMPHONIC TERROR TOURMartin MotnikAva-Rebekah Rahman April 16, 2019 - German heavy metal powerhouse, ACCEPT, today announced the addition of Martin Motnik on bass and Ava-Rebekah Rahman on violin as the band prepares to launch the Symphonic Terror Tour on April 20th in Wuppertal, Germany.Born in Ludwigshafen, Germany, Motnik has been playing music since he was seven years old and has been a member of several bands both in Germany and the United States. He was asked by Uli Jon Roth to join him for his 2008 U.S. tour and again in 2009 and 2012. In addition to his musical talent, Motnik also has a Master’s Degree in Business from the University of Mannheim.Read More About Martin Here“We were overwhelmed and honored by the musicians who auditioned for the open position. The level of talent we saw was unprecedented, and we believe Martin Motnik is a perfect fit as he’ll be joining us for the Symphonic Terror Tour and upcoming ACCEPT shows,” said Wolf Hoffmann, founding member of the band.

ACCEPT News: April 16, 2019 Page | 2Also joining the Symphonic Terror Tour is Ava-Rebekah Rahman, a descendant of Bengali Royalty and a highly esteemed violinist . Born and raised in England, Rahman is a renowned solo violinist, poet and music educator. She made her solo concert debut at the age of ten at the National Orchestra and has had an illustrious career ever since, having played internationally with the BBC Symphony Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Prague Philharmonic and many more.Read More About Ava Here“For the orchestra shows, we decided to pair an electric guitar with a violin, making for an interesting duet, and Ava-Rebekah Rahman takes it to a whole other level. The show is still very METAL, but with a classical touch,” said Hoffmann.For tickets and more information, go to◊ 20-Apr-19 Stadthalle Wuppertal Wuppertal, Germany◊ 21-Apr-19 Haus Auensee Leipzig, Germany◊ 22-Apr-19 Mehr! Theater am Großmarkt Hamburg, Germany◊ 23-Apr-19 Stadthalle Fürth, Germany◊ 25-Apr-19 National Palace of Arts “Ukraina” Kiev, Ukraine ◊ 27-Apr-19 DK Lensoveta St. Petersburg, Russian Federation◊ 28-Apr-19 Crocus City Hall Moscow, Russian Federation◊ 18-May-19 Ancient Theatre Plovdiv, Bulgaria◊ 19-May-19 Ancient Theatre Plovdiv, Bulgaria◊ 25-May-19 Congresshalle, Saarbrücken, Germany◊ 27-May-19 Circus Krone Munich, Germany ... l-2019.pdf


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