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 Asunto: Re: CRADLE OF FILTH: nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Sab Jul 31, 2021 3:27 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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CRADLE OF FILTH anuncian su nuevo disco "Existence Is Futile"

El nuevo disco de Cradle Of Filth fue grabado durante los períodos de confinamiento de 2020 en los estudios “Grindstone”, en Suffolk con Scott Atkins (Devilment / Benediction / Vader). "Existence Is Futile" saldará a la venta el 22 de octubre de 2021.


01. The Fate Of The World On Our Shoulders
02. Existential Terror
03. Necromantic Fantasies
04. Crawling King Chaos
05. Here Comes A Candle... (Infernal Lullaby)
06. Black Smoke Curling From The Lips Of War
07. Discourse Between A Man And His Soul
08. The Dying Of The Embers
09. Ashen Mortality
10. How Many Tears To Nurture A Rose?
11. Suffer Our Dominion
12. Us, Dark, Invincible
13. Sisters Of The Mist
14. Unleash The Hellion


CRADLE OF FILTH - start pre-order for new album "Existence Is Futile", unveil first single and hellish music video for 'Crawling King Chaos'!
CRADLE OF FILTH - start pre-order for album! - 2021-07-30

2021-07-30 - Belched from Hell’s depths into the rustic charms of the Witch County, Suffolk, thirty long and disturbing years ago, CRADLE OF FILTH are undisputed giants of the Heavy Metal realm. Imperious purveyors of a perennially unique strain of dark, dastardly and wilfully extreme metal, with deep roots in the worlds of gothic horror and occult curiosity, the band led by Dani Filth has weathered three decades of tumult and trial, earning a formidable reputation as both a singular creative force and one of the most riotously entertaining live bands the metal world has ever produced.

Now the gates of hell have finally opened up again, to reveal the band's 13th manifesto, recorded during the lockdown periods of 2020 and entitled »Existence Is Futile«. Pieced together in isolation, at Grindstone Studios in Suffolk with studio guru Scott Atkins (Devilment/Benediction/Vader), the band's latest chef-d'oeuvre is a pitch-black, perverse and at times absurdly brutal and extreme masterpiece following a truly nihilistic concept:

"The album is about existentialism, existential dread and fear of the unknown," frontman Dani Filth explains. "The concept wasn’t created by the pandemic. We’d written it long before that began, but the pandemic is the tip of the cotton-bud as far as the way the world is headed, you know? I guess the title, »Existence Is Futile«, does sound a little morbid. But again, it’s more about recognising that truth and saying that everything is permitted because nothing really matters, which mimics the occultist Aleister Crowley’s maxim. We all know we’re going to die, so we might as well indulge life while we possess it. The final track on the album – 'Us, Dark, Invincible' – really drives that point home. Also, the artwork for this record was created by the Latvian visionary Arthur Berzinsh, who also dressed the last two albums, and that reeks of the exceedingly beautiful yet apocalyptic too." ... album.html ... 700#page-1


 Asunto: Re: CRADLE OF FILTH: nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Jue May 05, 2022 2:19 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Cambios en la formación de CRADLE OF FILTH

Con la más grande de las tristezas Cradle Of Filth anuncia la salida del guitarrista Richard Shaw y la teclista Anabelle Iratni de las filas de la banda.⁣

Debido a otros compromisos, Richard pasa su prestigiosa batuta al recién llegado Donny Burbage, quien cumplirá con las funciones de guitarra durante la próxima gira por los Estados Unidos con Danzig, junto con Ashok y el bajista Daniel Firth. ⁣

También nos despedimos de Anabelle y le agradecemos su increíble contribución en “Existence Is Futile”, siendo su sucesora la talentosísima cantante y teclista Zoe Marie Federoff. ⁣

Al igual que con Rich, la banda desea que Anabelle siga teniendo éxito en todos sus proyectos futuros.⁣


It is with the gravest of sadness that Cradle Of Filth announce the departure of guitarist Richard Shaw and Keyboardist Anabelle Iratni from the band’s ranks.⁣

