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 Asunto: Re: Vuelve ACCEPT
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 12, 2024 4:44 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262

El guitarrista Joel Hoekstra actuará con ACCEPT en los festivales europeos y la gira sudamericana de 2024

Anuncio de la banda en las redes sociales:

Joel Hoekstra reemplazará a Phil Shouse, que continuará en la banda como su guitarrista permanente en directo para los demás conciertos.

Joel Hoekstra, residente en Nueva York, es conocido por los fans como miembro actual de la legendaria banda Whitesnake y es parte de la destacada Trans Siberian Orchestra.

También ha tocado con Cher, Night Ranger y Foreigner, por nombrar sólo algunas de sus numerosas colaboraciones.

Wolf Hoffmann: “Es un gran honor para nosotros estar en el escenario con Joel Hoekstra. Joel es un guitarrista excepcional y le tengo un gran respeto. Toda la banda tiene muchas ganas de tocar con este mago de las cuerdas”.

Joel Hoekstra: “¡Me siento muy honrado y emocionado de tocar y rockear con Wolf y los chicos! ¡Tengo muchas ganas de conocer a todos los fans de Accept en Sudamérica y Europa! ¡¡Vamos a rockear!!


ACCEPT will perform at all European festivals in 2024 and the South American tour in May with Joel Hoekstra.
Joel Hoekstra will be standing in for Phil Shouse, who will remain with the band as their permanent live guitarist for all other gigs.
New York based Joel Hoekstra is best known to fans as a current member of the legendary band Whitesnake and is part of the outstanding Trans Siberian Orchestra.
He has also played with Cher, Night Ranger and Foreigner to name just a few of his numerous collaborations.
Wolf Hoffmann: “It is a great honour for us to be on stage with Joel Hoekstra. Joel is an exceptional guitarist and I have huge respect for him. The whole band is really looking forward to playing with this string magician.”
Joel Hoekstra: “I’m super honored and excited to riff out and rock out with Wolf and the guys! I’m really looking forward to meeting all the Accept fans in South America and Europe! Let’s rock!! ... vUVroym99l


 Asunto: Re: Vuelve ACCEPT
NotaPublicado: Mié Feb 07, 2024 4:27 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
ACCEPT anuncian nuevo disco

Accept lanzarán su nuevo álbum, "Humanoid", el 26 de abril de 2024 a través de Napalm Records. El primer single y su videoclip se presentarán el 28 de febrero. El nuevo disco fue una vez más producido, grabado, mezclado y masterizado por Andy Sneap.



Wolf Hoffmann - guitarra
Mark Tornillo - voz
Uwe Lulis - guitarra
Martín Motnik - bajo
Christopher Williams - batería

Legendary heavy metal titans ACCEPT announce their new album, entitled Humanoid, to be released on April 26, 2024, with the first single and video to be released on February 28! The upcoming masterpiece was once again produced, recorded, mixed and mastered by critically acclaimed heavy metal producer Andy Sneap. Starting today, fans can immerse themselves in the upcoming album on a newly launched interactive website, where they can reprogram the robot that is featured on the album cover, and discover different parts of the album in the process. Pre-save Humanoid now to gain access to the website!
Together with the album announcement, ACCEPT has also revealed a massive European headline tour with more than 20 shows across the continent for autumn 2024! This summer, ACCEPT will also return to some of the world’s most important rock and metal festivals, like Wacken Open Air, Hellfest and more, following their South American spring tour.
Wolf Hoffmann on Humanoid:
“I am extremely pleased with Humanoid. The album has great energy throughout! Working with the best metal producer, Andy Sneap, was once again a lot of fun! We are a great team. We all love the new album and look forward to playing it live! Hope our fans will like it as much as we do.” ... ujtZn6e84l

Heavy Metal Titans ACCEPT announcement!!
Our New Album “HUMANOID” is to be released on
April 26th 2024 with the first Single and Video unleashed on Feb 28th.
This upcoming 17th Studio Album has been produced by highly acclaimed heavy metal producer Andy Sneap and is already hailed by critics as a masterpiece.
Starting today, Metal fans across the globe can immerse themselves in the upcoming album on an interactive website, where they can reprogram the robot that is featured on the album cover, and discover different parts of the new record in the process.
To celebrate this Album we are also announcing a massive European headline tour with over 20 shows across the continent for autumn 2024 with more dates to be added!
We will also be storming the stages of some of the world’s most iconic rock and metal festivals, including Wacken Open Air and Hellfest, this summer!
Please Secure your tickets and mark your calendars because this is a tour you absolutely cannot miss!
Welcome to ACCEPT’s “Humanoid” Era!!
Pre-save “Humanoid” now to gain exclusive access to the interactive website and be among the first to experience this monumental release! ... JDgiUAWUfl


 Asunto: Re: Vuelve ACCEPT
NotaPublicado: Jue Abr 25, 2024 3:05 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
ACCEPT publica su nuevo tema "Frankenstein"


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