Due to other commitments Richard is passing his prestigious baton to newcomer Donny Burbage, who will be fulfilling guitar duties throughout the forthcoming US tour with Danzig, alongside Ashok and bassist Daniel Firth. ⁣

We also say farewell to Anabelle and thank her for her awesome contribution on ‘Existence Is Futile’, her successor being the very talented singer/keyboardist Zoe Marie Federoff. ⁣

As with Rich, the band wish Anabelle continued success in all her future endeavours.⁣

Dani Filth had this to say on the recent departures….⁣ ... Hl?__cft__


 Asunto: Re: CRADLE OF FILTH: nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mié Ago 24, 2022 1:55 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Fallece Stuart Anstis, exguitarrista de CRADLE OF FILTH

Stuart Anstis murió el 21 de agosto a la edad de 48 años, fue miembro de Cradle Of Filth de 1995 a 1999, escribiendo y grabando los álbumes de la banda "Dusk And Her Embrace" (1996) y "Cruelty And The Beast" (1998), así como los EP "V Empire" ( 1996) y " From The Cradle To Enslave" (1999).


El líder de Cradle Of Filth, Dani Filth, rindió homenaje al ex guitarrista de la banda en sus redes sociales:

"Con el corazón profundamente entristecido me enteré del fallecimiento de mi exguitarrista Stuart Anstis a los 48 años.

Stuart - a pesar de nuestras eventuales diferencias - fue un guitarrista increíblemente talentoso que aportó un verdadero sentido mágico a todo lo que escribió en Cradle Of Filth.

Durante mucho tiempo, él y yo fuimos los mejores amigos que vivían en un pequeño pueblo aquí en Suffolk y a pesar de que esa relación eventualmente cambió, no hizo nada para disminuir el aprecio de los fans por su estilo creativo y talento hasta el día de hoy.

Realmente es con una gran sensación de pérdida para nosotros (y para la música extrema en general) con la que nos despedimos de Stuart.

Que vuelos sombríos de cuervos te lleven volando a tu tumba compañero.

Rest In Phallustein".

La muerte de Stuart fue confirmada por su esposa Antoinette, quien compartió el siguiente mensaje en la página de Facebook del músico:

"Stuart Anstis 05/02/1974 - 08/21/2022. Descansa en paz, eras demasiado hermoso para este mundo, mi amor. Nada volverá a ser lo mismo, te amo siempre y para siempre, tu Antoinette. Hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar..."

El exguitarrista de Cradle Of Filth, Richard Shaw, también rindió homenaje a Anstis y escribió: "Descansa en paz, Stuart. Fue un honor interpretar tu música. Mis pensamientos están con sus amigos y familiares en este momento difícil".

Otro exguitarrista de Cradle Of Filth, James McIlroy, quien estuvo con la banda desde 2003 hasta 2005, recurrió a sus redes sociales para escribir: "Me entristece saber del fallecimiento de Stuart Anstis. Aunque nunca lo conocí, siempre admiré profundamente lo que escribió durante mi tiempo en Cradle. Me encantaba tocar los riffs que grabó. La mayoría de las canciones que realmente esperaba tocar en las muchas listas de canciones a lo largo de los años tenían su ADN, e incluso antes de eso, los álbumes y EP que amaba". ... 9296154016 ... art-anstis


 Asunto: Re: CRADLE OF FILTH: nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Jue Mar 02, 2023 5:20 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68674
Disco en directo de CRADLE OF FILTH

Cradle Of Filth anuncian que su nuevo disco en directo, "Trouble And Their Double Lives", se lanzará el 28 de abril de 2023 a través de Napalm Records,

Fue grabado entre 2014 y 2019 en diferentes conciertos en los EE. UU., Europa y Australia durante el "Cryptoriana World Tour" y fechas posteriores.

El trabajo fue mezclado y masterizado por Scott Atkins en Grindstone Studios en Suffolk, Inglaterra, con grabación capturada por Danny B.


01. She Is A Fire (new studio track)
02. Heaven Torn Asunder
03. Blackest Magick In Practice
04. Honey And Sulphur
05. Nymphetamine (Fix)
06. Born In A Burial Gown
07. Desire In Violent Overture
08. Bathory Aria
09. The Death Of Love (bonus track)
10. Demon Prince Regent (new studio track)
11. Heartbreak And Seance
12. Right Wing Of The Garden Triptych
13. The Promise Of Fever
14. Haunted Shores
15. Gilded Cunt
16. Saffron's Curse
17. Lustmord And Wargasm (The Lick Of Carnivorous Winds)
18. You Will Know The Lion By His Claw (bonus track)


"Trouble And Their Double Lives" drops April 28, 2023 via Napalm Records, featuring classics, fan favourites and two brand new studio tracks! Pre-order here:
Recorded between 2014 and 2019 at different performances in the USA, Europe, Australia and beyond during our “Cryptoriana World Tour” and dates following, the album serves as a time-capsule of blisteringly intense live energy, and an astounding testament to Cradle of Filth’s renowned latest era.
Produced, mixed and mastered by Scott Atkins at Grindstone Studios in Suffolk, England with recording captured by Danny B, the brand new live onslaught not only features a slew of fan favourites encompassing the band’s electrifying discography - such as “Nymphetamine (Fix)”, “Bathory Aria” and “Blackest Magick in Practice” - but also two bonus tracks and two entirely brand new songs, “She is a Fire” and “Demon Prince Regent”.
Listen to the brand new, spine-tingling studio track, “She is a Fire”, and watch its new accompanying music video today!
And don’t forget we are just a week away from embarking on the first leg of our co-headliner “Double Trouble Live” tour with groove metal pioneers DevilDriver! Support acts on the tour are Black Satellite and ONI. ... 295384054/


 Asunto: Re: CRADLE OF FILTH: nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Jue Ene 23, 2025 5:20 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68674
CRADLE OF FILTH anuncian su nuevo álbum "The Screaming Of The Valkyries"

Cradle Of Filth lanzará su decimocuarto álbum de estudio, "The Screaming Of The Valkyries", el 21 de marzo de 2025 a través de Napalm Records.


01. To Live Deliciously
02. Demagoguery
03. The Trinity Of Shadows
04. Non Omnis Moriar
05. White Hellebore
06. You Are My Nautilus
07. Malignant Perfection
08. Ex Sanguine Draculae
09. When Misery Was A Stranger


Dani Filth - Voz
Marek "Ashok" Smerda - Guitarras
Martin "Marthus" Skaroupka - Batería
Daniel Firth - Bajo
Donny Burbage - Guitarras
Zoe Federoff - Voz, teclados

GRAMMY Award-nominated extreme metal institution CRADLE OF FILTH is thrilled to unveil their upcoming 14th studio album, The Screaming Of The Valkyries, out March 21, 2025 via Napalm Records. Available for pre-order now, the album excels as a succinct summation of the ghosts of Cradle’s past, while taking bold new steps into the future.
CRADLE OF FILTH reigns supreme as one of the most revered, formative and notorious names in music – from the depths of the extreme metal underground to the peaks of mainstream pop culture itself, and are responsible for breaking ground for many of today’s top metal artists with their trademark mixture of blackened heaviness, macabre theatricality and scintillating gothic style. Now, following the release of 2021’s Existence Is Futile (#20 Billboard 200 with Hard Rock Genre), iconic frontman Dani Filth & Co. emerge again with a legacy-cementing opus.
Entrance yourself with a brand new CRADLE OF FILTH anthem for a new era – "To Live Deliciously" – out today. The track hits with rhythmic, menacing urgency built around a Libertine lyrical hook that twists and writhes with aggression, atmosphere and melody.
CRADLE OF FILTH master of ceremonies Dani Filth says about the new track:
"The song is about the celebration of life. Of indulging in everything unfettered from the conformities of religion, fashion or state. Free from guilt or constraint. As nature intended.
It could be read as a hedonistic life code. And a positive one if not done at the expense or the suffering of others.
To delight in simply’ being’. Being alive and free in the here and now." ... 8523087350


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